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Old 11-16-2024, 11:39 AM   #11
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Default Re: FP Problems

Originally Posted by Fini View Post
Well, My GCS is currently:

IQ = 11 (Other stats are at 10)
48 Points in Advantages, -26 in Disadvantages.

6 pts in Skills (among them: Thaumatology and Research)
22 Spells.
That's 70 points total, if I'm calculating that right. 70 points is a fairly low point level character, where the Basic Set suggests 150 points to build an adventurer. At 70 points to build a character you pretty much are going to be limited to either a low level dabbler or a one-trick-pony where you buy up the level of one spell to be 15 or 20 so it's FP cost is reduced enough to be useful.
Eric B. Smith GURPS Data File Coordinator
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Old 11-16-2024, 11:50 AM   #12
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Default Re: FP Problems

Originally Posted by Fini View Post
Well, My GCS is currently:

IQ = 11 (Other stats are at 10)
48 Points in Advantages, -26 in Disadvantages.

6 pts in Skills (among them: Thaumatology and Research)
22 Spells. Having the function of helping me with the FP problem are only Charge Powerstone and Steal Energy.
What is killing my FP the most is my use of Shape Earth which I normally use to Bury enemies into the ground.
One detail that after reading some answers I realized is that all my spells are at 12, which should explain why I always run out of FP, with the example of Shape earth, which being at 12, in a fight against a horde After burying 3-4 enemies it simply consumes almost all of my FP to use and I can keep it for a maximum of 2 turns to damage enemies by suffocation.
So this is a 70pt character? This matters because in such a low point game you probably have too many spells at a low level rather than a few spells at a higher level. As some people have already explained 15 skill in a spell is the first sweet spot where you will see real dividends saving 1energy with every cast. Though you will get more use from this for some spells than others.

How big is the group you play with and what are their focus?

My snap judgement is you need to stop using Shape earth the way you are, or invest more in that spells skill to start saving some energy casting it.

I do have a question about how you are "burying hordes/enemies" given the relatively slow movement of the earth in that spell.

Last edited by bocephus; 11-16-2024 at 11:51 AM. Reason: math is hard :)
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Old 11-16-2024, 12:35 PM   #13
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Default Re: FP Problems

Originally Posted by bocephus View Post
So this is a 70pt character? This matters because in such a low point game you probably have too many spells at a low level rather than a few spells at a higher level. As some people have already explained 15 skill in a spell is the first sweet spot where you will see real dividends saving 1energy with every cast. Though you will get more use from this for some spells than others.

How big is the group you play with and what are their focus?

My snap judgement is you need to stop using Shape earth the way you are, or invest more in that spells skill to start saving some energy casting it.

I do have a question about how you are "burying hordes/enemies" given the relatively slow movement of the earth in that spell.
The enemies we are facing are like zombies that are slow and have no reasoning, so the GM allows me to make a hole in the ground and cover it up, burying and suffocating them. My group currently has 5 players, 1 of which is a Ranger who uses a bow, a fighter who uses a little magic, a Knight, a Dwarf who fights with an ax and I who am the only one totally focused on pure magic.
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Old 11-16-2024, 01:23 PM   #14
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Default Re: FP Problems

You're going to have to grind hard for another 30 to 50 CP before you start having an easier time not dying in basic fantasy combats. This sounds like a real "1st level old school D&D" campaign, where characters die a lot and you just roll up a new one - but in GURPS, it does take a good bit longer to make even a simple character, and players tend to be a bit more attached to their characters....

There are folks on this forum who really know how to play GURPS combat, and their advice might be much better than mine, but..... Here's what I would do. \

I'd spend the first 4 CP you get on the Shield skill and get at least a 2 DB shield for a solid defense so you can stay alive for a few sessions. Maybe next put a point or two into a melee skill.

I'd spend the next 8 CP you earn to buy Fireball up to 15 (getting prerequisite spells if necessary before that with 3 CP) so that you can cast a 1d burn fireball at no cost every other turn. Have a shield in your off-hand for a block and stay in the back behind the melee types. You can, if you need to, cast a stronger Fireball, but it'll take more time and energy. But being able to cast a 1d burn every other round puts you in the same league as the guy with a bow, at least.

After you have a reliable ranged attack, focus on a good Blocking spell. Iron Arm is great because it costs only 1 FP and gives you a much higher chance of succeeding at an Active Defense because you'll be rolling against skill instead of Skill/2 +3. You can't get rid of the FP cost to cast a Blocking spell with high skill... Iron Arm has a prereq count of 4 and DX 11 - so, again, it's going to take a while to get there....

You might also want to just invest in a basic melee skill like shortsword and some light armor and shield until you have more CP to make magic work better.
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Old 11-16-2024, 09:23 PM   #15
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Default Re: FP Problems

Originally Posted by Fini View Post
Do you guys know how to get more FP? I'm playing as a pure Mage and after using a simple Shape Earth or casting 2 Lighting my FP ends.

