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Old 08-02-2007, 03:01 AM   #171
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Tamar Cunha
The eyes are too big while the lips are very small; very anime-ish, very babyish.
The hips are too narrow.
Those are the two main things that make her look younger than you intend, as far as I'm concerned. Maybe others have different reasons.
Originally Posted by Ze'Manel Cunha
I asked the wife to comment too, but for me it's the forehead/eyes combination, both too big.
Then her boyish hips makes it look like she's barely hitting puberty along with the shadows which make it seem like folds of baby fat in her crotch.
This picture is Bluefire from the original image, just with everything else taken away and she's put in a bikini.
This picture is a modified version, based on feedback. I can't do much about her five-head at the moment.
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Old 08-02-2007, 06:29 AM   #172
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr
Aiko, the model I use most, is designed to be an anime character. Most of the morphs and characters for her make her look like a teen. There are a few that make her look older, but usually, she comes across looking like a kid.
Ingenue Vicky (not pictured) has practically no content and is a Vicky model to look like a teen girl.
Laura is the Millenium Girl, and I don't have much use, or content, for her at the moment.
Vicky 3 is designed to be a super model. And, to be honest, she's a pain to work with.
Vicky 4 has a more natural body, but, as she's new, there isn't a whole lot of content out for her.
This thread and your posts on it have inspired me to have a play around and see how I go. I have a couple of question before I start:

Why don't you have much use for Laura? Is there something 'wrong' with the model, or does 'she' just not suit your work?

Why is V3 a pain to work with? She's one of the free models, and there seems to be lots of stuff out there for her, so it's a pity if she's difficult to work with. OT is it just that she's completely the wrong shape?
Rupert Boleyn

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Old 08-02-2007, 07:27 AM   #173
Tamar Cunha
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr
This picture is Bluefire from the original image, just with everything else taken away and she's put in a bikini.
This picture is a modified version, based on feedback. I can't do much about her five-head at the moment.
Much better. The smaller eyes also make her look angrier, which adds to the badass image I think you were going for.
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Old 08-02-2007, 10:15 AM   #174
Ze'Manel Cunha
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr
This picture is Bluefire from the original image, just with everything else taken away and she's put in a bikini.
This picture is a modified version, based on feedback. I can't do much about her five-head at the moment.
Definitely better, I'd still think a bit more in the hips, but that might just be preference.
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Old 08-02-2007, 01:11 PM   #175
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Rupert
Why don't you have much use for Laura? Is there something 'wrong' with the model, or does 'she' just not suit your work?
Two things, really. One, she really is a tween/teen and there aren't any morphs to make her anything but. Granted, there are a few "characters" for her from Daz that are absolutely gorgeous (Vivien for Laura at Daz3d is a beautiful character).
And two, there really isn't much in the way of content for her. She's got some standard stuff, but nothing out of the ordinary. So, she'd be stuck as a modern/fantasy character.

Originally Posted by Rupert
Why is V3 a pain to work with? She's one of the free models, and there seems to be lots of stuff out there for her, so it's a pity if she's difficult to work with. OT is it just that she's completely the wrong shape?
It's a little that she's got the wrong shape. But, the real, big problem with her is that she doesn't load morphs. Once you load Vicky 3, you have to go in and load almost all her morphs onto her. She comes with a few, but not very many. Her morphs all have to be loaded. Michael 3 is the same way.
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Old 08-02-2007, 01:27 PM   #176
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Tamar Cunha
Much better. The smaller eyes also make her look angrier, which adds to the badass image I think you were going for.
Originally Posted by Ze'Manel Cunha
Definitely better, I'd still think a bit more in the hips, but that might just be preference.
I was getting this one rendered, so how is it? I widened her hips a little more from the 2nd picture.
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Old 08-02-2007, 01:32 PM   #177
Ze'Manel Cunha
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr
I was getting this one rendered, so how is it? I widened her hips a little more from the 2nd picture.
She looks like an adult teen now, an adult wearing a thong, but an adult nevertheless. *grin*
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Old 08-02-2007, 01:54 PM   #178
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Ze'Manel Cunha
She looks like an adult teen now, an adult wearing a thong, but an adult nevertheless. *grin*
I think a thong would be more covering.
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Old 08-08-2007, 01:29 PM   #179
Ian Wilson
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Default Re: Art for games

OK have been a little sucked in and brainwashed by Daz, downloaded it and have been aquiring freebies.

Question, how is the best way to build objects for it?

Or more importantly what is the best program to use that is free?

Anyone know any good sites for Traveller and Banestorm style games?
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Old 08-08-2007, 01:54 PM   #180
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Art for games

Originally Posted by Ian Wilson
OK have been a little sucked in and brainwashed by Daz, downloaded it and have been aquiring freebies.
Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahah! My empire grows!

Originally Posted by Ian Wilson
Question, how is the best way to build objects for it?

Or more importantly what is the best program to use that is free?
I don't know of a functional program that is free. I myself use Hexagon 2 in that way that I own it and have loaded it up and became terrified of what I was seeing sort of "using" it. On occasion, Daz will put Bryce and Hexagon on sale (I paid $6 for each of them as a Platinum Club Member).

Originally Posted by Ian Wilson
Anyone know any good sites for Traveller and Banestorm style games?
A general purpose sci-fi site with good free stuff is Vanishing Point. If you're looking to pay a little Power Fusion 3D has multiple sci-fi construction kits that allow you to build your own ships/vehicles/shtuff. Be sure to check out the freebie pages on both Renderosity and Content Paradise (assuming you can find anything useful at Content Paradise). If you didn't know, Daz3D also has a freebie page. They've done a good job hiding it, though.
As for Banestorm . . . you'd really have to just look around. Fantasy shtuff is out there, but I usually do sci-fi/supers/modern, so I haven't looked for it too much.
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