Originally Posted by whswhs
I haven't found that to be the case. My lowest point campaign had a base of 75 points. That was a test run of my setting Worminghall (available as a supplement) in which all the player characters were magic students at a medieval university; I allowed them up to 37 points in disadvantages. Of course, they weren't going out and fighting monsters or having adventures, at least not frequently! Some of them started out with no spells, and learned some in the course of play; some of them had from 1 to 4 points in spells at start. My players seemed to enjoy the campaign!
Well, sure ... people can have fun campaigns at pretty much any point level. A lot of my wife's private sessions involve her being a happy housefrau in a gypsy camp (her husband slumming as a blacksmith there), or managing her modest country estate. Alright, the character's north of 750 pts, after 21 years of play, but she could do that at a tenth the point level.
I just figure the OP's group wouldn't care for a style where the resolution to the session's action is to find a good job for a young buddy of the PC's son, so that he can offer marriage to his sweetie, so she doesn't get married off to some rich fellow ...