I have a 13pt Powerstone, Magery 3, 10 FP and my IQ is 11.

Is there a skill or something similar to help me?
you can buy FP at a discount if it's magic-only, or a Magic Energy Reserve w/ custom limitations to discount the cost there
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Old 11-16-2024, 09:48 PM   #16
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Default Re: FP Problems

Originally Posted by Plane View Post
you can buy FP at a discount if it's magic-only, or a Magic Energy Reserve w/ custom limitations to discount the cost there
I don't know about the''Magic Energy Reserve'', is it in a book or is it something custom? Could you explain to me how it works?
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Old 11-16-2024, 11:41 PM   #17
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Default Re: FP Problems

at 70 points you can't really call an armored warrior a knight either...

With these much points you are quite powerful killing 3 to 4 enemies with a single skill/spell! but that is a single event spaced by almost two weeks before trying again.

That is what you are doing by with your magic.

Try shooting a few light damage spells, create fire can do 1d-1 per turn to a target, for a full minute and cost 2 energy, do that each turn meanwhile the "knight" cover you. after a few turns you will kill 2 to 3 enemies just by using your personal fatigue, that recharges very fast compare to powerstones.

There are many ways a low level wizard can be helpful, just don't try to be a powerful wizard if you are not.
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Old 11-17-2024, 01:43 AM   #18
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Default Re: FP Problems

70 point campaign, 22 spells? Yikes. You can't afford to have 22 spells.

If I were going to build a mage on 70 pts -- which is pretty damn painful, 4th edition -- you can neither afford 22 spells nor some of the other options people are suggesting, like putting points into melee skills. I wouldn't go for a mage who could inflict damage at all. If there are four fighters in the group, one of them would be tasked to be my meat shield, and I'd go completely for utility spells:

* Lend Energy, Recover Energy, Lend Vitality, Minor Healing, Major Healing; that's one track. Absolutely run Minor Healing to -15.
* Ignite Fire, Create Fire, Shield, Armor, Apportation; that completes the suite.
* I might go with Sense Foes, Sense Emotion, Truthsayer, Mind-Reading, but now we're getting into burning unavailable points.

I wouldn't bother with most spells for which there were mundane solutions. No need to get the Light spell when a torch will suffice, for instance.

There's also no way I'd go as low as -26 points of Disadvantages. You just can't afford that. I'd reduce STR to 9, make sure I have as many Quirks as the GM allows, and do my level best to force IQ higher than 11.

In the end, I'd really try to talk the GM into a more reasonable point total for the campaign. 70 would have been damn onerous in 3rd edition, and it's damn near impossible for 4th. I've been starting parties at 135 in recent years.
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Old 11-17-2024, 02:21 AM   #19
Join Date: Feb 2021
Default Re: FP Problems

Originally Posted by Fini View Post
I don't know about the''Magic Energy Reserve'', is it in a book or is it something custom? Could you explain to me how it works?
Energy Reserve (Source) from GURPS Powers p. 119.

Basically it's FP bought at 3 points that can only be spent using abilities/powers connected to whatever the 'Source' is. In your case Magic. The interesting parts is that the ER points are recovered separately from your FP, effectively doubling your 'mana' recovery, and that you can pile on the Limitations like 'Special Recharge' -70% (You only recover your ER points via the 'Source') and 'Abilities Only -10% (The ER points can only be used to power spells) for a whopping -80% discount that 'limits' the use of your ER to only be used in the only way you need it for and only to be recharged in the best way to recharge it. 3 character points for 5 points of 'mana' is a bargain. Depending on your GM/Group this might be shameless powergaming or just sensible character building.

However, raising your available 'mana' is, as other have said a losing proposition if you want your character to keep taking out enemies (less so if you take on more of a support role - make your best fighter invisible, lean back and crack open a beer...). Getting the skill of your go-to spells to 15 where you can keep pinging away with 1d attacks forever is the way to go.
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Old 11-17-2024, 04:55 AM   #20
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: FP Problems

[22] out of [70] in spells is pretty extreme. For reference, DFRPG templates are fairly well-optimized for adventuring and combat, and using Delvers to Grow [22] is more akin to what a [125] wizard (the Journeyman level) would have (they tend to have between [21] and [25] in spells). The [62] wizards (the Novice level) there instead tend to have between [9] and [13] in spells.

Originally Posted by FredrikJ View Post
'Special Recharge' -70% (You only recover your ER points via the 'Source')
I'm not certain what you mean by "only recover via the Source," but that's not what Special Recharge -70% does. Rather, it makes it so your ER doesn't recover over time but only from singular events that would restore FP - it explicitly mentions DR with Absorption, Leech, and the Steal Energy spell. I would allow Lend Energy to work as well. It's up to the GM if paut would work.
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