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Old 01-20-2010, 09:21 AM   #391
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Default Re: Magical Realms of the Marvel Universe

Originally Posted by tbrock1031 View Post
Magic Realms

Energy: This far-reaching Realm includes all types of energy, including but not limited to cold, electricity, heat/fire, kinetic, light, radiation, and vibration.
Illusion: This Realm deals primarily with creating and dispelling illusions.
Luck: Also called Probability, this Realm deals with manipulating probabilities in order to alter circumstances to make the improbable probable.
Matter: This Realm deals with altering and creating matter in all forms. A sorcerer's own scientific knowledge does affect the Realm's use.
Mind: This far-reaching Realm deals with all aspects of intelligence and conscious thought, as well as subconscious desires.
Spirit: This Realm deals with all aspects related to a being's soul or spirit. It can also be used to deal with spiritual entities of all levels.
Space: This Realm affects such things as movement and inertia, permitting such wide effects as levitation, telekinesis, teleportation, flight, and even dimensional travel. Combined with Mind, it permits clairsentience.
Time: This Realm affects both the passage of time, including the ability to travel backwards in time, as well as precognition and psychometry.
Transformation: This Realm allows the magician to alter matter on a macroscopic scale, such as turning people into toads or giving them multiple limbs.

As advantages, the Realms of Energy, Matter, Mind, Spirit, Space, and Time are all 20 points per level. Illusion, Luck, and Transformation (as well as any other Realm I can think of later) are 10 points per level.

So.... Comments? Suggestions? Criticisms? Critiques? ... Flames?
When I saw the writeup for Clea and saw these realms I assumed you were using the GURPS: Mage system with a few name changes. I would suggest using that system since it is already written and would be less work.
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Old 01-20-2010, 02:38 PM   #392
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Default Re: Magical Realms of the Marvel Universe

Originally Posted by RogerBacon View Post
When I saw the writeup for Clea and saw these realms I assumed you were using the GURPS: Mage system with a few name changes. I would suggest using that system since it is already written and would be less work.
He's using GURPS Thaumatology. It contains the 4th Edition version of Sphere-like magic. A quite modular system that one.
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Old 01-20-2010, 02:43 PM   #393
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Default Re: Magical Realms of the Marvel Universe

Originally Posted by RogerBacon View Post
When I saw the writeup for Clea and saw these realms I assumed you were using the GURPS: Mage system with a few name changes. I would suggest using that system since it is already written and would be less work.
I'm not actually using the GURPS Mage system, as I don't have that book (I actually don't have many setting books; Traveller and In Nomine for 3e, and Traveller: Interstellar Wars for 4e are the only setting books I have so far), or the cash flow to get it any time soon. Some months back, I'd even asked about details on that system, and all I got in reply was "look in Mage".

What I am using is the more generic Realm Magic system from Thaumatology.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

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The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
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Old 01-20-2010, 11:32 PM   #394
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by tbrock1031 View Post
I would seriously consider giving her cinematic Unkillable I. Drop a building on her, have the Vulture toss her around, whatever, she is apparently too beloved to be killed by ordinary means.
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Old 01-27-2010, 04:07 AM   #395
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by pawsplay View Post
I would seriously consider giving [Aunt May] cinematic Unkillable I. Drop a building on her, have the Vulture toss her around, whatever, she is apparently too beloved to be killed by ordinary means.
It's certainly a thought. More than likely, though, she could develop some Injury tolerance (Damage Reduction) during the "Year Two" (this Reboot project of mine can be considered a "Year One" restart), thanks to that blood transfusion from Peter. It'd make her just as durable as he is.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
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Old 01-27-2010, 04:11 AM   #396
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition


Real Name: Unrevealed.
Occupation: Professional criminal.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record.
Identity: Known to the authorities.
Other Aliases: "Horn-head".
Place of Birth: Unrevealed.
Marital Status: Presumably single.
Known Relatives: None.
Group Affiliation: Former employee of Count Nefaria.
Base of Operations: New York City.
History: The man who would become the Rhino was a small-time muscle-man for the Maggia "family" of organized criminals headed by Count Luchios Nefaria when he was selected by the Count's scientists for an experimental strength-enhancing treatment (see Count Nefaria; Maggia). He was selected because of his already-muscular physique and low intelligence.

