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Old 11-16-2021, 05:34 PM   #1
Embassy of Time
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Default Sauce / food puns for roleplaying game?

I am in the process of making the first draft for a complete rewrite of the system me and a few friends made from a bunch of GURPS house rules. I am not looking for beta testers or even beta readers, but... well...

I had an idea. That idea got a bit out of hand, and long story short, the entire system is being written with food, especially sauces, as a thick, thick metaphor. Everything has sauce or food names, everything is explained along sauce or food lines, and the layout is made to look like instructions on making and serving sauces. It's a bit wacky right now, but it makes writing more fun.

Problem is, I'm not an expert on food, and I am running out of cooking / sauce terms to describe stuff! So if anyone in here is well versed in the field of sauces and cooking overall, or just has sufficiently wacky ideas for how to write an RPG supplement as a rant on sauces, I would very much like to know!

What exists of the first draft is here. It is very much a draft (and the current pictures have jumped pages, sorry), and as mentioned, beta play or reads are not needed for some time. But it shows the idea and what I am already using.

May the Sauce be with you!
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Old 11-16-2021, 10:14 PM   #2
jason taylor
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Default Re: Sauce / food puns for roleplaying game?

The primary star is easy. Pick the most pungent sauce you can think of.

The Venusian analogue will be called "Guacamole" being green.

The Earth analogue will be called Blue Hawaiian. Which is a cocktail not a sauce, but the ocean is blue.

If there is a desert martian type name it Maple. It is brown. Like Maple syrup.

There is probably a gas giant or two somewhere. Jupiter last time I looked in my brother's telescope looked rather dismal though the Great Red Spot was interesting. Perhaps tabasco?
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison
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Old 11-16-2021, 10:21 PM   #3
Turhan's Bey Company
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Default Re: Sauce / food puns for roleplaying game?

Make of this what you will:

Mac and cheese, among other cheesy dishes, is typically made with a mornay sauce. A mornay is based on one of the classical French mother sauces. In particular, it's based on a bechamel, which is made from milk thickened with flour. However, a mornay has grated cheese melted into it. It's like in the song:

When you make bechamel
But there's cheese in as well
That's a mornay!
I've been making pointlessly shiny things, and I've got some gaming-related stuff as well as 3d printing designs.

Buy my Warehouse 23 stuff, dammit!
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Old 11-16-2021, 11:34 PM   #4
jason taylor
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Default Re: Sauce / food puns for roleplaying game?

The asteroid belt is "meatballs" because it is chunky and comes in groups.

The Moon of Blue Hawaiian is Maraschino because it is a "garnish" to it. Of course a Blue Hawaiian also comes with a pineapple wedge but that is not spherical.

We will posit that the gas giant has rings. We will call those "silver plate".
"The navy could probably win a war without coffee but would prefer not to try"-Samuel Eliot Morrison
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Old 11-17-2021, 04:31 AM   #5
Embassy of Time
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Default Re: Sauce / food puns for roleplaying game?

Yay, already some good stuff! The system I mentioned is the coagulation of house rules, though, not the solar system. I basically equate running campaigns to making and serving sauces.

Now excuse me while I try to get that "a mornay" song out of my head :p
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Old 11-17-2021, 08:06 AM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: Sauce / food puns for roleplaying game?

A couple of years ago, Wendy's (the fast-food hamburger chain) published an RPG, "Feast of Legends", as part of their marketing campaign. The OP might find it interesting. If they can track down a copy, that is; the old DNS name ( seems to have been dropped. It's a spoof of the US fast-food industry, and so has a lot of food-related references.

(Frex, in the included adventure, you battle the Ice Jester and his henchmen like the Beef Bandit. It helps to remember that at the time, Wendy's slogan was "Fresh, not frozen", with which they'd particularly target McDonalds - thus making the identity of the Ice Jester clear. The map includes places like the "Twin Cities of Carl", and Lake John Silver. The skills for all the classes have food-themed names, like "Make it a Double" (two actions in a turn) or "Fresh, not Frozen (cold resistance).)
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Old 11-17-2021, 07:57 AM   #7
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Default Re: Sauce / food puns for roleplaying game?

Originally Posted by Turhan's Bey Company View Post
Make of this what you will:

Mac and cheese, among other cheesy dishes, is typically made with a mornay sauce. A mornay is based on one of the classical French mother sauces. In particular, it's based on a bechamel, which is made from milk thickened with flour. However, a mornay has grated cheese melted into it. It's like in the song:

When you make bechamel
But there's cheese in as well
That's a mornay!
That's it. I'm writing you out of my will.

Which I guess means I need to write you into my will.

And write a will.
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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sauce, writing

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