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Old 01-04-2024, 12:44 PM   #1431
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious does not want to arrive and potentially set off alarms too close to the window when they are rendered mortal by the setting sun, so they stop when they are about an hour's flight from their destination to discuss the plan and to camp the night before.

What is the range of Halcyon's mechanical bugs? Can we send them ahead?

We were following Yi's plan, and that was to ask around about who was involved with Bel's immortality ritual and find a descendant and try to get them to give up that information? Is that still the play? Or do we just poke around and see if fate approaches us somehow?
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Old 01-04-2024, 03:41 PM   #1432
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious does not want to arrive and potentially set off alarms too close to the window when they are rendered mortal by the setting sun, so they stop when they are about an hour's flight from their destination to discuss the plan and to camp the night before.
Well that's fine with me.
Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
What is the range of Halcyon's mechanical bugs? Can we send them ahead?
The TL10 microbot fliers get Air Move 6 and a duration of 12 hours (but moving by air counts for two hours instead of one). Air Move 6 is about 20 km/h, so that puts the maximum range at about 60 km. Probably less if we want them to do something beyond patrol a route.
Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
We were following Yi's plan, and that was to ask around about who was involved with Bel's immortality ritual and find a descendant and try to get them to give up that information? Is that still the play? Or do we just poke around and see if fate approaches us somehow?
"Well I see little reason to change plans at this point. Bel's obviously already aware of us to the point that heading in to his capital is probably going to immediately start a fight. Perhaps just knowing what his weakness is and publicly diclosing it might just count enough to 'shake the spear'."
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Old 01-08-2024, 12:28 PM   #1433
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

They land in a secluded canyon about 6 miles (10 km) from the tombs and village. That's well within range of the bugs.

I take it you will scout both communities and the tombs?
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Old 01-08-2024, 02:11 PM   #1434
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
They land in a secluded canyon about 6 miles (10 km) from the tombs and village. That's well within range of the bugs.

I take it you will scout both communities and the tombs?
That's probably wise. Let's keep tabs On the communitues too. If Bel sends forces after us, they might stop in the communities first.
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Old 01-09-2024, 10:14 AM   #1435
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

While Halcyone coordinates the bots, Vassarious does the rituals for protecting their campsite and the reads the portents and omens on the day to come....
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Old 01-09-2024, 10:22 AM   #1436
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

The town is bustling with energy, as people back up their shops for the day, eat their meals, say goodbye to friends, and stoke their fires. The level of readiness is minimal. spears are hanging in some homes, but no one gives them a second glance. There do seem to be a few witches present, but they are packing up or headed towards the estate.

Life in the estate seems to just be getting going: this appears to be a notable day for the stars, and many small lamps are being prepared and lit, and ceremonial garb is being put on. You aren't sure if this is a family or a school... there are more girls than their strictly should be, but they are generally using familial terms. Many of the boys seem to be training in magic, but not all of them. At least some of the family is headed to sleep, but most are not. There are something like 150 people, once all of the servants are accounted for (about 50 servants).

Security for the estate comes in the form of eight beasts found in various parts of the estate: four wingless dragons, two gryphons, and two heavily built ogres.

The tombs are carved into the rock, and there are at least 100 of them. They are labelled with names: one cavity holds from a dozen to a hundred people. A single cavity stands out: its guarded by two sleeping wingless dragons, has a single name on it (the one you want) and a woman and a man are sitting in front of it with a lamp between them, dressed in ceremonial garb.
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Old 01-10-2024, 10:04 AM   #1437
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Any investigation to do before the morning?
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Old 01-10-2024, 10:28 AM   #1438
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Well, maybe a couple questions:
So the ceremonial garb of those in the estate and the ones in the tombs is the same, right?
Is there any conversation picked up that indicates the relation between the estate and the tomb, or why the estate is there otherwise?
Do we have any idea of any patrolling, scrying, or other tactically useful activities?

"Well V, I say we got a few approaches here.
1) We attack the tombs immediately after sunset to catch them unaware.
2) We march right up the the estate and ask for an audience.
3) We wait and see if any of the tombs keepers leave the tomb regularly.
4) We wait until morning and we approach the town for a more indirect approach of intelligence gathering.
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Old 01-11-2024, 10:34 AM   #1439
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Well, maybe a couple questions:
So the ceremonial garb of those in the estate and the ones in the tombs is the same, right?
Its of a similiar design, maybe more "Advanced", but within the variation found in the estate.

Is there any conversation picked up that indicates the relation between the estate and the tomb, or why the estate is there otherwise?
The tombs seem to hold bodies of people who lived or at least were taught at this estate, and are referred to as "ancestors".

Do we have any idea of any patrolling, scrying, or other tactically useful activities?
The patrolling is quite lite: random passerby pose more of a detection threat. The Guard Beasts mostly laze around. There is so much scrying going on you can't really track it. A lot of it seems to be teaching, practice, or about far off-locations.
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Old 01-11-2024, 10:36 AM   #1440
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

I like option 4, to be followed by option 2 if we don't get a good lead.
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