The experiment was a success, and the man was given an outfit composed of a thick material which resembled a rhinoceros hide, outfitted with two large horns on his forehead. Given the code-name of the Rhino, he was sent to cause mayhem throughout the Lower East Side of Manhattan. His rampage was thwarted by Spider-Man, who used the Rhino's low intelligence against him, causing the Rhino to bury himself under a building he was tricked into collapsing on top of him (see Spider-Man). Following this, the Rhino was taken into custody. Presumably, as he remained in prison, he was no longer employed by the Nefaria crime family.

The Rhino later escaped custody, causing a mass breakout of criminals where he broke through the wall of the prison. He was last seen meeting with someone who greatly resembled Mysterio, at least from a distance (see Mysterio).
Height: 6' 10".
Weight: 710 lbs.
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Unrevealed.
Uniform: Grey bodysuit, grey gloves, grey boots, darker grey plates around his upper chest in a manner not unlike a football player's pads, grey open-face cowl with two horns on his forehead.
Strength Level: The Rhino possesses superhuman strength, enabling him to lift (press) 80 tons under optimum conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: In addition to his superhuman strength, the Rhino possesses superhuman durability, healing quickly from wounds.
Weapons: The Rhino's uniform includes a pair of horns on his forehead composed of titanium steel coated with a thin covering of the same material his uniform is made of.
Limitations: The Rhino possesses less than average intelligence.

875 points
ST 32/320 (Size, -10%) [180*]; DX 8 [-40]; IQ 8 [-40]; HT 12 [20].
Secondary Characteristics: SM +1; Dmg ; BL lbs; HP 32/320 [0*]; Will 8 [0]; Per 10 [10]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]; Dodge 8.
Languages: English (Native) (Native Language) [0].
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Advantages: Claws (Blunt Claws) [3]; Damage Resistance 10 (Tough Skin, -40%) [30]; Enhanced Move (Ground) 2 (Ground Move 20/40 mph) [40]; Hard to Kill 5 [10]; Hard to Subdue 5 [10]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Imbue 3 (Limited Skill Access: 3 Skills, -40%; Super, -10%) [20]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction /20) (Passive Biological, -5%) [190]; Regeneration (Regular: 3 HP/hr) (Passive Biological, -5%) [24]; Single-Minded [5]; Striker (Impaling; Horns) [8]; Super ST +12/+300 (Size, -10%; Passive Biological, -5%) [408]; Unfazeable [15].
Perks: Dirty Fighting [1]; Power Grappling [1].
Disadvantages: Appearance (Unattractive) [-4]; Bad Grip -2 [-10]; Bad Temper (9) [-15]; Easy to Read [-10]; Gullibility (12) [-10]; Hidebound [-5]; Hunchback [-10]; On the Edge (9) [-22]; Overconfidence (9) [-7]; Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]; Status -1 [-5]; Stubbornness [-5]; Wealth (Struggling) [-10].
Quirks: Violently Dislikes Country/Western and Elevator Music [-1].
Skills: Brawling (E) DX+3 [8] – 11; Forced Entry (E) DX+2 [4] – 10; Forceful Blow (Unarmed) (VH) DX+2 [16] – 10; Intimidation (A) Will+1 [4] – 9; Penetrating Strike (Unarmed) (VH) DX+2 [16] – 10; Running (A) HT+0 [2] – 12; Shockwave (Unarmed) (VH) DX+2 [16] – 10; Sports (American Football) (A) DX+0 [2] – 8; Streetwise (A) IQ+1 [4] – 9; Throwing (A) DX+2 [8] – 10; Wrestling (A) DX+2 [8] – 10.
Techniques: Aggressive Parry (Brawling) (H) def+1 [2] – 8; Breakfall (Wrestling) (A) def+5 [5] – 15; Head Butt (H) def+1 [2] – 11; Two-Handed Punch (Brawling) (A) def+2 [2] – 11.
Starting Spending Money: $2,000 (20% of Starting Wealth).
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting

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Old 01-27-2010, 04:14 AM   #397
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition


Real Name: Joseph Robertson.
Occupation: Newspaper editor.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record.
Identity: Joe Robertson does not use a dual identity.
Other Aliases: "Robbie".
Place of Birth: Harlem, New York.
Marital Status: Married.
Known Relatives: Martha (wife); Randolph ("Randy", son).
Group Affiliation: The Daily Bugle.
Base of Operations: New York City.
History: Joe Robertson has been with the Daily Bugle newspaper for over twenty-five years. The full details of his past have yet to be revealed. He started with the paper as a reporter, but over the last five years has been the paper's City Editor. In this position, he works closely with publisher and editor-in-chief J. Jonah Jameson (see Jameson, J. Jonah). Unlike Jameson, Robertson does not believe that Spider-Man is a criminal, having had his life saved by the wall-crawler several times (see Spider-Man).
Height: 6' 1".
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: White, formerly black.
Uniform: None.
Strength Level: Joe Robertson possesses the normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in moderate exercise.
Known Superhuman Powers: None.

45 points
ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 10 [0].
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]; Dodge 8.
Languages: English (Native) (Native Language) [0].
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Advantages: Merchant Rank (Newspaper) 4 [20]; Status 1 [0*]; Wealth (Comfortable) [10].
Disadvantages: Addiction (Tobacco; Cheap; Legal; Highly Addictive) [-5]; Code of Honor (Professional) [-5]; Hard of Hearing (Mitigator: Hearing Aid, -60%) [-4]; Pacifism (Self-Defense Only) [-15].
Quirks: Careful [-1]; Prefers to Smoke Pipes [-1].
Skills: Administration (A) IQ+2 [8] – 13; Area Knowledge (New York City) (E) IQ+0 [1] – 11; Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ+1 [2] – 12; Current Affairs/TL8 (Headline News) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 12; Professional Skill (Journalist) (A) IQ+1 [4] – 12; Research/TL8 (A) IQ+0 [2] – 11; Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 12; Typing (E) DX+1 [1] – 11†; Writing (A) IQ+1 [4] – 12.
Starting Spending Money: $8,000 (20% of Starting Wealth).

* Includes +1 from Merchant Rank.
† Defaulted from Administration.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
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Old 01-27-2010, 04:18 AM   #398
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition


Real Name: Unrevealed
Occupation: Professional criminal.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record.
Identity: Known to the authorities
Other Aliases: Flint Marko.
Place of Birth: New York City.
Marital Status: Unrevealed.
Known Relatives: None.
Group Affiliation: Frightful Four.
Base of Operations: New York City.
History: The origins of the man known as the Sandman are currently unrevealed. It is known that he has been a professional criminal most of his life, under the alias Flint Marko. All Marko has stated was that he "ended up being stuck on the wrong side of a pile of sand when something went wrong," but he has not yet given any details.

Whatever actually happened to grant him his powers, Marko returned to his native New York City to pursue his criminal career anew. He swiftly came into conflict with Spider-Man; while the two have clashed many times, the web-slinger has yet to take Marko into custody (see Spider-Man).

Recently, the Sandman accepted an offer by the criminal Wizard to become a member of the Frightful Four (see Frightful Four; Wizard). Alongside the rest of the Frightful Four, the Sandman was defeated by the Fantastic Four, and for the first time since gaining his powers was incarcerated (see Fantastic Four).
Height: 6' 1".
Weight: 450 lbs.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Brown.
Uniform: Green t-shirt with horizontal black stripes, brown pants, brown shoes.
Strength Level: At his normal human height, the Sandman possesses greater than average, but not superhuman strength. At his maximum observed height of 20 feet, he possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) around 2 tons.
Known Superhuman Powers: Marko's body is now entirely composed of sand. He has complete control over his body, able to shape it into any form he can think of; not the most original thinker, he mainly creates additional arms, extending his arms to incredible lengths, and forming his hands into hammer-like strikers. By drawing upon additional silicates – sand and dirt – from the surrounding area, he is able to grow to a height of around 20 feet while still supporting himself. He also can slide through grates and fences as if they weren't there, and enter pipes and other containers that a normal human could not enter.

