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Old 08-11-2022, 01:22 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Default Berserkers, posture changes, ranged attacks, and close combat

These issues came up in my game recently:

The team's berserker was lying prone with a laser pistol in hand when he went berserk.
He had opponents within 5 yards. Based on the text, he's required to engage in hand to hand combat (opponents aren't beyond 20 yards) and must take Move or Move and Attack maneuvers.

I ruled he could get to his feet (he did an Acrobatic Stand) but I'm not sure what the rules require. Also, I'm pretty sure he can't shoot his foes, he has to run at them and hit them in hand to hand.

While he was advanced, another person attempted to slam him but missed, ending up in the berserker's hex. Berserkers must use the All-Out Attack maneuver to make an attack against the closest enemy, and AoA only allows forward movement.

Was I right to rule that the berserker had to stay in close-combat? He'd fast-draw a cutlass at this point and was taking penalties for using a long weapon in close combat, but Berserkers apparently don't fall back to tactically superior ground.

I'm mostly curious about the ranged attack, but I wanted to know what the community thought about berserkers being stuck in close-combat as soon as anyone enters their hex.
Read my GURPS blog:
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berserk, tactics

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