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Old 01-26-2022, 06:47 AM   #441
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
OK, so he's dealt with in about 4-5 seconds. Regular contests are a pain to run. According to MA73, it takes 2d seconds to cuff him up, but I think we can just agree he'll fail to break free.

I suppose my answer depends on whether he could identify me or not. Given my plan is to pretend to be him for a least a couple of days, I think anyone will figure it out what happened by the time they find him. I'll try to shock him into compliance.

"I'm an transdimensional interloper here to investigate the emperor's bizarre behaviour that began, oh, fifty, sixty years ago. Unfortunately, they don't just let anyone into the emperor's temple complex, so I need to take someone's face so I can infiltrate the facility. Unfortunately for you, the face I need is yours!"

I assume at this point he's suitably terrified.

"Relax, I don't need to literally take your face. I just need your employee pass and for you not to go to work for a little while."

I briefly pause to consider his powerful friends remark.

"You do know a lot of very powerful people, but you're not that close with any of them, are you? Surprised? I know everything. Unless the emperor watches over you every now and again, or you have a dinner date with one of the undying heroes, you're just not that threatening"

"Now settle down. We're going to be besties for the next few weeks. Have you eaten yet? Which services have access to your house during the day while I won't be here?"
That's a memetics roll standing in for intimidation... I rolled an 8, which is enough. He clams up and settles down.

The priest says that the only person who comes during the day is the maid who cleans the place once a week, and the yard service, who doesn't come inside.
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Old 01-26-2022, 08:33 AM   #442
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious takes the Maximus form for inspection and will see if the mental connection is there with Kunifax while they are both here, or if they can sense splinter-Maximus. It may be valuable to experiment and see if he can alter the template enough to minimize the danger of Vassarious being manipulated and find a way to use the link to their advantage.

They discuss the potential plan of holo-Maximus sending out some visions to try and coordinate some action from the resistance, then followed by a big broadcast to signal the actions at the time they plan for the penetration of the temple.

Vassarious double-checks with Kunnifax for the "Check-in" process and if there is any specific procedure with the solder at the guardpost, and if it would be questioned if he brought back a soldier or prisoner with him.

Does Vassarious' burner phone get a signal down here? I'd like to be able to further coordinate with holo-Maximus once I've had the chance to talk to Halcyone. I'm tempted to leave the pen communicator if there isn't another option...
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Old 01-26-2022, 11:20 AM   #443
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The priest says that the only person who comes during the day is the maid who cleans the place once a week, and the yard service, who doesn't come inside.
I'll go get his smartphone, pretend to be him, and tell the maid I won't be needing her services for the next couple weeks.
[305] 22-01-26 16:16:54 GMT
3d6 <= 15 : 1 + 2 + 6 = 9 ... success
Then I'll check out his schedule for the next few days so I can get ready to do his job. I can't access the priest records remotely, can I? The next day, I'll disguise myself as him and head to the temple complex. I'll leave the priest in the bathtub with a bottle of water.
[306] 22-01-26 17:18:55 GMT
3d6 <= 16
4 + 3 + 6 = 13 ... success
[307] 22-01-26 17:19:03 GMT
3d6 <= 15
3 + 3 + 4 = 10 ... success
OK, now I suppose I'll need to make a job roll and slowly work my way towards accessing the records on fifty-sixty years ago.
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Old 01-27-2022, 05:48 AM   #444
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious takes the Maximus form for inspection and will see if the mental connection is there with Kunifax while they are both here, or if they can sense splinter-Maximus. It may be valuable to experiment and see if he can alter the template enough to minimize the danger of Vassarious being manipulated and find a way to use the link to their advantage.
The mental connection he gets is with the copy of Maximus. The link is just as coercive as before, but this maximus is friendly and doesn't push anything. the "space" the link is in is much smaller, and maximus describes different functions, including asking him not to use about 80% of it. He can communicate directly with kunnifax. He also finds that as a copy of maximus's body, energy is flowing into him and making the form a lot stronger. The copy of maximus figures that didn't happen at the other temple because a "center point" already existed.

