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Old 08-06-2013, 10:20 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Default Fictional character creation Banestorm (crossover)

So I am running an upcoming game based loosely off of banestorm. The main difference is that the worlds the banestorm is drawing people from is any fictional world. IE any world from a comic, video game, television program, book, or movie. It allows my players to play as their favorite characters and play out a sort of who would beat who scenerio. (They are all a bunch of 18 year old fan girls/boy and is very relevent to their interests)

The main issue I have come across is I don't know as many fictional characters (in depth) as I thought I did. The task I had for my players was pick their favorite fictional character, and laundry list what they believe is their key features. Furthermore to pick a freeze frame of where in their character development their fictional character would be from IE Goku as a kid is far different of a character from super sayjin goku.

What I need from SJ forums: I need help from you guys in turning a few characters into character sheets! Namely Deadpool, John Shepard(default: soldier earth/solesurvivor), and Isaac Clark.

Let me hear what you believe the key features and how to translate them into Gurps Characters. I will deal with balance as I need to. Right now just looking for ideas.

Attributes: ST:above average 13-15 DX: Inhuman 15-16 IQ: below average 9-10 he was a highschool drop out HT:not sure, he is nigh invaunerable, but was his actual HT affected
Advantages: Trained by a master, Regeneration, regrowth, unkillable, serendipity(this borderlines on the rediculous and (un)fortunately fits deadpool) Trained by a master, immune to metabolic hazards
Disadvantages: Megalomaniac, Hidious, delusion (I am a character in a game!), Split personality:all always active(not sure how to modify this), odious personal habbit talks with "self"
Skills: Melee bladed weapons 18+, Small arms 16+, Acrobatics, stealth
Gear: good quality Katana x2(was anythign special about his blades?), Pistolsx2, Rifle, light armor

Attributes: ST average 10-11 DX: slightly above average 11-12 IQ High 14-15 He was a engineer with top marks in school HT: average 10-11
Advantages: Gadgeteer, signature gear: RIG (thats all I got so far)
Disadvantages: Phantom voices(diabolical) Even away from the marker isaac is borderline bonkers, Any other way to simulate dementia and PTSD?
Skills: Engineering (multiple) 16+, Mechanic, Beam(pistol), Armory
Gear: Various weapons(from the little ive played obviously the cutter, was thinking the gravaton acelerator for a good knockback weapon, and one more unique/iconic weapon from the series) Was there some lore reason as to his maximum amount of weapons? I also liked the line gun even though just a bigger plasma cutter. Was considering Statis canisters(If I am right they were grenade versions of the statis module)
RIG: Biomonitor, Holographic arm display(what gurps rules),Rad protection, HUD, Audio/visual comms, Sealed, Damage resistance, Magnatised boots, Thrusters, Stasis module(Affliction that causes opposite of altered time rate?) , Kenisis module(TK gadget based?Non-living only) Enhanced Strength +5 Enhanced leg strength +5(Although cinematic doesnt he like stomp through most enemies making them explode?)

John Shepard soldier earth/solesurvivor

I know it's a blank canvas character, but I could come up with some core features for the vault dweller, I think we can come up with a basic structure for Shepard, even more so with the default variables in place. Come on help me on this one... I have literally played 30 seconds of mass effect.

Last edited by sabanknight; 08-07-2013 at 02:08 AM.
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Old 08-06-2013, 10:36 PM   #2
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Default Re: Fictional character creation Banestorm(crossover)

Shepard is a blank slate. You can be male or female, have one of nine possible combinations of backgrounds, and then pick a class. You then make decisions which determine the characters develop (and the plot details) as the games progress. There's hundreds of thousands of possible Shepards by the end of the series.

Really they are just called "Shepard" so that the dialog could be sensibly performed by voice actors.
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Old 08-06-2013, 10:39 PM   #3
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Default Re: Fictional character creation Banestorm(crossover)

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
Shepard is a blank slate. You can be male or female, have one of nine possible combinations of backgrounds, and then pick a class. You then make decisions which determine the characters develop (and the plot details) as the games progress. There's hundreds of thousands of possible Shepards by the end of the series.
Of course there are, that's why we are using the default shepard, and sticking to the character's(series) key features. "a male Soldier named John, with the Earthborn/Sole Survivor profile."
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Old 08-06-2013, 11:38 PM   #4
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Default Re: Fictional character creation Banestorm(crossover)

Deadpool: highest level of regeneration, regrowth, unkillable, common sense, serendipity, illuminated, delusion (I am a character in a game!), every combat skill in your game, and have them at top level, and trained by a master.