Sandman's body is highly resistant to injury, due to his particulate nature. He is able to control his density, becoming as hard as sandstone for short periods of time.
Weaknesses: The Sandman's body is vulnerable to intense heat, which can fuse him into a form resembling glass.

1,090 points
ST 15 [50]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 1d+1/2d+1; BL 45 lbs; HP 15 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0], Dodge 9.
Languages: English (Native) (Native Language) [0].
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Advantages: Body of Earth [175]; Constriction Attack [15]; Control Sand 5 (Collective, +100%; Elemental: Earth, -10%; Super, -10%) [135]; Doesn't Eat or Drink [10]; Double-Jointed [15]; Extra Arms 4 (Switchable, +10%; Elemental: Earth, -10%; Super, -10%) [36]; Extra ST +35 (Growth Size, -30%) [245]; Growth 3 (Accessibility: Needs Extra Sand, -20%; Elemental: Earth, -10%; Super, -10%) [18]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Morph (Active Change, +20%; Cosmetic, -50%; Improvised Forms, +100%; Elemental: Earth, -10%; Super, -10%) [150]; Permeation (Earth) (Elemental: Earth, -10%; Super, -10%) [16]; Regeneration (Very Fast: 1 HP/sec) (Elemental: Earth, -10%; Super, -10%) [80]; Regrowth (Elemental: Earth, -10%; Super, -10%) [32]; Stretching 3 (Elemental: Earth, -10%; Super, -10%) [15]; Striker (Crushing) (Long +3, +300%) [20]; Unkillable 2 Elemental: Earth, -10%; Super, -10%) [80].
Perks: Supersuit [1].
Disadvantages: Greed (9) [-22]; Hidebound [-5]; Overconfidence (12) [-5]; Pacifism (Cannot Kill) [-15]; Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]; Social Stigma (Freak) [-10]; Status -1 [-5]; Vulnerability to Fire (×2) [-30]; Wealth (Poor) [-15].
Quirks: Soft Spot For Children [-1].
Skills: Brawling (E) DX+2 [4] – 14; Filch (A) DX+1 [4] – 13; Forced Entry (E) DX+2 [4] – 14; Intimidation (A) Will+2 [8] – 12; Savoir-Faire (Mafia) (E) IQ+1 [4] – 11; Streetwise (A) IQ+2 [8] – 12; Urban Survival (A) Per+2 [8] – 12.
Starting Spending Money: $800 (20% of Starting Wealth).
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
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Old 01-31-2010, 12:05 PM   #399
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition


Real Name: MacDonald "Mac" Gargan.
Occupation: Former private investigator turned professional criminal.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record.
Identity: Known to the authorities.
Other Aliases: None.
Place of Birth: Unrevealed.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: None.
Group Affiliation: None.
Base of Operations: Mobile.
History: Mac Gargan was a private investigator known for his attention to detail, with a bit of a reputation for amoral conduct in pursuit of his information, who was approached by Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson. Jameson wanted Gargan to find and unmask Spider-Man (see Jameson, J.Jonah; Spider-Man).

Gargan started his investigation by following Peter Parker, the photographer who always managed to get photos of Spider-Man in action when other photographers could not. Gargan speculated that Spider-Man had confided in Parker about his secret identity; his own suspicion was that Spider-Man was Parker's friend, Harry Osborn (see Osborn, Harry).

