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Old 03-11-2006, 07:17 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Birthright to Gurps

yet another thread from D&D to Gurps... seems to be the trend lately eh.... something a little wrong at WotC methinks

Anyway I have some ideas in mind on how to do this but really want a fresh mind and new eyes to take a look and a crack at it. Remember to keep in mind bloodlines, blood powers, realm based turns, creating of roads/castles etc, recuriting troops, etc. Don't know how many of you know BR, but any help would be nice. I'd like a differant twist than what I currently have and don't want to instill ideas that might color what you come up with.

BTW, for any creative designers out there, WotC hasn't done anything with Birthright for a long time. In other words I'm saying GO BUY THE LICENSE IF IT'S FOR SALE AND MAKE IT CAUSE IT'S AWESOME!!!!!

So hit this up and I'll reveal what I have along the way.
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Old 03-11-2006, 07:50 AM   #2
Jürgen Hubert
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

The main problem is that GURPS has no rule set that deals with running kingdoms - a glaring oversight in its otherwise large range of products.

I mean, it's a common trope in heroic fantasy that the protagonists come to rule their own kingdom...

Bloodlines probably don't need all that many extra rules - they are just inheritable supernatural abilities. You can learn new ones by either slaying someone else with a bloodline or by ruling well over your domain or expanding said domain.

Realm spells are also fairly tricky. Perhaps they are doable as highly specialized ritual magic...
GURPS Repository Sunken Castles, Evil Poodles - translating German folk tales into English!
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Old 03-11-2006, 09:10 AM   #3
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

Originally Posted by Jürgen Hubert
The main problem is that GURPS has no rule set that deals with running kingdoms - a glaring oversight in its otherwise large range of products.
Yep, some sort of "economics" GURPS book would be very beneficial, the only problem is that economics change at various TL's. Really, all we need is information of "average" population densities, farmland (all food production actually, not just "farms") per person, ratios of "workers" to "non-workers", government spending per citizen, etc. *It shouldn't be that difficult.*

*note, the sarcasm above.
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Old 03-11-2006, 09:27 AM   #4
Jürgen Hubert
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

I'd be happy enough with a relatively simple and abstracted system - maybe not as abstract as the one in Birthright, but still fairly close. Because let's face it, we don't really want to know the exact tonnage of the annual crop yield depending on precipation, soil fertility, and prevailing climate, we want to know how big an army we can raise before totally wrecking the finances of the kingdom.

Well, most of us don't want these details. On the other hand, there seem to be enough people who are obsessed with every last detail of vehicles, so there might be a market for ultra-detailed kingdom rules as well. But I'd still prefer an abstract system...
GURPS Repository Sunken Castles, Evil Poodles - translating German folk tales into English!
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Old 03-11-2006, 10:04 AM   #5
Rasmus Wagner
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

The Blood of Gods
Being a scion of one of the old gods who died at Deismaar gives you abilities beyond those of ordinary mortals. If the blood of gods runs in your veins, choose your bloodline strength and derivation.

Bloodline Strength
Weak Bloodline [0]: You have a barely-existing Bloodline. You may have up to 10 points of Bloodline abilities.
Minor Bloodline [5]: You have +1 on all rolls to use Bloodline abilities. You may have up to 30 points of Bloodline abilities.
Major Bloodline [10]: You have +2 on all rolls to use Bloodline abilities. You may have up to 60 points of Bloodline abilities. You may have a Bloodmark.
Great Bloodline [15]: You have +3 on all rolls to use Bloodline abilities. You may have up to 120 points of Bloodline abilities. You have a Bloodmark.
True Bloodline [20]: You have +4 on all rolls to use Bloodline abilities. There’s no limit to the amount of Bloodline abilities you may have. You have a Bloodmark.
Many of the great bloodlines are characterized by birthmarks of some kind, possessed by all scions of the bloodline. These are known as bloodmarks. Having a Bloodmark is a 0-point feature.
All bloodlines are derived from one of the 7 Old Gods who died at Deismaar. The children of blooded nobility inherit the bloodline derivation of their strongest parent.
The derivations are:
 Anduiras, god of noble war.
 Azrai, The Shadow, the face of evil
 Basaia, queen of the sun
 Brenna, godess of commerce and fortune
 Masela, lady of the seas
 Reynir, god of woods and streams
 Vorynn, lord of moon and magic
Totem Animals
Each of the Bloodlines has an affinity for a particular type of animal. The scion may be able to communicate with the animal, control it, use some of its abilities, or shapechange into the type of animal. The totem animals are Anduiras - lions and great cats, Basaia - eagles and raptors, Brenna - domestic cats, Masela - dolphins and whales, Reynir - wolves, Vorynn - owls and nightbirds, Azrai -serpents.

