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Old 10-19-2024, 06:11 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2006
Default Races and monsters created by wizards or chaos

I would like to suggest a book or books about monsters or races created by wizards or chaos. Phil Masters could write a book about these kinds of races for his series Fantasy Folk. I would think that magically created races would be wildly fantastic and likely have some weaknesses due to their unnatural creation. For example, in the Stormbringer adventure called The Crystal of Daerdaerdarth, there was a race created by a wizard that populate an island. They are described as being bipedal with long tails and a hideous face with a vertical mouth and eyes on either side of their heads. They were used as slaves and are called the Kay. After their creator died they went off into the wild to survive the best that they could. They are dying off now due to the fact that the females of their kind die after giving birth.

I am sure there could be other races like these that might be useful as PCs or humanoid races.

I would think Dr. Kromm would be a good choice to make a book about monsters that are created by magic or chaos because he did a good job with other monster books like demons. The AD&D owlbear would be a good example of a monster.
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