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Old 04-18-2006, 05:16 AM   #111
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Lemme give a go at this.

Curse of Mooches : Affliction ( Disadvantage: Dependants (No more than 50% your CPs, Friend x1, Almost all the time x3, Group x2) +50% Malediction +100%, Melee Attack Reach C -30%, Permanent (victim must give you money equal to $20/ Dependant gained through this power) +150%, Temporary Disadvantage: Greed -15%, Limited Use once per day, -40%, Onset 1 minute -10%), Link +10%, Affliction (Advantage (Reputation : Generous, +1 reaction, Everyone under your Wealth x1/2, recognised all the time x1) +3%, Malediction +100%, Melee Attack Reach C -30%, Limited Use once per day, -40%) [38]

Description: Want to get even with that guy that just ripped you off, well with this little beauty of a curse here's how. You need to touch the bugger and you have to do it for a full minute, one great way is just an uncomfortably long hug when you see him. Next thing you know all over the area you are in, people start crawling out of the woodwork looking for donations from him. After the initial period these people will continue to follow him around seeking handouts. This works until he gives you at least $20 bucks per head, in the mean time though friend you are going to be trying to get money where ever you can find it.

Note to the more rules-lawerish types my math may be bad, and it may need to be unclunkified, feel free to edit and repost it.
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Old 04-18-2006, 06:17 AM   #112
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Fortean Poltergeist

Telekinesis Level 6 (Area Effect 16 yds +200%; Emergencies Only –30%; Unconscious Only –20%; Uncontrollable –30%; Psychokinetic –10%; TD: Weirdness Magnet –15%; Costs 1 FP –5%; Unreliable-11 –20%) [+51 CP]

When you're in trouble, all around you hell tends to break loose. Not always, but frequently. Chairs topple, books fly around and pictures crash down the walls. This mayhem is usually accompanied by occurences like rain of frogs, swirling lights and disembodied voices. You are left somewhat fatigued.

Ball Lightning

Burning Attack 10d (Variable Delay up to 10sec +10%; Explosion +50%; Drifting +20%; Surge +20%; Side Effect: Stunning +50%; Emergencies Only –30%; Unconscious Only –20%; Uncontrollable –30%; Psychokinetic –10%; TD: Weirdness Magnet –15%; Costs 5 FP –25%; Unreliable-11 –20%) [+50 CP]

When you're in trouble, sometimes Ball Lightning manifests nearby, drifting around seemingly at random. After at most 10 seconds, this ball lightning explodes, shorting out machinery and stunning people. As above, this phenomenon is accompanied by fish falls and similiar weird occurences. A ball lightning leaves you severely fatigued.
This ability may be an alternate ability of the Poltergeist. That way, in times of stress, only one of the two can manifest.
Like a mail order mogwai...but nerdier - Nymdok
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Old 04-18-2006, 06:53 AM   #113
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

And another one...

Stomp Shockwave:

Crushing Attack 20D (Emanation -20%; Explosion +50%; Enviromental, Not against airborne targets -20%; No Wounding -50%; Double Knockback +20%; All-Out -25%; NE: Leaves small craters on the ground -5%) [50]

You stomp the ground below you with your feet or hands, generating a shockwave that sends anyone who's standing near you sprawling. Does not do any damage per se, but people might collide with other things after this attack. Also leaves you very vulnerable to attack, so best used when surrounded by lots of weaker enemies.
Tsuru-Sennin a.k.a. The Crane Hermit a.k.a. Kurki-vanhus

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Old 04-18-2006, 10:38 AM   #114
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

From another thread. I added the Follow-Up to bring the cost closer to 50. The reason for the follow-up is that the attack shouldn't be able to penetrate armor better than a 2d-attack. This thing is quite deadly, I think.

Elven Bow
Impaling Attack 2d
(Gadget Based: Bow DR1 -20%; SM 0 -25%; Can be taken by ST -30%; Increased Range x2 +10%; Accurate +3 +15%; Guided +50%; Takes Extra Time 1 second -10%) [+15]
Follow-Up: Impaling Attack 3d
(Guided +50%; TET 1sec -10%) [+34]
Total: [+49]

You need an Elven Bow. After one second of concentration, you can shoot an unnaturally accurate arrow which seems to be guided by your own will. Certain Elven Masters can fire more quickly (add RoF), use bodkin points (Armor Divisor) or are simply more deadly (more dice of damage).
Like a mail order mogwai...but nerdier - Nymdok
understanding is a three-edged sword
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Old 04-18-2006, 01:30 PM   #115
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by BeUrgaust
Note to the more rules-lawyerish types my math may be bad, and it may need to be unclunkified, feel free to edit and repost it.
Your wish is my command! Your math's fine, but here's the "unclunkified" version:

Curse of Mooches (+300%): Affliction (Disadvantage: Dependants (No more than 50% your CPs, Friend x1, Almost all the time x3, Group x2) +50%; Advantage: Reputation (Generous, +1 reaction, Everyone under your Wealth x1/2, recognised all the time x1) +30%; Malediction +100%; Melee Attack Reach C -30%; Permanent (victim must give you $20 per each Dependant he/she gained through this power) +150%) [40]

Logic behind changes: An affliction can have multiple effects, so I added the effect of the second affliction to that of the first, and removed the Link. This freed up many points, so I removed the Onset, Temporary Disadvantage, and Once Per Day modifiers. Sticking someone with an Advantage, even if it's a Reputation that'll give them grief, costs 10% per CP it's worth, not 1%, thus the Reputation became worth +30% (not a problem at all, there's lots of room).

