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Old 12-03-2015, 10:56 PM   #1
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Default GURPS Aliens: what's most interesting?

Originally Posted by Archangel Beth View Post
*fnords fnordily*

*apologizes for being away from the forums so much; kid has been eatin' mah spooooonz*

Well, if enough people buy it and rave about it, who knows? (Serious question, probably for another thread, maybe in the general GURPS forum? Do people want more "stock humanish" races, like the Kronin, or weirder stuff, like Irari?)
start it in the regular forum and I'll vote there so as not to derail this thread.
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Old 12-03-2015, 11:17 PM   #2
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Default Re: The 2015 w23 Digital Release and Speculation Thread

Originally Posted by Archangel Beth View Post
Well, if enough people buy it and rave about it, who knows? (Serious question, probably for another thread, maybe in the general GURPS forum? Do people want more "stock humanish" races, like the Kronin, or weirder stuff, like Irari?)
I'd be happy with a variety. In a line of racial books, I would also love to see some of the common fantasy races (elves, orcs, dwarves) given the same detailed treatment as the Sparrials.
Bro! Do you even GURPS?
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Old 12-03-2015, 11:17 PM   #3
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Default Re: The 2015 w23 Digital Release and Speculation Thread

Originally Posted by Archangel Beth View Post
Do people want more "stock humanish" races, like the Kronin, or weirder stuff, like Irari?)
Yes, please.
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Old 12-04-2015, 08:46 AM   #4
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Default Re: The 2015 w23 Digital Release and Speculation Thread

Originally Posted by Archangel Beth View Post
Well, if enough people buy it and rave about it, who knows? (Serious question, probably for another thread, maybe in the general GURPS forum? Do people want more "stock humanish" races, like the Kronin, or weirder stuff, like Irari?)
Assuming that "or" isn't an "XOR", yes.

If I have to choose one or the other, I'd prefer the weirdies.
Rob Kelk
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Old 12-04-2015, 12:48 PM   #5
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: GURPS Aliens: what's most interesting?

Originally Posted by Ronnke View Post
I really hope this becomes a popular line and we see more of it. I love reading this sort of material. It's like an adrenaline injection for the imagination and creative juices.
*fingers crossed that it's popular*

Originally Posted by Refplace View Post
start it in the regular forum and I'll vote there so as not to derail this thread.
Good point! *moves the replies*

Not vote so much as: "If it sells sufficiently well, should I pitch another one? If so, which one?" Nothing official. Informational. (Inspirational?) That kind of thing. To lapse into lolcat, "I R meer freelansur."

Originally Posted by Rocket Man View Post
Yes, please.

Originally Posted by robkelk View Post
Assuming that "or" isn't an "XOR", yes.

If I have to choose one or the other, I'd prefer the weirdies.
It's not exclusive-exclusive, because, well, I'm not the only person who might ever write a supplement. But as above -- if it sells well, should I pitch another one? Should I pitch another one? (Or, y'know, should someone else?) And if I do, should I focus my limited and often hijacked attention on...

• Something that could easily go in a "humans with funny foreheads" setting as well as a more nuanced setting.

• Real Weirdies.

And then subset each into into:

• Species From GURPS Aliens

• Stuff I Came Up With Myself. (...okay, I'm eyeing this file here and making the ;_; face at it...)

So, well, freelance querying as to what the readers like, to see if there's enough of a slant that I should consider writing to market or if I should write whatever the heck amuses me at the time, because there's no consensus. >_>

Or, y'know, if other prospective authors should write something they were thinking about. I am so not inclined to try to "hog" anything. O;>

(Except maaaaaaybe Irari. Possibly. Perhaps. Probably not, actually, but I'd like to be on the playtest. >_> )
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Old 12-04-2015, 12:53 PM   #6
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Default Re: The 2015 w23 Digital Release and Speculation Thread

Originally Posted by Ronnke View Post
I'd be happy with a variety. In a line of racial books, I would also love to see some of the common fantasy races (elves, orcs, dwarves) given the same detailed treatment as the Sparrials.
That one's on the wishlist!

