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Old 11-13-2021, 06:22 PM   #251
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post

10 damage to the torso. Make a HT roll to stay conscious... Vassarious does turn into mist to flee... but at below 0 hit points...
(( Silly that this is the state of affairs... it's because I was too busy/lazy to specify the form I was in, so I tried to extricate rather than engage, and then had some horrible rolls. ))

Vassarious will spend a Style! Wildcard point on a flesh would and reduce the damage to 1 point and keep it above zero to make their escape.
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Old 11-15-2021, 08:57 AM   #252
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I turn to the hologram, and say: "You know, you could have gotten away with just the first and last sentences. Then again you'd think the gate would be a strong enough message too."

"I'm Halcyone. Some splinter of the Emperor said to come here, that he's been betrayed by the priests who keep his body. He said I could fix this somewhere in these caves."

"I am the splinter who sent that message. I do not know where the other splinters are. I needed to be clear. Too many priests need to be told specifically."

"We should move quickly. You are in danger. If I can see you, the emperor can see you. He has sent someone to kill you. And probably, now, to destroy me."

The hologram spirit thing leads you into the temple, and shows you Eight shoulder high walls about 20 feet long made of different kinds and sizes of stone, arranged in intricate patterns: "This is my pattern. Someone has changed it. Learn this pattern."

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
(( Silly that this is the state of affairs... it's because I was too busy/lazy to specify the form I was in, so I tried to extricate rather than engage, and then had some horrible rolls. ))
Yeah, I'm used to you pulling out something spectacular when faced with a singular foe like this.

Vassarious will spend a Style! Wildcard point on a flesh would and reduce the damage to 1 point and keep it above zero to make their escape.
Which wild card?

Do you want to escape into the ventilation system, or under a door and then through a window, or do you have some other escape route in mind?
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Old 11-15-2021, 10:47 AM   #253
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I am the splinter who sent that message. I do not know where the other splinters are. I needed to be clear. Too many priests need to be told specifically."
"So they're really pigheaded, huh?"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"We should move quickly. You are in danger. If I can see you, the emperor can see you."
"So there's a fake emperor who's making decisions? Not just some kind of puppet of the priesthood? How could someone create an imposter like this? Is it even usefully controllable?"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"He has sent someone to kill you. And probably, now, to destroy me."
"Given this cave's in the middle of a war zone, is he likely to do something unsubtle like send in the whole army or just a few people?"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The hologram spirit thing leads you into the temple, and shows you Eight shoulder high walls about 20 feet long made of different kinds and sizes of stone, arranged in intricate patterns: "This is my pattern. Someone has changed it. Learn this pattern."
I'll take a few pictures with my smartphone while studying the walls. I'll try to apply my understanding of interior decorating to help memorize the pattern.
[141] 21-11-15 16:41:24 GMT
Artist (Interior Decorating)
3d6 <= 14
5 + 4 + 1 = 10 ... success
"So to fix the pattern in your main temple, could I just use a sharpie to undo the change or am I going to need to learn stone masonry?"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Which wild card?
The "Style!" wildcard skill, I think.
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Old 11-15-2021, 12:02 PM   #254
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Yes, I was referring to the Ultimate Combat Style... Alternatively, I could save the point if you want to rule that 90% of the way to diffuse grants some damage reduction.

Under a door and out a window is fine... I don't have a good visual of where Vassarious is, other than "not outdoors like I thought".
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Old 11-16-2021, 09:05 AM   #255
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

[QUOTE=TGLS;2403753]"So they're really pigheaded, huh?"

"So there's a fake emperor who's making decisions? Not just some kind of puppet of the priesthood? How could someone create an imposter like this? Is it even usefully controllable?"

"He is not false. I theorize he has had his mind altered. I am the copy, created by him to safegaurd and preserve himself. Our minds are not preserved in his body, but in the stones of the temples. I do not know who reproduced my secrets, but they must be cunning, must have access to priestly information, and must have had a heretical and self-aggrandizing streak. He must have figured out how to alter our minds in a useful manner"

"Given this cave's in the middle of a war zone, is he likely to do something unsubtle like send in the whole army or just a few people?"
"He has sent Kunnifax, one of our undying heroes, to kill you. Kunnifax is in the cave already. He may send more regular forces if Kunnifax fails. He can tell where you are, unless you are in a very few places, such as this one."

I'll take a few pictures with my smartphone while studying the walls. I'll try to apply my understanding of interior decorating to help memorize the pattern.

