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Old 04-20-2008, 09:10 PM   #9
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: Real-Life Weirdness

In the local parks and recreation book of classes, I came across one for "SoulCollage".

Following the simple SoulCollage directions, your hands move fragments of cut-out magazine pictures around, fitting them together in a surprising new way and gluing them down on a card. Cards containing the images you select --- or the images that select you --- come straight through your Soul, bypassing the mind.
Taken to be literally true, this could fit into a conspiracy, horror, or urban fantasy game. In small towns all over the country, unwitting people are having bits of their souls torn loose in the latest New Age fad. What's the ulterior motive of these "faciliators"? Do they feed on the fragments of soul, or are they feeding power up through a pyramid to Seena B. Frost -- and what then is she really? What happens if you gain control of another's SoulCollage deck? What happens if you mix two decks; can you truly collage two different souls into one being? What happens as students progressively paste more and more of their souls onto cards, and they themselves become soulless, bit by bit? Can you recover from this condition?

Or is the process actually beneficial? What powers can you access with practice with your SoulCollage deck? Tarot, Gambit, M:tG come to life?
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