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Old 01-17-2023, 12:13 PM   #31
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Originally Posted by Dalin View Post
1/16 — Collapsed Passage (map)

The link says access denied.
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Old 01-17-2023, 12:53 PM   #32
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The link says access denied.
Oops! Fixed. Thanks for the tip.
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Old 01-18-2023, 11:02 AM   #33
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Jan 18 etr

Description: a 3 yard wide 3 yard tall passage way that's 20 yards long. halfway along it is a pit five yards deep and five yards across. A no mana-zone fills the pit up to the ceiling. The bottom of the pit is filled with various refuse. Falling in the pit causes 2d damage. a climbing roll at -3 is needed to climb out.

Lighting: -10 (no light)

Treasure: In the refuse at the bottom of the pit is $58 in various coins and two old and crusty broadswords that break on any roll of 16 or higher, worth $60 each.
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Old 01-19-2023, 11:58 AM   #34
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Jan 19 etr

Description: a 3 yard passage 10 yards long. It is completely lined with bones of the dead, somewhat artistically. 8 animated skeletons are hiding among the merely decorative passive skeletons. They won't attack unless the party is returning back through the passage.

There are about 500 skeletons in the room, if the players want to do something like crush every single skull. Searching for whole skeleton's only drops that number by 100 for every point of success on a search skill, to a minimum of 100 skeletons.

Monsters: 8 skeletons

see "Ossuary"
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Old 01-20-2023, 11:29 AM   #35
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Jan 20 etr

Description: A round domed Cavern 10 yards across and 7 yards at its highest point. A small pit of spikes 3 yards deep and 3 yards across is at its center, with rough sides easy to enter. Bones are strewn among the spikes Three Levitating Basilisks are present. When failing 15 vs Will after one of them gazes at a player, The target will rise at the rate of one/yard per second for 60 seconds, and then drop. A quick contest against ST 15 can stop the rising, IF they have something to grab. A fall from the top of the dome deals 3d6 imp damage as the players land in the spikes.

Monsters: Three Levitating Basilisks (DF Monsters 3 page 5)

Treasure: $378 in various coins. A suit of light plate armor ($1800), a suit of light scale armor ($960), four wizardly scrolls of levitation (240 lbs, 1 minute, $60 each), 1 wizardly scroll of breathe water ($80)

Exits: The round chamber has four heavy wooden doors at the compass points (DR 3, 33 HP) with "monkey locks" facing inside: roll at +5 against lockpicking to open.
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Old 01-22-2023, 08:33 AM   #36
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

1/17 — Antechamber (map)

Description: The main corridor leads into an empty cave with a 9 foot ceiling. The floor is strewn with bits of crushed stone, a few torch stumps, and other minor debris. To the west, the ceiling slopes down until it is about 4 feet above the floor. The light gray color on the map indicates the lower ceiling. There are soot marks and scrapes along the ceiling heading down the passage. An Observation or Tracking roll reveals giant rat prints and droppings amongst the detritus on the floor. A faint odor (carrion? animal waste?) emanates from the west passage.
Vision: -10 (total darkness)
Hearing: Normal
Exits: South: 1 yard wide passage further into the complex; West: 4 yard wide passage with a low (4 foot) ceiling to 1/18 — Daušagrip Front Porch

Low clearance: Characters standing more than 4 feet tall will need to crouch or crawl to pass through the lower area. Crouching characters have a −2 penalty to their attack rolls and +1/2 movement point per hex (2/3 regular Move); defenses are normal. Crawling characters have −4 to attacks (and can only attack with reach C melee attacks), −3 to defenses, and +2 movement points per hex (1/3 Move).

Last edited by Dalin; 01-22-2023 at 08:39 AM.
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Old 01-22-2023, 08:38 AM   #37
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

1/18 — Daušagrip Front Porch (map)

Description: The ceiling in this low cave barely rises to 4 feet. The central part of the chamber is roughly 13×13 yards with low tunnels leading southeast and northeast. The ceiling in the northwestern portion of the cave drops even lower, barely a foot above the rough, stony floor. Shining a light into the shadows reveals a narrow opening about seven yards back leading into deeper darkness. With a decent light source, an Observation roll at −2 reveals some scrapes along the floor leading back to the opening. Observation at −5 reveals a knife stuck in the ceiling a few yards into the crawl space.
Vision: -10 (total darkness)
Hearing: Normal
Exits: The southeast passage leads to 1/17 — Antechamber. The northeast passage leads to areas 1/20 — Daušagrip Back Stoop and 1/21 — Glowing Chamber. The northwest crawl space leads through a narrow opening to 1/19 — Daušagrip Lair. A character who wants to squeeze through this passage must roll against Escape (see Squeezing, Exploits, p. 21).

