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Old 11-19-2011, 03:14 PM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Germany, Leonberg
Default Re: Short Campaign in the Old West

You are, of course, correct. I somehow managed to edit the word "vitals" out of the calculation... When in point-blank range the bandit leader shot at the vitals (which is quite effective at that range, especially when you crit 2 times out of 6 ;) ).

Nevertheless I don't see too much of a reason to make my enemies easier - after all they didn't die because it was not possible to beat the opposition (or even unlikely) but because of consistently bad decisions. When playing 75cp characters with realistic abilities in a game that uses only very few cinematic rules you should better be very cautious about your actions... otherwise even a group pool of 4 cp for "It's only a flesh wound!" doesn't help you... ;)

But as I already mentioned I'm quite happy with the outcome - I've got a new story to tell (the epic showdown of the lone gunman against the evil player characters ;) ) and the players have ... presumably ... learned to watch their step in that kind of a campaign.

PS: Even when using only a 1d+2 weapon the average hit to the vitals does roughly 16.5 points of damage and is therefore more than enough to kill (with MA-bleeding) your average 75cp hero.
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