If you want to make this a 50-point ability, there's still a whole +100% worth of modifiers you can add to reach that point-goal. With those points, you could
-increase the Reputation reaction, for +30% for each +1
-increase the Dependants to "All the time" and "Loved Ones" for and additional +30% (can't go any higher, though)
-add 100 points worth of disadvantages onto the poor guy
-add 10 points worth of advantages onto the poor guy
-add an Irritant condition, or any Incapacitation listed on p. 36 up to Seizure, or an Attribute Penalty (IQ -2 for +20%, anyone?) I wouldn't recommend the Incapacitation; it doesn't seem to fit the concept behind the Ability. But it's an option.

As a note for everyone, something I figured out: On a level 1 Affliction, every +10% modifier equals 1 point on the finished product. Therefore, to make a 50-point Affliction, all you need is +400% worth of modifiers. (This will probably include some form of Penetration Modifiers, to make it worth anything.)

Last edited by Atreyu_Hibiki; 04-18-2006 at 06:00 PM.
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Old 04-18-2006, 04:39 PM   #116
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Pinpoint Static Overpressure Blast: (400%) Innate Attack 2d Crushing - Cosmic +300%; Explosion/2 +100%; No Signature +20%; Inreased Range x5 +20%; Super -10%; Extra Fatigue/1 -5%; Inaccurate/3 -15%; Takes Recharge 5 seconds -10% [50]

A standard crushing attack that mimics a static overpressure blast that explodes upon contact with a surface. Causes explosive effects, lots of knockback, etc. It's not accurate so taking time to aim won't help. It's a little tireing, and requires a build up period to use again after each use. It is virtually invisible, observers witness the object or subject suddenly fly violently away from the impact point.
"Time Traveling Brownie Parahuman from the future!"
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Old 04-18-2006, 09:38 PM   #117
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Famine's Caress: (400%) Innate Attack 1d Fatigue - Affects Insubstantial +20; Area Effect/1 +50%; Cosmic +300%; Hazard: Starvation +40%; No Signature +20%; Persistant +40%; Symptoms Moderate Pain at 1/2 FP -40%; Dissipation -50%; Emanation -20%; Magical -10% [50]

A granted magickal ability given to extremely loyal followers of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse Cult. Those chosen literally cause a fraction of Famine's power to emenate outward from them. With but a thought, they may cause crops and humans around them to writhe with starvation pains. Witnesses report no visible effects.
"Time Traveling Brownie Parahuman from the future!"
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Old 04-18-2006, 11:57 PM   #118
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Skunk's Spray: Affliction 1 - DX; Based on DX +20%; Disadvantage: Bad Smell, +10%; Extended Duration - Permenant - Bad Smell only (-20%), +120%; Jet +0%; Nauseated +30%; Secondary Blindness +10%; Limited Use 8 times/24 hours -10%; Contact Agent -30% [25]

Thanks to Rev_Pee_Kitty for this work. :) I made some tweaks to his suggested write up, but I'm still not 100% satisfied. I added Contact Agent to get around the annoying +1 to DX per every +1 DR the target has. I figured if the target is in covered armour where the spray can't hit the skin, then they're reasonably protected. The armour might be unwareable after, but at least the character wouldn't smell.

A 25 point power. A natural attack from a skunk furry or a chemical for use in a wierd ultra tech gun. :)
"Time Traveling Brownie Parahuman from the future!"
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Old 04-19-2006, 05:24 AM   #119
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

And another one...

Healing Sleep: [52]

Regeneration (Very Fast, 1 HP/second; Heals Fatigue +100%; Heals Radiation +40%; Backlash: Unconsciousness, Automatic -200%; Maximum Duration, 1 Minute -65%) [20]


Regrowth(Unreliable {11} -20%) [32]

You can enter a deep sleep that will heal you very quickly, but leaves you completely defenseless. Not very useful in combat, but can be a lifesaver if you can find a some place to hide while healing. Regrowing missing parts doesn't work always, roll against the target number whenever you activate the regeneration.
Tsuru-Sennin a.k.a. The Crane Hermit a.k.a. Kurki-vanhus

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Old 04-19-2006, 06:28 AM   #120
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

"Pay your due...": Allies (point value equal to 100% the caharcter's value; constantly; Minion, +50%; Summonable, +100%; Accessibility, only allies you've killed during the last encounter, -40%; Limited use, once [b]at all[/i], -80%) [26x2=52]. Note: You can force enemies you slained to return back to life and fight for you! Every creature you kill during any given encounter goes to an "ally pool", wich lasts until the next encounter in wich you kill someone (if that happens, the new minions substitue the old ones) or until you choose to summon your dead enemies. With each use of the ability (up to two) you can summon a single creature worth no more points than yourself;they will obey every order you give them, no matter what. The summoned creatures last until they are destroyed, or until they complete the task you ordered them to accomplish (for trivial tasks, ie. "open that door", the GM should consider to make the allies last a bit more). Yes, that's inspired by the "Corum's cycle" by Michael Moorcock.
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