Mass Combat against bestial hordes?
Hey guys, long time no post.
There must be rules somewhere for running a Mass-Combat-type scenario against an opponent that doesn't use Strategy (like a horde without a leader)... but I can't seem to find them.
Basically, I've been using Mass Combat to provide a background for PCs to do interesting things in their corner of a battle, so I really liked the abstraction of the larger conflict and the built-in mechanisms for the PCs to affect it. Now the force they're a part of is fighting... well, zombies, basically.
What does the horde roll in the Strategy contest? Are they capable of using things like Recon superiority? Are there certain battle strategies that ought to be ineffective against a decentralized force?
I thought GURPS Zombies would have something like this, but the horde combat rules there don't quite do what I want them to....