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Old 08-29-2022, 08:35 AM   #1171
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

If any of the cabinets are out of the sightline of the assault, he will extend the hooked pole and see if he can retrieve any of the clothing or tools from an open cabinet.
None of the cabinets in the "active cluster" are out of sight, but there are other clusters. The two closest are maybe 70 feet away.

Are there only ladders? Can Peter see any way to get Goliath down from here? The crane hooks maybe? Are any of the ducts angled so they might slide?
The crane hooks would work, if he found a way to operate them. The ducts are pretty darn vertical. Looking around more carefully, a couple of places look like lifts for pallets.

If he feels he has what he needs to do so, Peter will attempt to shut down the breakers. If they are labeled, he will just do the lights.
The breakers are labelled: Tank Power, Computers, Lifts, Lights. They are also divided into five numbered sections.

How many of the lights does he hit?

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
When Goliath wants to go exploring, Peter gives him the 'shush' sign and the 'dismissed' motion to give him leave to sniff around. If Goliath turns back to show Peter something, he will investigate.
Goliath indicates that he found something as Peter is looking over the breaker. Peter goes back, and finds a girl about 16 years old, with cat ears and a cat tail. The ears and tail look quite authentic, and the ears lay back against the head when she sees him. She looks around to see if she can find anyone else. "Where are we going?"

She's wearing a shapeless paper garment only marginally more stylish than a hospital gown.
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Old 08-29-2022, 12:30 PM   #1172
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter sees he cannot get to any of the cabinets out of view and elects to keep the lights on while he prepares...

Looking over the panel, Peter tries to map out the sections so he knows what he is looking at to selectively kill the lights around the best way to get them down to ground level, and those around the ongoing assault.

His plan is to put Goiliath on the platform or harness, kill the lights and run back and ride down with Goliath in dramatic fashion...

Once Peter gets his bearings on which breakers to throw, he investigates Goliath's findings.

His jaw drops and he's stunned...
"um... "

He shakes out of it and gets his bearing well enough to say, in hushed tones,
"Where are we now?"
"Where did you come from?"

"I'm Peter, this is Goliath, he's okay, Stay close"

Peter makes his way over to the cabinets out of view to see if he can hook some resources before trying to mount a rescue naked, while he reviews his surroundings and his plan to now get the three of them down. His efforts are somewhat hindered by his trying to hide his nakedness behind the dog.
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Old 08-30-2022, 09:14 AM   #1173
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

He plans what sections to turn off and on... and figures leaving the two ends on will be best.

He shakes out of it and gets his bearing well enough to say, in hushed tones,
"Where are we now?"
"Up High in the tank room"

"Where did you come from?"
"From down there". She points. "and over there." She points farther down the room.

"I'm Peter, this is Goliath, he's okay, Stay close"
She follows the two of them.

The second cluster of cabinets has its own table, and a few of the cabinets are open. Hooking tools seems likely to accidentally drop one of them, but he's able to get a nice white lab coat that is too big for him. Which seems to improve his focus.

He figures the platform is probably the best way to get all three of them down.
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Old 08-30-2022, 12:49 PM   #1174
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter preps his posse on the platform and has them wait for him while he kills the lights and rejoins them to head for the floor level. He collapses the pole to drop it to a manageable level and keeps it handy as a potential weapon.

Upon hitting ground level, he makes his way past the other open cabinets for a quick glance for other potential tools or weapons, before heading for the prisoner to see if he can set them free.
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Old 08-31-2022, 10:05 AM   #1175
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

There are lots of potential tools and weapons in the cabinet, and he can plan which to grab before he turns off the lights. The ones that catch his eye are a heavy wrench he could use to hit things with, a screw driver, and a welding torch. He also notices a lot of hypodermic needles.

He kills the lights in the three sections, and then runs to the platform to his group down on the ground. The screens still give off a dim glow, one on each tank.

There is some yelling over in the other section as they move towards it. The Cat Girl is less stealthy than he would have hoped... how stealthy do you expect a cat girl in a hospital gown to be?

As they pass by the screens on the tanks, he sees about half of them reporting on what look like dinosaur names, with various vital statistics. He hears the men walking around, but can't see where they are in the darkness.

They're about 40 feet from the cabinets when the lights flip back on. The men haven't spotted his posse. yet.
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Old 08-31-2022, 11:54 AM   #1176
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will grab and pocket the wrench and screwdriver, and grab the welding torch and it's igniter if it's not attached.

When the lights come up, Peter shushes his crew and gestures for them to keep out of sight


Peter will try and stay hidden and determine if he has a path to set the prisoner free while the assailants are looking around. If he thinks he can make it, he'll go for it. If he thinks not, he will find a hiding place where he can use the torch to set a fire and make Karana creatures to aid him and distract the men searching... if that's the case, he will make a little batch of Karana Compys in honor of Jurassic Park.
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Old 09-01-2022, 09:50 AM   #1177
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

He's able to get a view of the guard with the gun still standing near the prisoner.

rolling IQ to see if he grabbed an extra lab coat to burn... and getting a 9, he did. The smoke curls up, and Peter starts making tiny dinosaurs.

How many is he making? (you've got 10 ER, each 20lb creature takes at least 2 ER, each ER gives them 5 minutes of life and 1 minute of bleeding per hit)
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Old 09-01-2022, 11:26 AM   #1178
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter gathers his energy and the smoke curls into five small dinosaurs with sharp teeth and claws. He sets them loose with commands to distract and harry the guards, save for one set to be somewhat sneakier and free the prisoner from his bonds before joining its brothers.

If he can free the prisoner, Peter will try and get into their sight and gesture for them to join his posse in hiding.
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Old 09-02-2022, 09:52 AM   #1179
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

The creatures go out looking for the guards. Peter tries to direct each of them. its not long until they are spotted.

"I saw a mirt!" one of the thugs shouts. "Who cooked up one of those?"
"More like who let them loose!"

Peter has located all four thugs. They're in two groups, one by the prisoner, one seemingly coming back from a breaker box. The security by the prisoner has the oversized gun, the security who went to the breaker box has a pistol. Each of the other thugs has a long metal tool held like a club.

The groups are acting wary... the ones who went by the breaker start looking over the entire room. The ones by the prisoner stay put.
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Old 09-03-2022, 09:55 AM   #1180
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter flashes his point of view through the eyes of his compys to see if he can find an exit to the room they are in. He has the creations intermittently mess with the thugs to keep them confused and darting off to keep them looking and drawing them away from Peter's group.

One of them will try a stealth approach to see if it can free the prisoner... can it see how he is restrained?

Peter realizes that while he doesn't like the odds against the prisoner, getting caught himself won't do them any good. If it looks like the Karana creatures could free the captive, he will have them do so. Otherwise, he will just use them as scouts and distractions and try and get out of this room to better scope out this place and get some distance from the armed men.
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