Figuring that in order to unmask Spider-Man properly he would need to defeat him in combat, Gargan sought out Dr. Karl Malus, who had recently put out a press release that indicated that he'd discovered a means of inducing controlled mutations. Gargan offered himself as a human test subject, intending to bill Jameson for the cost of the procedure. Malus's procedure granted Gargan increased strength, speed, and agility. Donning a battlesuit developed by the underworld technician, the Tinkerer, which included a seven-foot long tail, Gargan set out to test his new abilities by completing his assignment: defeating and exposing Spider-Man's identity (see Malus, Dr. Karl; Tinkerer).

Dr. Malus's mutagenic procedure had an adverse effect on Gargan's mind. Calling himself the Scorpion, Gargan committed a series of crimes to draw Spider-Man's attention. The two fought several times over the next few days, with neither one scoring a definitive win.. Spider-Man finally defeated the Scorpion, who was sent to prison. Jameson, when he discovered what Gargan had done, refused to pay for the procedure, the Tinkerer's equipment, or Gargan's bail, and fired him from the case. The Scorpion has sworn revenge against both Spider-Man and Jameson, and has recently escaped from prison.
Height: 6' 2".
Weight: 220 lbs.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Brown.
Uniform: Green bodysuit made of lightweight steel mesh with high-tensile polymer inserts and an insulating layer of rubber, green boots, green gloves, green full-face cowl, cybernetically-controlled tail.
Strength Level: The Scorpion possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) 15 tons under optimal conditions.
Known Superhuman Powers: Besides his superhuman strength, the Scorpion possesses superhuman speed, agility, and durability.
Other Abilities: Mac Gargan was a skilled private investigator, noted for his keen observational skills.

1,038 points
ST 47/137 [40‡]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 14 [40].
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 5d/7d+2 (14d/16d); BL 442 lbs (3,754 lbs/1.88 tons); HP 34/137 [0‡]; Will 12 [0]; Per 14 [10]; FP 14 [0]; Basic Speed 7.25 [0]; Basic Move 7 [0]; Dodge 11.
Languages: English (Native) (Native Language) [0]; Spanish (Native) [6].
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Advantages: Ambidexterity [5]; Catfall (Super, -10%) [9]; Damage Resistance 4 (Tough Skin, -40%) [12]; Enhanced Move (Ground) 2 (Super, -10%) [36]; Enhanced Time Sense (Super, -10%) [41]; Extra ST +23 (Super, -10%) [207]; Flexibility [5]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction /10; Passive Biological, -5%) [143]; Perfect Balance (Super, -10%) [14]; Striker (Crushing; Tail) (Long +1, +100%; Gadget/Breakable: DR 20, -5%; Gadget/Breakable: SM 0, -25%) [9]; Super ST +10/+100 (Super, -10%) [360].
Disadvantages: Bad Sight (Farsighted) (Mitigator: Glasses/Contact Lenses, -60%) [-10]; Bad Temper (9) [-15]; Berserk (15) [-5]; Callous [-5]; Greed (12) [-15]; Obsession (Destroy Spider-Man and Jameson) (9) [-7]; Reputation (Amoral PI) -2 (Frequency: 7 or less; Small Class: Those Who Have Used His Service) [-2]; Social Disease [-5]; Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5].
Quirks: Attentive [-1]; Chauvinistic [-1]; Dual Identity [-1].
Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [1] – 14*; Brawling (E) DX+1 [2] – 16; Climbing (A) DX+3 [1] – 18*†; Connoisseur (Music) (A) IQ-1 [1] – 11; Criminology/TL8 (A) IQ+0 [2] – 12; Guns/TL8 (Pistol) (E) DX+0 [1] – 15; Musical Instrument (Single-Reed Woodwinds: Saxophone) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 10; Observation (A) Per+1 [4] – 15; Photography/TL8 (A) IQ+0 [2] – 12; Shadowing (A) IQ+1 [4] – 13; Stealth (A) DX-1 [1] – 14; Streetwise (A) IQ+0 [2] – 12; Tracking (A) Per-1 [1] – 13.
Starting Spending Money: $4,000 (20% of Starting Wealth).