Low clearance: See 1/17 — Antechamber for the effects of a 4 foot ceiling.
Crawl space: The crawl space is so low (1 foot) that a human-sized character needs to be fully prone to enter it. This causes −4 to attacks, −3 to defenses, and a maximum movement of 1 yard per turn.
Daušagrip: A roper-like creature known as a daušagrip (Noršlondr Óvinabókin, p. 56) dwells in 1/19 — Daušagrip Lair. Its 8 tentacles can reach as far as the dashed red outline on the map. With its subsonic hearing ability, it can detect anyone walking (or crawling) on the ground. This ability is ineffective against aerial characters or those using the Light Tread spell or Light Walk skill. It can attack with up to 4 tentacles per turn, attempting to grapple and drag PCs into its lair.

  • Fine large knife enchanted with Penetrating Weapon (2). The grip is wrapped in strips of troll hide. [$5160, 1 lb.] The knife was forged and enchanted by a Dvergr smith about 90 years ago (and still has her worn mark on the pommel). More recently, it fell into the hands of a stóralf who strayed too far into this cave.

Last edited by Dalin; 01-22-2023 at 09:01 AM.
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Old 01-22-2023, 08:46 AM   #38
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

1/19 — Daušagrip Lair (map)

Description: The ceiling in this cramped cave is only a foot above the ground. The place reeks of old meat and filth. The remains of former meals litter the floor around the edges of the cave. The cave is dominated by a large rock, almost like a natural pillar, with ridges extending from it across the floor. This is a large daušagrip. It squeezed in here some years ago and grew too large to exit. This suits it well enough as the odor from its former meals attracts new meals. It mostly feasts on giant rats and other local vermin supplemented by occasional larger prey.
Vision: -10 (total darkness)
Hearing: Normal
Exits: A narrow (1-foot-wide) passage exits to the south, leading to 1/18 — Daušagrip Front Porch. A web of old rockworm burrows connects the northeast side of this room with 1/20 — Daušagrip Back Stoop. Unfortunately, the daušagrip isn’t able to drag larger prey through these tunnels.

Crawl space: See 1/18 — Daušagrip Front Porch for the effects of a 1 foot ceiling.
Daušagrip: This daušagrip has eight tentacles and is SM +1 (Noršlondr Óvinabókin, p. 56).

Searching the cave is a disgusting process, but there is a fair amount of loot here from former victims.
  • 1 empty, slightly rusty iron vial with silver inlay [$45, 0.50 lbs.]
  • 1 very large silver bracelet roughly engraved with reptilian faces [$1,035, 0.75 lbs.]
  • 7 ozs. of Sealing Wax [$8.75, 0.70 lbs.]
  • 3 glow vials [$30, 0.5 lb. each]
  • 1 scroll case, bone and metal [$75, 1 lb. (empty weight)] containing:
    • 1 universal charged tattooed leather scroll of Strengthen Will 3 (3 FP, 1 minute duration) [$300, 0.15 lbs.]
    • 1 universal charged tattooed leather scroll of Wither Plant (12 FP) [$1,200, 0.15 lbs.]
    • 1 universal charged tattooed leather scroll of Repel Spirits (5 hex radius, 2 hours, 20 seconds to read) [$3,000, 0.15 lbs.]
  • 1 plate breastplate, dwarf sized, DR 6 [$1,313, 10.5 lbs.]
  • 21 billon coins [$210, 0.42 lbs.]
  • 139 copper coins [$139, 2.78 lbs.]
  • 18 silver coins [$360, 0.36 lbs.]
  • 7 tumbaga coins [$420, 0.14 lbs.]

Last edited by Dalin; 01-22-2023 at 08:53 AM.
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Old 01-22-2023, 08:52 AM   #39
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

1/20 — Daušagrip Back Stoop (map)

Description: This cave has a 4-foot ceiling. There are signs of a recent encampment along the eastern wall, including the remains of a small fire. The west nook has four small (~10 inch) holes in the wall. The remains of the body of a goblin lies beneath one of the holes.
Vision: -10 (total darkness)
Hearing: Normal
Exits: Tunnel leading south to area 1/21 — Glowing Chamber and 1/18 — Daušagrip Front Porch; four small tunnels heading west to 1/19 — Daušagrip Lair (the tunnels are just under a foot wide at their mouths, but they narrow to about 6 inches at points).

Low clearance: See 1/17 — Antechamber for the effects of a 4 foot ceiling.
Daušagrip: The daušagrip in 1/19 — Daušagrip Lair catches prey here (within the red dashed line), but can’t pull large victims through the rockworm tunnels.

Last edited by Dalin; 01-22-2023 at 08:58 AM.
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Old 01-22-2023, 08:57 AM   #40
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

1/21 — Glowing Chamber (map)

Description: This area continues to require most delvers to stoop beneath a 4-foot ceiling. The southeast end of the central column has pinkish striations that glow dimly in the darkness. (These are actually a type of tiny fungus rather than a mineral.)
Vision: -7 (dimly glowing striations)
Hearing: Normal
Exits: Tunnel northeast to 1/20 — Daušagrip Back Stoop; tunnel west to 1/18 — Daušagrip Front Porch; tunnel east (9-foot ceiling) leading further into the caves.

Low clearance: See 1/17 — Antechamber for the effects of a 4 foot ceiling.

Last edited by Dalin; 01-22-2023 at 03:19 PM.
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