(That one has been on the wishlist for a while; I adapted the Sparrials outline from the one for fantasy races... um, a long time ago, working on the thing on spec, before it was finally done enough that I threw it at Kromm.)
Shamelessly adding Superiors: Lilith, GURPS Sparrials, and her fiction page to her .sig (the latter is not precisely gaming related)
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Old 12-04-2015, 12:56 PM   #7
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Default Re: GURPS Aliens: what's most interesting?

I didn't buy the book, but I admit I was close to buying it, until I realized it's like one grain of sand for a campaign :P

If there was a set of Aliens books I'd be more interested, because I could then just grab them and throw space around them and have a campaign.
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Old 12-04-2015, 01:02 PM   #8
Fred Brackin
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Default Re: GURPS Aliens: what's most interesting?

Originally Posted by Archangel Beth View Post
*fingers crossed that it's popular*

It deserves to sell well. It's very, very good. I'd already seen it of course but when I got my copy I opened it and stated reading and didn't stop 'til I got to the last page.

It inspired me and I got to thinking about putting Sparrials into something like "Gurps Star Wars with the serial numbers filed off (and possibly mixed with some Guardians of the Galaxy)". If I was to make a recommendation it would be to do more stuff that would fit in with such a concept.
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Old 12-04-2015, 01:06 PM   #9
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: GURPS Aliens: what's most interesting?

Originally Posted by GodBeastX View Post
I didn't buy the book, but I admit I was close to buying it, until I realized it's like one grain of sand for a campaign :P

If there was a set of Aliens books I'd be more interested, because I could then just grab them and throw space around them and have a campaign.
*wobbles hand* If you want a really heavy-on-the-alien-races campaign, then yeah, you need more -- in which case you should probably grab GURPS Aliens (even though it's for 3rd edition) and pick out which ones you want for the campaign.

If you don't need to have many aliens, or you want to run a first contact, or you want to run a setting where the players are TL4 sparrials, then it's not just one grain of sand. I mean, I am 100% biased here! But I think there's enough information to throw together a lot of sparrial-centric ideas.

How many alien supplements would be "sufficient" to start buying them? (If you want lots, shallowly-treated, I'm going to double-down on GURPS Aliens as the investment for you. The conversion to 4e definitely wasn't the hard part of writing Sparrials.)

And now I gotta run get the kid.
Shamelessly adding Superiors: Lilith, GURPS Sparrials, and her fiction page to her .sig (the latter is not precisely gaming related)
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Old 12-04-2015, 01:23 PM   #10
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Default Re: GURPS Aliens: what's most interesting?

Originally Posted by Archangel Beth View Post
*wobbles hand* If you want a really heavy-on-the-alien-races campaign, then yeah, you need more -- in which case you should probably grab GURPS Aliens (even though it's for 3rd edition) and pick out which ones you want for the campaign.

If you don't need to have many aliens, or you want to run a first contact, or you want to run a setting where the players are TL4 sparrials, then it's not just one grain of sand. I mean, I am 100% biased here! But I think there's enough information to throw together a lot of sparrial-centric ideas.

How many alien supplements would be "sufficient" to start buying them? (If you want lots, shallowly-treated, I'm going to double-down on GURPS Aliens as the investment for you. The conversion to 4e definitely wasn't the hard part of writing Sparrials.)

And now I gotta run get the kid.
How many depends on the content of the race. I tend to like "Space Empires". I'm not a fan of the Star Trek/Star Wars methodology of "Guest Appearance by X race". I rather go the 40K route of, races make their own empires, or Mass Effect. They might intermingle or whatever, but they have their own "Worlds" in their empires or regions.

That being said, I'm going to pick up a copy of the book to support the writer, and maybe it'll inspire me on something =)
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