* Includes +1 from Perfect Balance.
† Includes +3 from Flexibility.
‡ Includes +23 from Extra ST and +10/+100 from Super ST.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting

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Old 01-31-2010, 12:08 PM   #400
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition


Real Name: Herman Schultz
Occupation: Burglar.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record.
Identity: Publicly known.
Other Aliases: None.
Place of Birth: New York City.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: None.
Group Affiliation: None.
Base of Operations: New York City.
History: Herman Schultz was a burglar with an aptitude for working with tools serving his third prison term when he came up with the idea for a device which would be able to open any door or lock quickly and quietly. Assigned to the prison's workshop, he filched parts and over a period of several months developed a prototype of what would later become his signature weapon: a wrist-mounted unit which generated waves of vibrational force which could shake any door loose.

Schultz escaped prison using the prototype, but was severely injured by the vibrational feedback. Developing a padded bodysuit to absorb the feedback, he embarked on a series of successful burglaries, taking the name of the Shocker, until he encountered Spider-Man (see Spider-Man). Although he managed to defeat the web-slinger in their first confrontation, a second encounter days later resulted in his being taken into police custody. As he was in the same prison as the Rhino when the latter broke through a wall, resulting in a mass escape, it is possible that the Shocker was among the convicts that escaped in the confusion (see Rhino).
Height: 5' 9".
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Brown.
Uniform: Brown and yellow padded bodysuit, brown cowl, yellow full-face mask, brown gloves, brown boots, silver belt and trim.
Strength Level: The Shocker possesses the normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in regular exercise.
Known Superhuman Powers: None; all of his abilities are built into his uniform.
Other Abilities: Herman Schultz is a skilled burglar and safecracker.
Weapons: Built into the Shocker's gloves are a pair of vibro-shock devices which create vibrations which can crumble solid concrete or severely injure a normal human.
Paraphernalia: The Shocker's uniform is made of padding which absorbs the vibrational feedback from his vibro-shock devices.

215 points
ST 11 [10]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs; HP 11 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]; Dodge 10.
Languages: English (Native) (Native Language) [0].
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Advantages: Artificer 2 [20]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Contact (Fence) (Effective Skill: 12; Frequency: 9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [1]; Corrosion Attack 6d (Gadget/Breakable, DR 4, -15%: Gadget/Breakable, Size -6, -10%; Melee Attack: Dual, +10%; Melee Attack: Reach C, -30%; Variable, +5%; Elemental: Vibration, -10%; Alternative Attack, ×1/5) [6]; Corrosion Attack 6d (Extra Recoil, Rcl 3, -20%; Gadget/Breakable: DR 4, -15%; Gadget/Breakable, Size -6, -10%; Increased Range, ×2, +10%; Increased 1/2D Range, ×5, +10%; Rapid Fire, +40%; Underwater, +20%; Variable, +5%; Elemental: Vibration, -10%) [78]; High Manual Dexterity 2 [10].
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Street) [-5]; Kleptomania (9) [-22]; Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]; Phobia (Triskaidekaphobia: The Number 13) (12) [-5]; Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]; Wealth (Struggling) [-10].
Quirks: Dual Identity [-1]; Imaginative [-1].
Skills: Armoury/TL8 (Small Arms) IQ+1 [1] – 13*; Boxing (A) DX-1 [1] – 12; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1] – 12; Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security) IQ+0 [2] – 12; Engineer/TL8 (Microtechnology) (H) IQ+0 [1] – 12*; Explosives/TL8 (Demolition) (A) IQ+0 [2] – 12; Forced Entry (E) DX+0 [1] – 13; Innate Attack (Beam) (E) DX+1 [2] – 14; Jumping (E) DX+0 [1] – 13; Lockpicking/TL8 (A) IQ+0 [2] – 12; Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 10; Mechanic/TL8 (Micromachines) (A) IQ+1 [1] – 13*; Streetwise (A) IQ+0 [2] – 12; Wrestling (A) DX-1 [1] – 12.
Starting Spending Money: $2,000 (20% of Starting Wealth).

* Includes +2 from Artificer.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting
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