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Old 11-17-2011, 07:59 PM   #11
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by tbrock1031 View Post
This is true, and a lot of times you have to consider the "How accurate is the Official Handbook I'm taking a lot of my own info from?" argument as well. There have been numerous times where the Handbook didn't coincide with a single instance (usually someone's first appearance, before the writers hammered out the character), and people use that instance to say the Handbook is wrong.
I usually figure that first appearances are somewhat defining, but that later anomalous high or low showings can be more easily discounted. E.g., I would only use a Sasquatch writeup that actually lets him throw a DC-10 across that Calgary airfield, but I wouldn't insist on him actually being able to lift a multi-thousand ton ship into drydock like he did in a later (and badly drawn) Marvel Two-in-One appearance. Why? Because if Sasquatch is not the guy who first appeared in X-Men #120 and pulled the stunt with the DC-10, then who is he? Likewise, Hercules needs to be a pretty close match for Thor physically, because of their stalemate in their first encounter, but I don't know anybody who considers the story where he drags Manhattan Island around with a giant chain as canonical.
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