Bloodline abilities
As a scion, you may buy abilities from the following list, but only those of the right derivation. These abilities have the Bloodline power modifier (see below).
Some derivations offer an attribute bonus as aBloodline ability. Such a bonus should be written down as an advantage, and can have enhancements and limitations.
You should note down exactly how many points you have spent on Bloodline abilities. It might become important.

The Bloodline power modifier
Bloodline abilities cost the same as other abilities, but you need a certain level of Bloodline Strength to buy them. They can benefit from Bloodline Strength. They don’t require any particular rituals to use, and are independent of mana levels. They can be considered sanctity-based magic that always work as if in a normal sanctity area.

All Derivations
 Alternate Form: Totem animal
 Animal Empathy totem species only, -60%
 Detect: Illusions (Rare), reflexive +40%. All except Anduiras
 Detect: Life, possibly with reflexive, +40%
 Longevity
 Magery
 Mind Reading, Mind Control, Possession, all with Totem animal only, -80%
 Resistance: Thought and emotion reading abilities (Common)
 Speak with Animals, totem species only, -60%.
 Talent: Animal Friend (reaction/skill bonus for totem species only, -40%)
 True Faith (in yourself), all except azrai
 Unaging

 Battlewise (+3 to Strategy) (6 points)
 Charisma, possibly with the limitation Unblooded people only -20%.
 Detect: Supernatural Evil (Common), possibly with reflexive, +40%
 Empathy
 Fearlessness. Can be modified with Ranged +40%, Area Effect, Emanation -20%.
 Hard to Kill
 Hard to Subdue
 Healing
 Mind Shield. The shield works against any Bloodline abilities that could be considered Telepathy in other settings, as well as spells.
 Magic Resistance
 Power Investiture, with access to the following spells: Purify Air, Seek Air, Create Air, Shape Air, Devitalize Air, Walk on Air, Wall of Wind, Windstorm, Wind, Essential Air, and all Elemental (Air) Spirit spells.
 Regeneration
 Regrowth
 Striking ST

 increased Perception
 increased IQ
 Acute Senses
 Battlewise (+3 to Strategy) (6 points)
 Charisma, possibly with the limitation Unblooded people only -20%.
 Darkvision
 Detect: Poison (occasional), possibly with reflexive, +40%
 Detect: Portals to the Shadow World (rare), possibly with reflexive, +40%
 Extra Life
 Hard to Kill
 Hard to Subdue
 Innate Attack (touch, toxic/withering)
 Magery (dark-aspected)
 Magic Resistance
 Morph, retains shape -20%, cosmetic -50%
 Regeneration
 Regrowth
 Resistance: Necromacy and the attacks of undead creatures (Occasional)
 Resistance: Poison (Occasional)
 Shadow Form
 Terror (with the Melee Attack limitation)
 Unkillable

 increased IQ
 increased Perception
 Acute Vision
 Alerness
 Charisma, possibly with the limitation Unblooded people only -20%.
 Damage Resistance (fire only, -40%).
 Darkvision/Nightvision with a 10% limitation for being obvious, shining beams of light from your eyes
 Empathy
 Extra Life
 Healing
 Innate Attack: Flashes of light to blind/stun foes, blasts of sunlight to damage undead.
 Magery, day-aspected
 Perk: Being able to illuminate your surroundings, about as well as a torch
 Power Investiture, with access to the following spells: Ignite Fire, Seek Fire, Create Fire, Extinguish Fire, Shape Fire, Fireproof, Slow Fire, Fast Fire, Resist Fire, Essential Flame, Flaming Weapon, Flaming Armor, Breathe Fire, and all Elemental (Fire) Spirit Spells.
 Resistance: Poison
 Telescopic Vision
 Temperature Tolerance (Heat)
 Unkillable
 Warp (must travel from a large bonfire to another large bonfire)

 increased DX
 increased Perception
 Acute Senses
 Charisma, possibly with the limitation Unblooded people only -20%.
 Empathy
 Mind Reading, touch-based -20%, subordinates only -20%
 Morph, retains shape -20%, cosmetic -50%
 Nightvision
 Racial Memory
 Resistance: Restraining spells (Rare)
 Shadow Form
 Special Rapport (with the “spirit” of your domain, rather than a specific person)
 Telecommunication: Telesend, vague -50%, subordinates only -20%
 Warp. A path, road or trail must connect beginning and end, -30%.
 Wild Talent

 Absolute Direction, only at sea, -30%
 Breath Holding
 Damage Resistance: Electricity, -50%
 Doesn’t Breathe (waterbreathing, -50%)
 Power Investiture, with access to the following spells: Seek Water, Seek Coastline, Purify Water, Create Water, Destroy Water, Shape Water, Umbrella, Foul Water, Freeze, Fog, Walk on Water, Water Vision, Whirlpool, Walk through Water, Essential Water, Breathe Water, Current, Tide, Create Spring, and all Elemental (water) Spirit spells
 Racial Memory
 Resistance: Poison
 Warp: the departure and arrival point must be linked by a body of water.
 Wild Talent
 specials: The ability to commune with the ocean. The ability to hear and see, unimpeded by weather. The ability to hear your name spoken within 10 miles, and eavesdrop on the conversation.