"So to fix the pattern in your main temple, could I just use a sharpie to undo the change or am I going to need to learn stone masonry?"
"You must arrange the stones. I know not if they will be load bearing, nor if the stones are present."

OCC: you have artist(interior decorating)? that's... surprisingly relevant. good use of flavor skills!

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Yes, I was referring to the Ultimate Combat Style... Alternatively, I could save the point if you want to rule that 90% of the way to diffuse grants some damage reduction.
done. 120 posts until you get it back, or the end of the Maximus plot.

Under a door and out a window is fine... I don't have a good visual of where Vassarious is, other than "not outdoors like I thought".
Vassarious is outdoors now. The man in black seems to know exactly which direction Vassarious went, kicking down the door and following through the window... but the gaseous Vassarious can get through those obstacles faster, and the man seems to need to focus to identify Vassarious.

Once outside, in what direction will Vassarious flee?
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Old 11-16-2021, 06:37 PM   #256
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"He has sent Kunnifax, one of our undying heroes, to kill you. Kunnifax is in the cave already. He may send more regular forces if Kunnifax fails. He can tell where you are, unless you are in a very few places, such as this one."
"I suppose he can't be reasoned with. Does that whole undying thing mean he shrugs off bullets and strangulation or he just comes back after being killed? Gotta learn that trick one of these days."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"You must arrange the stones. I know not if they will be load bearing, nor if the stones are present."
"So is there a time delay, or will the Emperor be flipping out as I move the stones around? Are they about the same size as the stones here?"

"One other thing, is there anything else in these caves worth looking into?"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
OCC: you have artist(interior decorating)? that's... surprisingly relevant. good use of flavor skills!
OOC: I half thought that this might have been something you adjusted the scenario for
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Old 11-17-2021, 12:19 AM   #257
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious heads for the sun to try and make themselves hard to track until they are high enough to be out of firearm range, and then moves several miles out of the city to get their bearings and figure out the route to the caves.
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Old 11-17-2021, 10:05 AM   #258
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"I suppose he can't be reasoned with. Does that whole undying thing mean he shrugs off bullets and strangulation or he just comes back after being killed? Gotta learn that trick one of these days."

"His body is powered by power and will, rather than breath and blood. Poking a hole in it or cutting off its breath will not stop him. He does need the body in order to move, so dismemberment will slow him down. He will heal within a day or so."

"So is there a time delay, or will the Emperor be flipping out as I move the stones around? Are they about the same size as the stones here?"
The Emperor will not be able to feel the stones move until he is rendered dormant. If he is watching you, he will send his full wrath against you."

"One other thing, is there anything else in these caves worth looking into?"
"I was intentionally hidden in a place of no consequence. Other features of this cave are lacking in interest by design"

OOC: I half thought that this might have been something you adjusted the scenario for
Nope! lets see what other flavor skills come up!

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious heads for the sun to try and make themselves hard to track until they are high enough to be out of firearm range, and then moves several miles out of the city to get their bearings and figure out the route to the caves.

Vassarious flies through the sky, and the man in black shades his eyes. Vassarious makes it out of gunshot. From this high in the air, he can appreciate the enormous Megalopolis, home to over 100 million people. Leaving the entire city will require quite a trek.

Will Vassarious be landing and transforming to pull out their electronics? What form would they take in that case? What sort of area will they land in? Are they willing to fly 30 miles just to get out of the city?
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Old 11-17-2021, 11:57 AM   #259
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"His body is powered by power and will, rather than breath and blood. Poking a hole in it or cutting off its breath will not stop him. He does need the body in order to move, so dismemberment will slow him down. He will heal within a day or so."
"Hm... I could bust his legs but I don't have the equipment to cut off like that. He definitely can't be reasoned with, right?"

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The Emperor will not be able to feel the stones move until he is rendered dormant. If he is watching you, he will send his full wrath against you."
"So he'll have to be rendered dormant to fix his mind?"

Right, so I guess this leaves:
1) Don't get killed on my way out of the caves
2) Figure out how to get to the capital
3) Figure out how to get into Maximus's tomb
4) Move the blocks into the right place without alerting anyone.
5) K.O. the Emperor so his mind's refreshes (?)
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Old 11-17-2021, 11:39 PM   #260
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious leaves the city entirely to seek out a secluded spot to take their hybrid Angel/Demonspawn hybrid form and checks their reference materials to figure out how to get to the caves.


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