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Old 11-21-2023, 10:18 AM   #1
Hero of Democracy
ericthered's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: far from the ocean
Default Warriors of Haunden (IC)

The band of warriors had just checked on the Venasir of Holidor, the enemy's nearest fort. The enemy had been caught off gaurd: all the soldiers where in the fort or watching the wrong dwellings. You scouted their locations, and then raided the right spot. You are returning home with a pair of slaughtered goats, produce of the land your parents and grandparents grew up on.

And you find a scene reminiscent of those terrible days your parents and grandparents talk about. A number of houses have been lit on fire. A lot of the settlement is walled up in the fort. But you can tell a lot of your friends, neighbors, and family have been slain or wounded. More are missing.

The pattern of destruction makes no sense: the buildings lit on fire are on the south-east side of the village, but the bodies are all next to the creek.

Kethwick, a young boy about 13 years old, runs up to you. He is crying, but relieved to see you. He tells of thin monsters made of bone that came up from the creek and attacked everyone, and of three sorcerers with masks who commanded soldiers to capture people.

You haven't heard tell of more than one Venasir sorcerer in this region for a long time, let alone 3. Nor have you faced monsters made of bone lurking in rivers. Something new is going on.

Anoras instantly is sure the sorcerers have captured the people to be sacrificed in bloody rituals that will further their power.
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