Attributes: ST: +2 [20]; IQ: +1 [20]; HT: +1 [10]. +50
Optional Attributes: Increased ST or HT [10/lvl]; Increased IQ or DX [20/lvl].
Secondary Characteristics: HP: -2 [-4]; Will: +1 [5]; Per: -1 [-5]. -4
Optional Secondary Characteristics: Increased Basic Speed or Move [5/lvl]; Increased Per or Will [5]; Increased FP [3/lvl].
Advantages: Acute Hearing 1 [2]; Acute Smell/Taste 1 (Limitation: Smell Only, -50%) [1]; Extended Lifespan 1 [2]; Fit [5]; Hard to Kill 2 (Limitation: Only against neurological damage, -50%.) [2]; Lifting Strength 5 [15];
Protected Sense (Vision, Limitation: Only to resist and recover from blindness due to exposure to bright light, -60%) [2]; Racial Reputation (+1, Honest, Peaceful, Reliable, & Truthful, Federation Citizens (Large Group), All the Time) [3];
Reduced Consumption 2 (Limitation: Water Only, -50%.) [2]; Telecommunication (Telesend) (Enhancement: Universal (Margin-Limited), +40%. Limitations: Concentration Required, -10%; Empathic Disturbance, -10%; Melee Attack (C, 1), -20%; Racial (Vulcans & closely-related species), -20%; Telepathic, -10%.) [21]; Temperature Tolerance 4 [4];
Vacuum Support (Limitations: No protection against explosive decompression, -10%; Only for Thin atmospheres. Very Thin atmospheres are treated as Thin. Vacuum is still treated as Vacuum. -50%.) [2]. +57
Optional Advantages: Absolute Timing [2]; Acute Hearing [2/lvl]; Acute Smell/Taste [2/lvl] Combat Reflexes [15]; Common Sense [10]; Compartmentalized Mind (Limitation: Only for Mathematical Calculations.) [10]; Detect (Emotions or Life) [20 or 30]; Discriminatory Hearing [15]; Discriminatory Smell [15];
Discriminatory Taste [10]; Doesn’t Sleep (Limitation: Must make daily Meditation skill roll, at -1 per 2 days after the first to avoid falling asleep for HT/2 hours, -20%.) [16]; Eidetic Memory or Photographic Memory [5 or 10]; Empathy or Sensitive [5 or 15]; Increased TL 1 [5]; Indomitable [15];
Hard to Kill (Optional Limitation: Neurological Injuries Only, -50%) [2/lvl]; Hard to Subdue (Optional Limitation: Only against electric shocks and/or direct neurological attacks, -50%) [2/lvl]; High Pain Threshold [15]; High TL [5/lvl]; Less Sleep [2/lvl]; Lightning Calculator or Intuitive Mathematician [2 or 5];
Metabolism Control [5/lvl]; Mindlink (To children, parents, and/or spouse/betrothed) [Varies]; Parabolic Hearing [4/lvl]; Possession (Enhancement: Mind Swap, +10%. Limitations: Mindlink Required, -40%; No Memory Access, -10%; Preparation Required (1 hour), -50%; Specialized, Psionic Adepts of own race, -40%; Telepathic, -10%.) [20];
Rapid Healing or Very Rapid Healing (Limitations: Meditation skill roll required, -20%; Only in a healing trance, -40%). [2 or 6]; Regeneration (Slow or Regular) (Limitations: Meditation skill roll required, -20%; Only while in a healing trance, -40%) [4 or 15]; Resistant (Disease, Pain, or Poison) (Limitations: Meditation skill roll required, -20%; Only while in a healing trance, -40%) [Varies];
Resistant (Influence or Psionics) [10 or 15]; Single-Minded [5]; Special Rapport (With those to whom they are Mindlinked) [5]; Striking ST [5/lvl]; Subsonic Hearing [5]; Talent (Artificer, Mathematical Ability, Mental Discipline Talent, Musical Ability, Scientific Ability; Vulcan Intellect Talent) [Varies];
Telekinesis [5/lvl]; Unfazeable [15]; Ultrahearing [5]; Very Fit [15].
Perks: Katra Transfer [1]; Inner Eyelid [1]; Skill Adaptation (With limitations, an IQ-based Mathematics or Physics skill can substitute for any DX-based Games skill) [1]; Weak Latency [1]. +4
Optional Perks: Autotrance [1]; Controllable Disadvantage [1]; Death Sense [1]; Secret Training [1]; Skill Adaptation (IQ-based Mathematics or Physics skill for other skills which are grounded in mathematics or the applied sciences) [1].