Shepard: the player needs to tell you what class they want to use for you to make it.
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Old 08-06-2013, 11:43 PM   #5
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Default Re: Fictional character creation Banestorm(crossover)

Originally Posted by zoncxs View Post
Deadpool: highest level of regeneration, regrowth, unkillable, common sense, serendipity, illuminated, delusion (I am a character in a game!), every combat skill in your game, and have them at top level, and trained by a master.
Don't forget Hideous Appearance, possibly Monstrous.
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Old 08-07-2013, 02:12 AM   #6
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Default Re: Fictional character creation Banestorm(crossover)

Added rough rough character drafts to the first post

Originally Posted by zoncxs View Post
Deadpool: highest level of regeneration, regrowth, unkillable, common sense, serendipity, illuminated, delusion (I am a character in a game!), every combat skill in your game, and have them at top level, and trained by a master.

Shepard: the player needs to tell you what class they want to use for you to make it.
I like most of that for DP. Common sense, I don't know if that stands out on DP. Did I miss something? I have only read bits of his comics. Serendipity fits with the retardation of deadpool... Illuminated? Because he is part of several fraternities of assassins? If I recall deadpool used guns but was a master of melee combat.

I have stated several times, lets work with the above mentioned default Shepard. I know we can come up with some core features of the game to at least get a rough framework for a character. What about gear? Any iconic man portable weapons in ME1-3?
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Old 08-07-2013, 08:35 PM   #7
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Default Re: Fictional character creation Banestorm(crossover)

Currently hammering out how much Isaac's RIG should cost as Signature gear. Thoughts?
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Old 08-07-2013, 11:50 PM   #8
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Default Re: Fictional character creation Banestorm(crossover)

Originally Posted by sabanknight View Post
Common sense, I don't know if that stands out on DP. Did I miss something?
Perhaps Deadpool's most defining feature is breaking the fourth wall. Common Sense with Active would let him ask the GM if any specific action is STUPID. I don't think he should have it, though. He can talk to the GM because the GM is one of the Supernatural Beings that control his world and he's Illuminated. He doesn't care if the GM answers and he doesn't care if the GM thinks that his actions are STUPID.
Illuminated? Because he is part of several fraternities of assassins?,
Because he knows that he is a fictional character in a fictional world. In the comics he can see the panels and converse with the author and audience. In an RPG he should know who the PCs and NPCs are, tell the difference between a major NPC and mere spears carriers and so on. Illuminated does this fine. Just substitute "4th wall" for "conspiracy" and "people in the real world" for "supernatural beings".
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Old 08-08-2013, 12:24 PM   #9
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Default Re: Fictional character creation Banestorm(crossover)

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
Perhaps Deadpool's most defining feature is breaking the fourth wall. Common Sense with Active would let him ask the GM if any specific action is STUPID. I don't think he should have it, though. He can talk to the GM because the GM is one of the Supernatural Beings that control his world and he's Illuminated. He doesn't care if the GM answers and he doesn't care if the GM thinks that his actions are STUPID.
Because he knows that he is a fictional character in a fictional world. In the comics he can see the panels and converse with the author and audience. In an RPG he should know who the PCs and NPCs are, tell the difference between a major NPC and mere spears carriers and so on. Illuminated does this fine. Just substitute "4th wall" for "conspiracy" and "people in the real world" for "supernatural beings".
I like Illumination, it fits, basically his delusion is right. However it raises the question is deadpool ACTUALLY aware of the narrator and audience, or is he simply talking to the 'narator in his head'. The first is more humorous. I don't think common sense fits because he never (that I know of) had a dialog with the narrator, and certainly not the reader. So the narrator(gm) never really humors his comments.
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Old 08-08-2013, 12:38 PM   #10
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Default Re: Fictional character creation Banestorm(crossover)

The more salient question for Shepard is "which Mass Effect?". ME 1 Shepard, just grab a marine or space marine template from whatever GURPS book tickles your fancy (assuming Soldier Shepard here). ME 3 Shepard, and there is some nanosymbiotes, vastly higher skills, higher purpose, possibly a Destiny if it fits the campaign, etc.

All Shepards have military rank at various levels (possibly just a perk or at most courtesy rank once banestormed), luck (ridiculous luck even), serendipity, daredevil, and a few levels of hard to kill/subdue, depending on the the template you pick's HT score. I'd be pretty tempted to grab a SEAL template for him/her. No beam weapons to worry about in ME, so could just add the ships crew and shiphandling skills for the appropriate TL and pretty much be done. Soldier is perhaps the most boring selection though, if you are going for an interesting banestorm character. You miss all the cool powers. I'd have picked Adept.
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