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Old 12-16-2019, 03:34 AM   #71
Join Date: Mar 2016
Default Re: Post Your Characters!

This is a character I built for a mid-power, realistic 1920s game that never ended up actually happening.

Patrick Smith [150]

Patrick Michael Smith was born to Irish immigrants in Chicago just before the turn of the century. He served in the US Army for about a year during the Great War. Afterwards, he made a few lucky stock market investments that left him financially independent. Nowadays, he bounces around between jobs and hobbies, trying to find something that interests him.

Attributes: ST 11 [10], DX 12 [40], IQ 11 [20], HT 11 [10]

Secondary Attributes: Will 11 [0], Per 11 [0], HP 11 [0], FP 10 [-3], Basic Speed 6.00 [5], Basic Move 6 [0]

Languages: English (Native) [0], French (Broken) [2]

Advantages: Ally (Dog, 25%, 12 or less) [2], Animal Empathy (Dogs Only, -80%) [1], Attractive [4], Combat Reflexes [15], Comfortable Wealth [10], Contact (Streetwise-12, 9 or less, Somewhat reliable) [1], Contact (Politics-15, 9 or less, Usually reliable) [4], Fit [5], Independent Income 2 [2], Resistant to Disease +3 [3], Signature Gear 1 [1]

Disadvantages: Dependent (Girlfriend, 50%, 9 or less, Loved one) [-10], Guilt Complex [-5], Impulsiveness (15) [-5], Light Sleeper [-5]
Quirks: Die-hard patriot [-1], Inclined to trust other veterans [-1], Minor Social Stigma (Catholic) [-1], Proud [-1], Trivial Vow (Teetotal) [-1]

Skills: Animal Handling (Dogs)-11 [2], Area Knowledge (Chicago)-12 [2], Armoury/TL6 (Small Arms)-11 [2], Bicycling-14 [4], Brawling-14 [4], Carousing-11 [1], Current Affairs/TL6 (Headline News)-11 [1], Detect Lies-10 [2], Fast-Draw (Pistol)-13 [1], First Aid/TL6-12 [2], Games (Chess)-11 [1], Guns/TL6 (Pistol)-14 [4], Guns/TL6 (Rifle)-13 [1], Holdout-10 [1], Knife-13 [2], Knot-Tying-12 [1], Leadership-10 [1], Market Analysis-9 [1], Observation-10 [1], Running-11 [2], Savoir-Faire (Military)-11 [1], Soldier/TL6-12 [4], Swimming-11 [1], Wrestling-12 [2]

Techniques: Knee Strike (Brawling)-14 [1], Mounted Shooting (Pistol/Bicycle)-10 [3]
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