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Old 09-29-2015, 09:47 PM   #41
Join Date: Feb 2009
Default Re: Android GURPS character generator

I'm not sure what you mean by template . . . . I just use a blank spreadsheet and just make sure to put all the point costs in Column C and do sum(C:C)

But if you want, here is a quickie throw together of a character to give an example of one approach

A couple items have an A or a B in column D, this is to show that whatever advantage has the A is also modifying the skills marked with A etc

The SUM function was also used to find total weight for gear

When was buying gear (note, used the MH1 prices for grimoires instead of Thaumatology RPM) I used SUM to add up costs to make sure was staying in budget

I designed the two rituals using and just copy/pasted them in there, notice that somehow copy paste acted differently between throwing stats down for the two

If say she had a pet or something could easily add a sheet for it or such also, and you can use cross sheet functions to say make the pet .5*her CP if its a 50% ally. Notice how Basic Lift is calculated using this on the gear page

Since its pretty much free form, it is very house rule compliant! Notice I wrote down an Init Roll on the notes page! My group uses rolled init, so I wrote it down

Took me a little more than an hour to hack out the entire character, and that included writing this descriptive post
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android, character, chargen, generator, gurps

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