Altering the template to stop the manipulation isn't terribly hard, but it also makes accessing the powers of the network correspondingly harder. (you can add penalties to control in exchange for taking penalties to access).

They discuss the potential plan of holo-Maximus sending out some visions to try and coordinate some action from the resistance, then followed by a big broadcast to signal the actions at the time they plan for the penetration of the temple.
would this be the resistance on lithus or arthus? holo-maximus can't be stealthy on other worlds with the visions.

Vassarious double-checks with Kunnifax for the "Check-in" process and if there is any specific procedure with the solder at the guardpost, and if it would be questioned if he brought back a soldier or prisoner with him.
"Immortals do everything through mental communication. The mortals are instructed to verify who we are and then get out of our way. A prisoner is actually particuarly likely to be brought in that way: I would have used it had I caught your partner. Its something of a secret, but there's a spot in the complex where Maximus can read ordinary humans minds. I've taken people there before."

Does Vassarious' burner phone get a signal down here? I'd like to be able to further coordinate with holo-Maximus once I've had the chance to talk to Halcyone. I'm tempted to leave the pen communicator if there isn't another option...
No, you're three miles down a cave that is intentionally off the grid.

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I'll go get his smartphone, pretend to be him, and tell the maid I won't be needing her services for the next couple weeks.

Then I'll check out his schedule for the next few days so I can get ready to do his job. I can't access the priest records remotely, can I? The next day, I'll disguise myself as him and head to the temple complex. I'll leave the priest in the bathtub with a bottle of water.

OK, now I suppose I'll need to make a job roll and slowly work my way towards accessing the records on fifty-sixty years ago.
Make an administration roll, then a saviore-faire (priestly) roll.
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Old 01-27-2022, 01:54 PM   #445
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Make an administration roll, then a saviore-faire (priestly) roll.
I assume I have SF (Priestly) at the IQ-4 default and no better (the only other one I can come up with is Servant at -2).
[309] 22-01-27 19:54:10 GMT
Savoir-Faire (Priestly)
3d6 <= 12
4 + 6 + 1 = 11 ... success
[308] 22-01-27 19:53:43 GMT
3d6 <= 15
2 + 1 + 1 = 4 ... success
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Old 01-27-2022, 06:33 PM   #446
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
would this be the resistance on lithus or arthus? holo-maximus can't be stealthy on other worlds with the visions.
I was suggesting the first communication would be with as many as would be possible without notice (So this world only) to get things in motion (and maybe those receiving the visions can communicate with the resistance on other worlds). Then a second communication to spur everyone to action and create the larger distraction would be broadcast to any mortal that could be reached.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Immortals do everything through mental communication. The mortals are instructed to verify who we are and then get out of our way. A prisoner is actually particuarly likely to be brought in that way: I would have used it had I caught your partner. Its something of a secret, but there's a spot in the complex where Maximus can read ordinary humans minds. I've taken people there before."
If Splinter-Maximus' second communication draws Corrupted-Maximus' attention along with a series of other distractions it sets off among the resistance, Vassarious and Halcyone (as Kunnifax) may be able to pass the hallway and the guard unnoticed by the enemy.

"Does that sound viable to you?"

Vassarious takes one more good look at the data they have collected and cross-references it in their mind thinking of these new factors and magics, and considers how they might refine the plan, and if there is something else they should be asking about before departing.

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Old 01-28-2022, 06:51 AM   #447
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I assume I have SF (Priestly) at the IQ-4 default and no better (the only other one I can come up with is Servant at -2).
Halcyone goes to "work", and spends the morning escorting a higher-up in a mining firm into the temple. Its a lot of work to prepare, and Halcyone's time is all taken up by the visit. The higher-up only goes past the first wall, but to areas that aren't quite public.

In the afternoon, Halcyone escorts a CEO to a healing temple inside the main complex, and then has a bunch of down time while the healing takes place. Halcyone is able to get some time to access the priestly records from his pad.

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
I was suggesting the first communication would be with as many as would be possible without notice (So this world only) to get things in motion (and maybe those receiving the visions can communicate with the resistance on other worlds). Then a second communication to spur everyone to action and create the larger distraction would be broadcast to any mortal that could be reached.
Ok, that makes sense.