 increased HT
 +3 to Tracking (6 points)
 increased Perception
 Absolute Direction, not at sea -10%
 Acute Senses
 Damage Resistance, cold only -40%
 Detect: Poison (occasional), possibly with reflexive, +40%
 Enhanced Move, only in forests -30%
 Hard to Kill
 Hard to Subdue
 Healing
 Magic Resistance
 Obscure: All forms of tracking
 Power Investiture, with access to the following spells: Seek Earth, Shape Earth, Seek Pass, Earth Vision, Earth to Stone, Stone to Earth, Predict Earth Movement, Walk Through Earth, Entombment, Essential Earth, Stone to Flesh, Purify Earth, Earthquake, Alter Terrain, Move Terrain, and all Elemental (Earth) Spirit spells
 Reduced Consumption
 Regeneration
 Regrowth
 Resistance: Poison
 Temperature Tolerance (cold)
 Terrain Adaptation: Forest

 Charisma
 Damage Resistance, magical energy only -40%
 Danger Sense
 Detect: Arcane Spellcasting (occasional), possibly with reflexive, +40%
 Empathy
 Extra Life
 Magery (Night-aspected)
 Magic Resistance, improved
 Morph, retains shape -20%, cosmetic -50%
 Oracle
 Psychometry (past spellcasting)
 Racial Memory
 Unkillable
 Warp. Must take place at moonrise or moonset, -40%
 Wild Talent
751. Thirty minutes after a massive battle against Cathayans I am not bloodthirsty again.
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Old 03-11-2006, 10:05 AM   #6
Rasmus Wagner
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

That's my pre-Powers writeup. Not quite finished.
751. Thirty minutes after a massive battle against Cathayans I am not bloodthirsty again.
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Old 03-11-2006, 11:59 AM   #7
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

very nicely done!
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Old 03-11-2006, 03:29 PM   #8
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

EXTERMLY NICELY DONE! I'll give you what I've thought up in a few, but the GM is on his way down for an all day session. I'm actually surprised at the speed at which this was answered and those that have such knowledge on BR. Thanks guys. I'll have up what I've come up with on the already given subjects thus far within 48 hrs
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Old 03-11-2006, 05:16 PM   #9
Rasmus Wagner
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Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

Tossing out thoughts here:

Bloodline talents: bonus to use bloodline abilties, and possibly a few skills.

Domain action resolution: Heavily modified administration/leadership/strategy/public speaking/propaganda/diplomacy skills checks.
751. Thirty minutes after a massive battle against Cathayans I am not bloodthirsty again.
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Old 03-12-2006, 08:49 AM   #10
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Re: Birthright to Gurps

Well after glancing only briefly at your list, I decided to follow some of the things you already had on there and merge them with my own. Hopefully you can see what I’m trying to accomplish and thus why I’ve arranged it in such a way. Feel free to comment, I only have the minor abilities on here as of yet. I’ve lost what I’ve done with the Major and Greats but will be revamping them anyway. So this is what I have for you guys so far.

Bloodline Advantage

Name – Cost – Purchase Mod – Minor/Major/Great
Bloodline (innate)* 5 pts N/A N/A
Bloodline (weak) 10 pts N/A N/A
Bloodline (minor) 20 pts -20% 2/0/0
Bloodline (Major)** 30 pts -30% 3/1/0
Bloodline (Great)*** 40 pts -40% 3/2/1
Bloodline (True)*** 50 pts -50% 4/2/2

All of these advantages may only be purchased at the beginning of char creation. They may be bestowed by the GM at an approrate time, but the cost must be paid for unless the GM rules (houserules) otherwise. Points are simple, it’s how many points each level costs. Purchase mod is the discount of the base cost of an advantage you receive to buy a blood advantage at your current Bloodline. The number of Blood advantages you may have is dependent on how powerful your bloodline is. For example, someone with a Great Bloodline may only have 3 Minor Blood advantages, 2 Major Blood advantages, and 1 Great blood advantage. He may also purchase these advantages as they are printed below at a 40% discount.

*Must be purchased at char creation or the char is not blooded thus receives no bonus from killing someone blooded.

