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Old 12-20-2010, 02:37 PM   #521
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

The super team has gathered their final member, a newly sapient wolf-shapeshifter, Greyfur. He understands English, but not subtlties. Shimmer is the group leader, and their main scrapper.

Shimmer: "Okay, I'll take the ugly one."
Greyfur: "But, they're all ugly."
Shimmer: "Shh, don't talk."

After saving the world and spending a couple of days recovering:

Gunslinger: "Should we let Greyfur do an interview?"
Shimmer: "Good call. No. We'll just tell them he's a Native American and isn't comfortable talking to them."
Greyfur: "But . . . I am a native American."
Shimmer: "You're cute, just be my arm candy."
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Old 01-09-2011, 10:17 PM   #522
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Some choice ones from the Mage game we played in today...
"OK, reading his surface thoughts, you get a lot of confusion, and thoughts of a werewolf. Oh, and overwhelming pain and agony, of course, what with the bullet hole in his neck."
"Did you guys run into a werewolf?"
"Oh, no, that was me."

"I won like a hundred bucks off those old ladies!"
"Yes, you did. They put a hit on you."

"That'll be another stolen car that we'll have to dump. No."
"Dude, it's easy, just drive them to the river, put a rock on the gas pedal, and let them go."
"Eventually, the river is going to fill up."

(an antagonist, represented by a picture of Rob Zombie, who we went to great lengths to capture and keep subdued has just teleported away)
"Is he at least still covered in duct tape? With the amount of hair he has, that's gonna hurt like hell to remove."
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Old 01-24-2011, 12:44 AM   #523
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"There's four of us and I'm an ewok. We can take a sith lord."

"Someday we're gonna meet someone and it won't wind up smelling of roast pork. But I'm not holding my breath."

Player A: "He's fine!"
Player B: "Does he have all his thumbs?"

(I've just wired an apartment with explosives set to take out the two front rooms) "Little black box, big red button. We're good."

"I wanted those explosives back, but I've still got a bunch, and 5 kills in one action? I'll accept that."
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Old 01-24-2011, 09:33 PM   #524
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

As the introduction to a new PC (Shapeshifter, any animal no matter how extinct or mythical) in a super hero game.

"You're all sitting around in the coffee shop, when suddenly out the window you see the strangest thing you've ever set eyes on, you see a Minotaur with a nose ring running down the high street, chasing a midget, the midget you realize's that guy you've been trying to catch for the past week, the lightning user.
The minotaur chases him a good hundred meters, then gores him, throwing him into the air, he then throws the horns and bellows to the sky as lightning strikes in the background, grabs the midget and runs off back up the street.
This all takes less than 5 seconds, what's your reaction?"

No context, no explanation, we didn't catch up with him unfortuantly, it took us 3 sessions to end up with him joining the team.
OOC he's now known as the 'Midget tossing, Rock n Roll Electro-taur', which we belive is his ultimate crime fighting form, that is only used in the direst of situations.

He later burst through the wall of a warehouse during a stand off as a moose. The GM said everyone had a 1 turn stun/no action effect due to going '...What?'

Last edited by BLloyd607502; 01-24-2011 at 09:36 PM.
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Old 01-31-2011, 12:54 AM   #525
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"You go do your talking. I'm gonna sit here, throw dice, watch the pretty ladies take their clothes off, and drink highly flammable stuff with umbrellas in it."

"We're leaving? But I'm only halfway down my third drink!"

(discussing what gear party members have; I'm a tolerant GM, and allow blatant abuses as long as they're fun enough. Player B's character is a high-class call girl)
Me: "Eh, it makes sense you'd have a gun. Pull one out of your @$$."
Player A: "Can I watch?"
Player B: "It costs extra."
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Old 02-08-2011, 09:17 AM   #526
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Our felinoid PC got himself onto the roof OK, but missed his Climbing roll to get back down. Luckily, he made the Breakfall roll by enough that he took no damage.

Three players, OOC, practically in unison: I meant to do that!
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Old 02-09-2011, 01:49 AM   #527
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by Koshka View Post
Our felinoid PC got himself onto the roof OK, but missed his Climbing roll to get back down. Luckily, he made the Breakfall roll by enough that he took no damage.

Three players, OOC, practically in unison: I meant to do that!
My response would have been "Cats always land on their heads."
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Old 02-09-2011, 09:49 PM   #528
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"No way is Admiral Ackbar a Soldier. He's a rogue! He detects traps!"
"Considering how long it took him, he probably doesn't have max ranks in it..."
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Old 02-20-2011, 07:34 AM   #529
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

PC 1 is a superhero whos powers are intermittent and unstable bouts of Dare Devil-like supervision, who's blind...and a letch.
PC 2 is our hot blooded, pain immune, action girl who takes no prisioners, has sexist behavior as a hair trigger and has a code of honour.

PC 1: *After a fight has just finshed, collapses into a heap having taken a beating.* "*Phew*...Guys; a little help here..."
PC 2: Hm, useless, as usual...
PC 1: Are you going to stand there and taunt me with Misandry, or come and help me up?
PC 2: Stand here and taunt.
PC 1: Fine, *Muttering grumpily drags himself over to her, she offers him a hand* Thanks, finally.
*Bit of dialouge later, him still leaning on her, using his hands to gesture. Half way through an line*
PC 1: And another th-*Waves his hand a bit, it catches on something*......Huh...soft
PC 2: Thats my breast you have your hand on.
PC 1: Score!...I mean Really? interesting.
PC 2: *Having recently had a big lecture about Team work and not hitting team members from our leader*...are you going to move it?
PC 1: ...maybe...
PC 2: Why yo-
PC 1: You wouldn't hit a blind man would you?!
PC 2: ...*GRrrgh!*
PC 1: ...Safe!

Later on, after another incident and another attempt to use that excuse, PC 2 put her own eyes out and hit him with the line "Its fine if I'm blind too!"
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Old 02-20-2011, 11:57 AM   #530
Irish Wolf
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by BLloyd607502 View Post
PC 1 is a superhero whos powers are intermittent and unstable bouts of Dare Devil-like supervision, who's blind...and a letch.
PC 2 is our hot blooded, pain immune, action girl who takes no prisioners, has sexist behavior as a hair trigger and has a code of honour.
They fight crime!
If you break the laws of Man, you go to prison.

If you break the laws of God, you go to Hell.

If you break the laws of Physics, you go to Sweden and receive a Nobel Prize.
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actual play, funny

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