If Splinter-Maximus' second communication draws Corrupted-Maximus' attention along with a series of other distractions it sets off among the resistance, Vassarious and Halcyone (as Kunnifax) may be able to pass the hallway and the guard unnoticed by the enemy.

"Does that sound viable to you?"
"It sounds costly... but it should work. We'll need to get the cooperation of the resistance though. I have a few thoughts about how to do that, but do you have any? It'd be nice if we could get them in to protect me."

Vassarious takes one more good look at the data they have collected and cross-references it in their mind thinking of these new factors and magics, and considers how they might refine the plan, and if there is something else they should be asking about before departing.
Hmmm... what else should you be asking about...
How to get the resistance to go along with your plan is the big one I can think of.
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Old 01-28-2022, 12:32 PM   #448
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"It sounds costly... but it should work. We'll need to get the cooperation of the resistance though. I have a few thoughts about how to do that, but do you have any? It'd be nice if we could get them in to protect me."
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Hmmm... what else should you be asking about...
How to get the resistance to go along with your plan is the big one I can think of.
I was asking more specifically in regard to re-analyzing the info and the path from the tunnel to the stones and the other potential obstacles there...

"I would think that your request would be enough if you tell them it is the surest path to restore the balance and secure their victory. Guide them to favor 'chaos over kill' tactics to minimize both their own and enemy losses.. they may all be united soon. If you are concerned for your safety here, reserve some of your messages to request guardians for the tomb as well."
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Old 01-28-2022, 12:55 PM   #449
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Halcyone goes to "work", and spends the morning escorting a higher-up in a mining firm into the temple. Its a lot of work to prepare, and Halcyone's time is all taken up by the visit. The higher-up only goes past the first wall, but to areas that aren't quite public.
So just like behind the scenes stuff, not anything really important?
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
In the afternoon, Halcyone escorts a CEO to a healing temple inside the main complex, and then has a bunch of down time while the healing takes place. Halcyone is able to get some time to access the priestly records from his pad.
Who's pad? The CEO's or the priest's? Regardless I'll looking over the records for the three categories of lesser priests, to find which priests are still alive and working when the sabotage probably happened.
[313] 22-01-28 18:54:28 GMT
3d6 <= 15
1 + 5 + 5 = 11 ... success
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Old 01-31-2022, 08:31 AM   #450
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
I was asking more specifically in regard to re-analyzing the info and the path from the tunnel to the stones and the other potential obstacles there...

"I would think that your request would be enough if you tell them it is the surest path to restore the balance and secure their victory. Guide them to favor 'chaos over kill' tactics to minimize both their own and enemy losses.. they may all be united soon. If you are concerned for your safety here, reserve some of your messages to request guardians for the tomb as well."
"I may need some assistance in delivering the message properly. I can visit only some people in dreams, and claiming to see the emperor in a dream is a reasonably common effect of the mentally ill. There is a reason I reached out to Halcyone first. But if you could bring a general down here, That will be a different matter."

The route between the tunnel and the stones... You've got to get past a few walkers among the tombs, stay out of sight of a few guards on the walls, and evade a couple of gaurds responsible for the whole of the tomb itself... those guards at the tomb should be easy enough to invade, because there aren't enough to cover all of the entrances.

The emperor himself will likely stay close to the tomb, because its the center of his power. He's not physically stronger than an immortal, but he can impede you with holograms and coordinate troops. And he's as strong as any other immortal.

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
So just like behind the scenes stuff, not anything really important?

Who's pad? The CEO's or the priest's? Regardless I'll looking over the records for the three categories of lesser priests, to find which priests are still alive and working when the sabotage probably happened.

It's the priest's pad.

50 years is a long time ago, especially as careers are concerned. Halcyone notices a pattern: most of the priests fitting the description are in the high priesthood now, or did very well for themselves before retiring. The current high priest of architecture (the one Vassarious bugged) is one of these individuals. He was just starting as an architecture priest 50 years ago. The absolute High Priest was a janitor of the emperor's tomb at that point in time. There are a few retired priests still alive as well.
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