** Confers a Bloodmark upon the char with this level of Bloodline or above reguardless of want.

*** Not recommended to be purchaseable at char creation.

Bloodline abilities

The Bloodline abilities are derived from the God of the Blood which inhabits the person with said bloodline. Certain abilites are common amoung similar bloodlines. The stronger the bloodline, the cheaper the abilities are to buy. For minor you get a 20% discount on the base cost, major 30%, Great 40% and true 50%. The abilites purchasable under each bloodline are as follows. Those with an innate bloodline may not purchase any ability. Those marked as FREE can be taken at no cost or not taken at all with at least a weak bloodline. All discounts due to Bloodline are retroactive. Meaning that if you raise from Minor to Major bloodline, you would need to refund all points spent on those advantages and rebuy them at the new price. Do not buy new advantages, but the same ones at the reduced cost. Extra char points left over just goes to show how spiffy you are as a part of a god’s bloodline. It’s a good idea to edit the name of these advantages in GCA or on your Char sheet in a special way such as “Blood: Healing” and “Blood: Mind Sheild”.


Base Cost - Ability
FREE – Animal Empathy with [totem animal]
FREE – Bloodmark


Base Cost – Ability
15 – Extra Will Rank 3
15 – Empathy
15 – Detect Life (Limited Use 4x - -20%, Fatigue 2 - -10%, Preparation 1 min - -20%)
18 – Healing (Cure Disease Only)
10 – Increase ST or HT by one
15 – Unfazable
15 – Long Life* Rank 1
12 – Magic Resistance Rank 4 (Can have Magery +150%)
12 – Mind Sheild Rank 3
15 – Detect Foes (hehe rare human ;-) )

Base Cost – Ability
12 – Acute Hearing/Vision** Rank 3
15 – Innate Attack (Fagtiuge) Rank 3 (Resistable HT-3 -10%, Melee Attack Reach C -30%, Fatigueable 2-10%)
15 – Detect Life (Limited Use 4x - -20%, Fatigue 2 - -10%, Preparation 1 min - -20%)
20 – Darkvision (4x a day)
10 – Increase ST or HT by one
10 – Fearlessness Rank 5
15 – Long Life* Rank 1
15 – Extra Will Rank 3
15 – Detect Posion (Common 20, Fatigue 1 - -5%)
15 – Magic Resistance Rank 5 (Can have Magery)
12 - Mind Sheild Rank 3

Base Cost – Ability
12 – Acute Hearing/Vision** Rank 3
15 – Empathy
15 – Detect Life (Limited Use 4x - -20%, Fatigue 2 - -10%, Preparation 1 min - -20%)
15 – Telescopic Vision*** Rank 3
18 – Healing (Cure Disease Only)
10 – Increase ST or HT by one
15 – Light of Dawn*
15 – Long Life* Rank 1
12 – Magic Resistance Rank 4 (Can have Magery)
12 - Mind Sheild Rank 3

Base Cost – Ability
20 – Acute Hearing/Vision** Rank 5
20 – Wild Talent
15 – Empathy
15 – Detect Life (Limited Use 4x - -20%, Fatigue 2 - -10%, Preparation 1 min - -20%)
9 – Night Vision Rank 9
10 – Increase ST or HT by one
15 – Long Life* Rank 1
15 – Extra Will Rank 3
15 – Magic Resistance Rank 5 (Can have Magery)
12 - Mind Sheild Rank 3

Base Cost – Ability
20 – Wild Talent
15 – Empathy
15 – Detect Life (Limited Use 4x - -20%, Fatigue 2 - -10%, Preparation 1 min - -20%)
10 – Absolute Direction (3-D Spatial Sense)
Unknown – Hearing and Vision not impaired by weather
15 – Long Life* Rank 1
12 – Magic Resistance Rank 4 (Can have Magery)
12 - Mind Sheild Rank 3

Base Cost – Ability
20 – Acute Hearing/Vision** Rank 5
15 – Empathy
15 – Detect Life (Limited Use 4x - -20%, Fatigue 2 - -10%, Preparation 1 min - -20%)
Unknown – Forest Movement
18 – Healing (Cure Disease Only)
10 – Increase ST or HT by one
15 – Long Life* Rank 1
12 – Magic Resistance Rank 4 (Can have Magery)
12 - Mind Sheild Rank 3
15 – Extra Will Rank 3
15 – Magic Resistance Rank 5 (Can have Magery)
15 – Detect Posion (Common 20, Fatigue 1 - -5%)
12 - Mind Sheild Rank 3

Base Cost – Ability
20 – Wild Talent
15 – Empathy
15 – Detect Life (Limited Use 4x - -20%, Fatigue 2 - -10%, Preparation 1 min - -20%)
15 – Luck
10 – Increase ST or HT by one
15 – Long Life* Rank 1
12 – Magic Resistance Rank 4 (Can have Magery)
12 - Mind Sheild Rank 3
10 – Detect Magic

* New advantage, check describtion
** Both advantages taken as one
*** This advantage should only be allowed by gaining this bloodline advantage
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