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Old 06-02-2013, 07:31 AM   #11
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Affliction (Negated Advantage, Unkillable X; Permanent) + murder him in the face?
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Old 06-02-2013, 02:54 PM   #12
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

I may be wrong, but I think any thing that invokes the duration "permanent" will be rejected.
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Old 06-02-2013, 05:27 PM   #13
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
I may be wrong, but I think any thing that invokes the duration "permanent" will be rejected.
That is up to the GM.
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Old 06-02-2013, 05:55 PM   #14
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by Tori1332 View Post
My DM mentioned that further on the campaign there would be an immortal enemy, he wasn't very specific but when asked he said that "it would have infinite HP".
GURPs doesn't have infinite HP.

If the GM is saying he will have infinite HP, what he has essentially said is "I do not care about balance or the rules, you are not killing this guy2 as the guy would need infinite points to build, and if he is giving him infinite HP, it sounds like he will give him what ever else he needs.

"Oh, you drowned him...yea, he has doesn't breathe. Shot him into space? Pressure tolerance. Trapped him in a concrete box at the bottom of the sea? Yeah he has Warp"

It sounds a REALLY bad way to do things (as an unkillable enemy is just not fun. If he is not meant to be fought, be a bit more subtle about it)

It may be time to have a chat with your GM regarding statting appropriate things. Something about the notion of infinite HP grates against me and seems like if the GM is going to GM by fiat, he will GM by fiat and looking for a way around it with the rules is not going to work.
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Old 06-02-2013, 06:01 PM   #15
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

obviously you need td to imprisom him in a dimensional bubble with no mana

then create complex rituals and seal part of the being separately in your souls acquiring power and immortality yourselves!
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Old 06-02-2013, 06:17 PM   #16
Ragabash Moon
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by Aneirin View Post
GURPs doesn't have infinite HP.

If the GM is saying he will have infinite HP, what he has essentially said is "I do not care about balance or the rules, you are not killing this guy2 as the guy would need infinite points to build, and if he is giving him infinite HP, it sounds like he will give him what ever else he needs.

"Oh, you drowned him...yea, he has doesn't breathe. Shot him into space? Pressure tolerance. Trapped him in a concrete box at the bottom of the sea? Yeah he has Warp"

It sounds a REALLY bad way to do things (as an unkillable enemy is just not fun. If he is not meant to be fought, be a bit more subtle about it)

It may be time to have a chat with your GM regarding statting appropriate things. Something about the notion of infinite HP grates against me and seems like if the GM is going to GM by fiat, he will GM by fiat and looking for a way around it with the rules is not going to work.
Yeah, the infinite HP thing raised an eyebrow with me too... I mean I have a thread myself about ways to get around Unkillable 3, because that's rules as written... Infinite HP isn't... so I agree that if you GM is pulling something totally not possible in any way of the rules, like "infinite HP" then there's nothing stopping him from just hand waving any thing you try to do with the rules because he's already thrown the rule book out the window.

Cleopatra: Whenever she assigned me to the switch, was that Voice, or was Raina influencing her thinking? Because, I mean, if it was Raina, she got inside my head and decided that I would screw it up.
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Old 06-03-2013, 11:35 AM   #17
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by Ragabash Moon View Post
Yeah, the infinite HP thing raised an eyebrow with me too... I mean I have a thread myself about ways to get around Unkillable 3, because that's rules as written... Infinite HP isn't... so I agree that if you GM is pulling something totally not possible in any way of the rules, like "infinite HP" then there's nothing stopping him from just hand waving any thing you try to do with the rules because he's already thrown the rule book out the window.
It could just be a case of effectively infinite hit points. If the guy is built on 4k Points with 3k of it in extra hit points and extreme regeneration then it probably doesnt matter how much damage a fantasy character with a 15d6 attack does to him he isnt dieing in a fight from hit point lost. While this is an extreme amount of hit points it could be acceptable for certain supernatural templates such as a Demon King, or Godling of some sort.
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Old 06-03-2013, 02:39 PM   #18
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by Nosforontu View Post
It could just be a case of effectively infinite hit points. If the guy is built on 4k Points with 3k of it in extra hit points and extreme regeneration then it probably doesnt matter how much damage a fantasy character with a 15d6 attack does to him he isnt dieing in a fight from hit point lost. While this is an extreme amount of hit points it could be acceptable for certain supernatural templates such as a Demon King, or Godling of some sort.
True. Just is beyond even what I've pulled... My friends have complained about me making NPCs too powerful, but man even I've not gone that far LOL

Cleopatra: Whenever she assigned me to the switch, was that Voice, or was Raina influencing her thinking? Because, I mean, if it was Raina, she got inside my head and decided that I would screw it up.
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Old 06-03-2013, 03:13 PM   #19
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by Ragabash Moon View Post
True. Just is beyond even what I've pulled... My friends have complained about me making NPCs too powerful, but man even I've not gone that far LOL
Eh, it still won't stop somebody who passes DR from driving a stake into the heart, then burying him under a pile of debris. Regeneration or no, you really aren't conscious while there is something physically stuck in your heart (unless your GM is overly sadistic and has IT: No Vitals).
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Old 06-03-2013, 03:15 PM   #20
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Here's what I see as the real problem: The GM decided that it would be fair to let you know that this particular NPC cannot be killed. Your response is to ask us for advice as to how you can kill him. To me, that seems similar to the GM saying, "In this fantasy setting, magic cannot heal you. Healing is rare and requires divine intervention unrelated to magic," and then when the game starts, you say that you want your mage to research a healing spell.

Contrary to what some people have said, the GM absolutely does have the right to declare that an NPC is unkillable, immortal, has infinite HP (or infinite whatever), and so on. NPCs don't need to be built on points. And there's nothing necessarily "unfun" about this! I've run games where the PCs rarely had to interact with the literal avatar of a god, and if they'd tried to kill him, it would have been an exercise in futility; of course, they didn't, because they knew he was a god.

Now, if you're expected to actually fight this bad guy, then it's the GM's responsibility to establish a clear way by which he can be defeated, if not killed. But it shouldn't rely on you flipping through rule books to find the right power build. It sounds to me like your characters need to research this bad guy and find out how to stop him. Not kill him (because you can't!) but stop him.
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