Disadvantages: Bad Temper (12-; Limitation: Maintenance Mitigator (Requires 1 hour of meditation per day in special setting with equipment), -40%.) [-5]; Code of Honor (Surak’s Way) [-10]; Honesty (15-) [-5]; Racial Reputation (-1, Emotionless, Hidebound, Humorless, and Intellectually Condescending, Federation Citizens (Large Group), All the Time) [-3]; Weakness (Nitrous Oxide, Rare, 1d per minute, Limitation: Fatigue Only, -50%) [-5];
And at least -10 points in disadvantages from the following list. All but self-imposed mental disadvantages must have the Maintenance Mitigator limitation. Bad Temper [-10*]; Berserk [-10*]; Bloodlust [-10*]; Bully [-10*]; Compulsive Behavior (Rule-Breaking or Thrill-Seeking) [-5*]; Curiosity [-5*]; Disciplines of Faith (Asceticism or Ritualism) [-5 to -15]; Easy to Read [-10]; Greed [-10*]; Guilt Complex [-5]; Hidebound [-5];
Honesty [-10*]; Impulsiveness [-10*]; Incurious [-5*]; Intolerance (Aliens, Emotions, Illogical Behavior, and/or Self-Indulgent Behavior) [-10]; Jealousy [-10*]; Low Empathy [-10]; No Sense of Humor [-10]; Obsession [-5 or -10*];
Odious Personal Habit (Arrogant, Capricious, Condescending, Excessively Emotional, Pedantic, Provides Too Much Information, Smug, or Vengeful, -1 or -2) [-5 or -10]; Overconfidence [-5*]; Pacifism [-5 to -30]; Paranoia [-10*]; Selfish [-5*];
Sense of Duty (Family and Close Associates, Vulcan, Federation, or All Sapient Life) [-5 to -20]; Stubbornness [-5]; Truthfulness [-5*]; Vow [-5 or -10]; or Workaholic [-5]. -38
Optional Disadvantages: Absent-Minded [-15]; Callous [-5]; Clueless [-10]; Oblivious [-5]; Obsession [-5 or -10]; Loner [-5]; Reputation (Improper behavior) [Varies]; Selfless [-5*]; Social Stigma (“Excommunicated” or “Barbarian”) [-15]; Truthfulness [-5*]; Vulnerability (Cold, damp climates or high pressure environments) [Varies].
Quirks: Can suffer physical brain damage from psychological trauma [-1]; Pon Farr [-1]; Reserved [-1]; Truthfulness [-1]; Vegan [-1]. -5
Optional Quirks: Amnesia (Repressed memory) [-1]; Broad-Minded [-1]; Compulsive Behavior (Mathematical Calculations) [-1]; Dislikes Cold [-1]; Dislikes disorder, illogic, and/or randomness [-1]; Dislikes displays of emotion or irrationality [-1]; Dislikes noise [-1]; Dislikes strong scents and/or tastes [-1];
Doesn’t use contractions, colloquialisms, or slang in speech [-1]; Dull [-1]; Humble [-1]; Likes order and/or precision [-1]; Odious Personal Habit (Provides too much information about technical topics) [-1]; Odious Personal Habit (Has trouble repressing a specific emotion) [-1]; Proud [-1]; Self-Sufficient [-1]; Staid [-1];
Uncongenial [-1]; Weakness (T’lokan schism) [-1].
Skills: Area Knowledge (Vulcan) (E) IQ [1] - 11; Meditation (H) IQ-2 [1] - 9; Philosophy (Vulcan) (H) IQ-2 [1] - 9; Savoir-Faire (Vulcan) (E) IQ [1] - 11; Survival (Desert) (A) Per-1 [1] - 9. +5
Optional Skills: Acting (A); Autohypnosis (H); Body Control (VH); Body Sense (H); Diplomacy (H); Dreaming (H); Game (3-D Chess, Kal-To, Keethera, Vulcan Chess, Suus Mahna tournament rules or Kal-if-fee dueling rules) (E);
Mathematics (Any Specialty) (H); Mental Strength (H); Mind Block (E); Musical Instrument (Vulcan Lute, Vulcan Lyre, Vulcan Percussion Instruments) (H); Philosophy (Vulcan) (H); Physics (VH); Pressure Points (H).
Cultural Familiarities: Vulcan [0]; Federation [2].
Languages: Vulcan (Native, Spoken/Written) [0]; Federation Standard English (Accented, Spoken/Written) [4].
Features: Dislike talking about, or dealing with, their sexuality. DNA registered at birth and on file with the Vulcan planetary government. Immunity (Caffeine and sapotoxins). Shorter and thinner than ST score would indicate (When figuring Height and Weight use the row 3 ST levels lower on the build table).
Sensitive to strong smells and tastes. Special Rapport with betrothed for purposes of coordinating Pon Farr. Susceptibility to motion sickness in the presence of neutronic gradients. Taboo Trait (Fat or Very Fat, most “emotional” disadvantages other than those listed above, typically can’t have Psi powers other than those included in Vulcan Psi talent).
Suspectible to Bendii Syndrome, Choriocytosis virus, Pa'nar Syndrome, & Tuvan Syndrome. Weakness to Trellium-D.
Physiological Data: Interspecies Compatibility Group: IIIa. Gravity: Unknown [~1.18 or ~1.4 G]. Atmosphere: Unknown, presumably standard M-Class Oxygen-Nitrogen atmosphere, <50% relative humidity, minimal background radiation. Pressure: Unknown, less than 1.0 ATM [~0.83]. Preferred Temperature: Unknown, but considerably warmer than Earth [~92°F]. Comfort zone unknown, but wider than for humans [35 °F to 130 °F, 20 °F higher than for humans]. Height: 5’6”-6’0” Mass: 150-200 lbs. (When figuring Height and Weight, use the row three ST levels lower on the build table.) Lifespan: ~200 years.