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Old 06-03-2013, 03:24 PM   #21
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by Ragabash Moon View Post
True. Just is beyond even what I've pulled... My friends have complained about me making NPCs too powerful, but man even I've not gone that far LOL
Outside of a 4e Conversion of the Void neither have I, and yeah those numbers are a bit high and could be fine tuned a bit to give more reasonable set of numbers especially if point efficiency is important. Supernatural Durability, 100 hit points, extreme Regeneration, and say DR 90 cosmic hardened would also make the NPCs hit Points effectively infinite if the best attack you have is in the 15d6 range with room to grow on.

Essentially though as others have mentioned though regardless of the NPCs exact build (if he has one beyond a few notes) either the GM wants you guys to actually deal with him without trying to kill him. In which case he effectively has lets say a 10k modular pool with the limitation of "can only be spent to prevent PCs attempt to bypass this ****** encounter by killing this npc because god forbid the PCS actually not kill/mind control my NPC quest giver this time :).

Alternatively he has "inifinite" hit points to provide the pcs with puzzle on how to kill the unkillable man. In which case as a caster I would suggest something along the lines of Flesh to Stone, bonus points if you then use that infinite hit point statue as a blocking device for indestructable cover :).
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Old 06-03-2013, 03:51 PM   #22
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

..or hes tired of running the game and is looking for someone to take the reigns and run one for him/group.(depending on how long he has been running the game) least if any of my GMs made such a statement it usually meant they are tired of running the game it would like to play or take another sort of break.

but if he is the main villain or a focal point. then the GM might be looking to challenge the group. If he is an approachable GM ask what kind of results he is looking for. is it a skill of combat, diplomacy, Intellect, loyalty, etc. might just be that the GM wants the group do go on a self quest to find out more about this character.

how many points are your characters?
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Old 06-03-2013, 08:06 PM   #23
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

My first thought on hearing there is an opponent with infinite hit points is "Yippee!"

An Exchange Bodies spell, the Enslave spell, an addiction to the Ecstasy spell, a well arranged bit of extortion or blackmail, ransoming of a beloved dependent or possession for completion of dangerous tasks or physical capture and donation to a medical school as an infinite cadaver, etc. etc. all come to mind as useful ways to deal with such an opponent. Why waste him?
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Old 06-04-2013, 02:39 AM   #24
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Do you have faith in your GM that he's not just making an unkillable NPC so that he can curbstomp the entire party and have a giggle? I assume so. In that case play the game and see what he has in mind. I think this NPC may be instrumental to the campaign, and getting him whacked by the players is bad for how how he wants things to go.

And if worst comes to worst, bronze him like a pair of baby shoes and stick him in the sculpture garden.
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Old 06-04-2013, 08:03 AM   #25
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by Kilmore View Post
And if worst comes to worst, bronze him like a pair of baby shoes and stick him in the sculpture garden.
That's been done already. :)

In Bloodsucking Fiends, by Christopher Moore, the writer of Practical Demonkeeping and its sort-of of sequel, The Lust Lizard of Meloncholy Cove.

A previous suggestion, the infinite cadaver, I remember from one of those multi-writer series that were popular in the 80s. I think this was one of the Thieves World books.

I made a pretty non-killable enemy in Shadowrun for the players to deal with: they dropped him into an active volcano. I remember them being in a car and shooting him every now and then so he'd stay dead for a few more minutes. They were running out of ammunition towards the end.
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Old 06-04-2013, 09:51 AM   #26
Peter V. Dell'Orto
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by PK View Post
Here's what I see as the real problem: The GM decided that it would be fair to let you know that this particular NPC cannot be killed. Your response is to ask us for advice as to how you can kill him.
Yeah. The whole idea of the thread bugs me in that way. The GM is saying, you can't defeat this guy by killing him, you're going to have to find another way. And the reaction is, no, there must be something in the rulebooks that says you're wrong and we can kill him.

It's one thing to ask, "How do I kill a guy with Unkillable?" but another to say "How I do undermine the basic idea of the game?" and I think the approach is more the latter. If the basic idea of the game is that there are some things you can't solve by eroding hit points away but need to be dealt with in another way, maybe finding a way to erode the hit points away anyway is really counter to the fun of that game.

You've been freed from trying to kill this guy because you know that's not the answer. Why not have fun trying to find another way to get a win instead of a way to prove the GM's basic assertion wrong?
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Old 06-04-2013, 07:23 PM   #27
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by DangerousThing View Post
That's been done already. :)
A previous suggestion, the infinite cadaver, I remember from one of those multi-writer series that were popular in the 80s. I think this was one of the Thieves World books.
yes, it was... but a good solution to a problem shouldn't be ignored because someone else thought of it first. Even the Wolverine backstory (so much as I understand it) hints at something like this to establish his 'on the edge' craziness.
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Old 06-04-2013, 07:52 PM   #28
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by Figleaf23 View Post
Another tactic might be using Afflict (Morph: Tardigrade template only, Permanent +300%).
My suggestion would be Affliction (Alternate Form: Gelatinous Blob, Permanent).

Gelatinous Blob Template
No Manipulators
Compulsion (Screaming)
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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Old 06-05-2013, 12:18 AM   #29
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by DangerousThing View Post
That's been done already. :)

In Bloodsucking Fiends, by Christopher Moore, the writer of Practical Demonkeeping and its sort-of of sequel, The Lust Lizard of Meloncholy Cove.
Read that! He's one of my favorites. Though to be fair, I saw the trick first in Ninja Scroll.
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Old 06-05-2013, 03:21 AM   #30
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Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by Tori1332 View Post
If someone could help me build an power o kill this guy i would be grateful.
If your GM says he cannot be killed ("infinite HP"), rather than that he has the Unkillable advantage, Basic Set, p. 95, which is much different, then you should try to capture him instead.

You have Magery, so you have many great ways of doing that. Check out the Earth spells Flesh to Stone which turns him into a statue, and Entombment, which traps him in the earth forever. There's also Shapeshift Others; turn him into a moth and put him in a jar.

The Glue spell to hold him in place and Stench to make him pass out will be of use as well. Also take Stun and perhaps Mental Stun as effective weapons against him. Strike Blind will give him trouble, too.

There are just a lot of spells that will take a character with infinite HP out of the fight.
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