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Old 04-06-2021, 01:43 PM   #111
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Thanks for the feedback.

Originally Posted by phiwum View Post
Pretty reasonable additions. I don't think any other spells allow multihex control, do they? That's pretty powerful.
The multihex control spells are powerful, but, w/the individual saves, they are not overly so. For comparison, in the sort-of-TFT-compatible Magi Carta there is an IQ 15 Control Undead spell that lets you take over 10d's worth of ST of undead (so that's an average of 35 ST, which is probably 3 or 4 zombies or skeletons).

Control Elemental is IQ 13, Create/Destroy elemental is 16. You have Control Zombie as IQ 11, while Zombie is IQ 19. That lets pipsqueaks take over zombies, but at a running ST cost, and the save roll is easy since master's IQ is at least 19 so the save roll is at least ST/2 + 9.5.
I'm putting the basic spell on the level of Control Animal with the rationale that these undead menaces are mindless. Control Animal gives no save roll to the target, but I gave the undead one because--well, they're cool and you don't want to make it too easy. But the save roll could instead be a quick-contest of zombie ST v wizard's IQ for uncontrolled zombies, and just wizards' IQs for controlled ones. Or, to make these more like other control spells, the save roll could be dropped altogether unless the commands are to have the zombies harm themselves or their master. If that's the case, I'd bump up the IQ requirement.
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Old 04-06-2021, 02:33 PM   #112
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Zombies are kinda like servants more than animals. Here, I'm speaking of ITL Zombies, not feral or plague Zombies. Taking over a Zombie is like taking over a foot soldier or an elemental.

Now, each of those get a save roll, while animals don't, so it seems to me that Zombies should get a save roll too. The obvious one (using the wizard's IQ) unfortunately is too hard and makes the spell useless. Hence, the IQ vs. IQ competition may be a better way to go.

Feral zombies are much more like animals, but with even less intelligence. I'd probably skip the save roll for them. This spell won't really stop a serious Zombie apocalypse since there are likely few wizards who learn Megahex Zombie Control and the ST cost is significant. There are only so many megahexes of Zombies you can command to walk into the lava pits before you need a good lie-down.

If you have a save roll or competition to take over controlled zombies, I guess the multihex variants aren't too bad.
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Old 04-07-2021, 07:03 AM   #113
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

Whippersnapper: Normally a whip requires a clear path to the target and a clear hex behind the wielder in order to deliver unimpressive strikes.

With this variation of the Rope enchantment (same costs and effort) a magical whip can ignore third parties, entangle foes, and be used as an impromptu grapple to swing across open spaces, releasing its grip at the mental command of the wielder.

So whenever you see someone doing "impossible" "cinematic" things with a whip you can be sure that it's a whippersnapper.
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Old 04-07-2021, 06:04 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by hcobb View Post
Whippersnapper: Normally a whip requires a clear path to the target and a clear hex behind the wielder in order to deliver unimpressive strikes.

With this variation of the Rope enchantment (same costs and effort) a magical whip can ignore third parties, entangle foes, and be used as an impromptu grapple to swing across open spaces, releasing its grip at the mental command of the wielder.
You're a bit too whip-smart for your own good, Henry, but I actually like this concept. If you don't mind, however, I think I will re-imagine this as a MAGICAL LASSO spell for my own game.
“No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.” -Vladimir Taltos
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Old 04-20-2021, 08:20 PM   #115
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

IQ 8 - Brand (T)

Place a magical brand on an item or person. The only thing the brand does is signify that you cast it. Not useful for most mages, but those who want to sign their magical work might find some use. And any ruler who wants to make sure their currency can't be counterfeited will sure hire a few mages to brand the minting of their money. ST cost: 1

IQ 12 - Witch Sight (T)
Name in progress

For the cost of 2 ST the subject of this spell can see the magical aptitude of everyone they see allowing them to distinguish wizards and heroes for 1 minute, can be extended for an additional minute per 1 ST.
[This spell is a well kept secret of Ars Vaskul in my game used to find magically adept younglings to enlist into the Ars Vaskul wizard's guild.]

Last edited by Kieddicus; 04-20-2021 at 08:34 PM.
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Old 04-21-2021, 08:00 AM   #116
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

It's a little unfortunate that the word "Brand" is used for a particular magic item (an Everready torch). Not a big deal, I suppose, since words have different meanings. "Brand" is certainly a good name for a spell marking ownership or authorship.
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Old 04-21-2021, 09:13 AM   #117
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

Originally Posted by Kieddicus View Post
IQ 8 - Brand (T)

Place a magical brand on an item or person. The only thing the brand does is signify that you cast it. Not useful for most mages, but those who want to sign their magical work might find some use. And any ruler who wants to make sure their currency can't be counterfeited will sure hire a few mages to brand the minting of their money. ST cost: 1
Very similar to one of my own campaign spells...

IQ 8 - Imprint/Attune (S)

The wizard applies his personal energy signature on an object. An imprinted object cannot be counterfeited by another wizard and can always be located by the casting wizard which makes them an ideal tool for scrying or tracking. Normally, this is a temporary effect and the duration will depend on the amount of ST spent. 1 ST will last an hour, 3 ST a day and 5 ST a week.

There is also a ritual version of the spell which can be used to make the 'imprint' permanent. This 'ritual of attunement' takes 3 hours and costs 10 ST which must come from the wizard himself (this is a prerequisite for creating magic items that can only be used by the wizard).
“No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.” -Vladimir Taltos
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Old 04-21-2021, 10:37 AM   #118
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What do you mean when you say the ST must come from the wizard himself? No mana? No Aid? No other sources like Increase ST potions?
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Old 04-21-2021, 10:48 AM   #119
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

Originally Posted by phiwum View Post
It's a little unfortunate that the word "Brand" is used for a particular magic item.
Dagnabit I forgot all about that item... Which is odd because my PC uses one on the regular.
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Old 04-21-2021, 10:49 AM   #120
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

Originally Posted by phiwum View Post
What do you mean when you say the ST must come from the wizard himself? No mana? No Aid? No other sources like Increase ST potions?
Correct. Permanence has a price and ATTUNEMENT is a serious ritual in my game. The wizard essentially imbues the object with a sliver of his soul. That said, the ritual does take 3 hours so I do allow weak mages to pay the necessary ST incrementally.

P.S. This is actually a prerequisite for creating arcane foci (wizard's staff, talismans, wands, etc.) in my game.
“No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.” -Vladimir Taltos

Last edited by TippetsTX; 04-21-2021 at 11:03 AM.
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