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Old 08-22-2023, 10:51 AM   #631
Join Date: Jan 2014
Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
OCC: that's a pretty good response.

Hungry Singer: "They weren't sure if we were smart? If we were people? That's ridiculous!"
Gentle Arms: "All we ever do is move them around, how would they know?"
Hungry Singer: "But they should know! Traveling is a big part of who I am, but its not all of who I am!"
"Well, it is the perception that the other speakers, the Concordance, has constructed. You move the ships around, and everything else is immaterial. Like you're literally tucked away in random areas of this station, and most people are just like, 'well I guess they have to be somewhere'. Maybe if you're concerned about people altering what you have to say about yourself, we could rig up some kind of system where you could talk to people directly, without a speaker."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Gentle Arms: "Yes. I mean, if we want more, we just ask for more."
Well food is a dead-end I guess.

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Royal: "How quickly do they want it?"
Pleasant Caller: "A ship full of water would have places in it. Places to sit and climb and dig and rest."
Shuffling things for clarity

"Oh, I see. Yeah, that should be doable. Well, unless you're particular about no humans, not sure if you could maintain power systems underwater. How long are you willing to wait for it? It will take time to make something like that."

Then I relay the answer to Royal.
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Old 08-23-2023, 09:44 AM   #632
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"Well, it is the perception that the other speakers, the Concordance, has constructed. You move the ships around, and everything else is immaterial. Like you're literally tucked away in random areas of this station, and most people are just like, 'well I guess they have to be somewhere'. Maybe if you're concerned about people altering what you have to say about yourself, we could rig up some kind of system where you could talk to people directly, without a speaker."
Pleasant Caller: "They tried rigging up speakers before, it didn't work."
Big Digger: "Or so they told us. Though its not terribly hard to believe"
Hungry Singer: "We should be more visible. We're important. We're people."

"Oh, I see. Yeah, that should be doable. Well, unless you're particular about no humans, not sure if you could maintain power systems underwater. How long are you willing to wait for it? It will take time to make something like that."
Gentle Arms: "Keeping Humans to help us out shouldn't be a problem."

Big Digger: "Starpus are more patient than humans. Our bodies are more sedentary. Could it be done in 2 seasons?"

Then I relay the answer to Royal.
Royal: "Two seasons. So either six months or two seasons on Kuru... that's about 10 months. Go head and tell them yes, we can do that."
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Old 08-23-2023, 10:35 AM   #633
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Pleasant Caller: "They tried rigging up speakers before, it didn't work."
Big Digger: "Or so they told us. Though its not terribly hard to believe"
Hungry Singer: "We should be more visible. We're important. We're people."
Keeping in mind how we're keeping this whole operation secret, and the Concordance most likely coming down on whoever "stole" the Starpus like a pile of bricks... "You should be more visible, absolutely. But let's just hold off on it until, say, after the speakers are rigged up. We don't want this to be two groups of Speakers arguing who's telling the truth."

I wonder if the Concordance actually did try rigging up speakers. Given the Starpus difficulties with Human words it's not terribly difficult to believe it didn't work, but... Maybe there is a technological escape hatch to making copies of me.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Big Digger: "Starpus are more patient than humans. Our bodies are more sedentary. Could it be done in 2 seasons?"

Royal: "Two seasons. So either six months or two seasons on Kuru... that's about 10 months. Go head and tell them yes, we can do that."
"Yes, we can do that."

"So... Who wants to come?"
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Old 08-24-2023, 10:47 AM   #634
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Royal: that's six minutes. you've got four left. That's still some time, but focus.

Keeping in mind how we're keeping this whole operation secret, and the Concordance most likely coming down on whoever "stole" the Starpus like a pile of bricks... "You should be more visible, absolutely. But let's just hold off on it until, say, after the speakers are rigged up. We don't want this to be two groups of Speakers arguing who's telling the truth."
Hungry Singer: "Why not? they agree to our other requests?"
Big Digger: "We can at least ask"

I wonder if the Concordance actually did try rigging up speakers. Given the Starpus difficulties with Human words it's not terribly difficult to believe it didn't work, but... Maybe there is a technological escape hatch to making copies of me.
yeah, its an interesting question.

"Yes, we can do that."

"So... Who wants to come?"
Big Digger: "Well, we'd want to tell the others, and we'd want to talk it over for a while... and you'd need to get transportation for us."

Time check: we've had about 150 back-and-forths in this scene, counting extra long talks as an additional back and forth. you were given 10 minutes. averaging 2.5 seconds per exchange, that means is been 375 seconds of your allotted 600.

6:22 out of 10:00
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Old 08-24-2023, 01:45 PM   #635
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Royal: that's six minutes. you've got four left. That's still some time, but focus.

Hungry Singer: "Why not? they agree to our other requests?"
Big Digger: "We can at least ask"
"The other requests are fine. I'm concerned that if it's public knowledge that you're not working for The Concordance anymore, they're going to say that we're lying about you coming willingly. Speakers would be unequivocal proof that you really wanted to leave. Maybe we could come up with something else; a ship that you're choosing the destination for might do too."

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Big Digger: "Well, we'd want to tell the others, and we'd want to talk it over for a while... and you'd need to get transportation for us."
"We're on a bit of a tight schedule here. How long do you need to decide?"

To Royal: "Is it possible to come back later? I think they want time to talk it out."

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Old 08-25-2023, 09:47 AM   #636
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"The other requests are fine. I'm concerned that if it's public knowledge that you're not working for The Concordance anymore, they're going to say that we're lying about you coming willingly. Speakers would be unequivocal proof that you really wanted to leave. Maybe we could come up with something else; a ship that you're choosing the destination for might do too."
There is a bit of silence after this.

Big Digger: "This all assumes that they are in fact going to lie. These people have held up their end of the deal for a long time."

"We're on a bit of a tight schedule here. How long do you need to decide?"
Big Digger: "Could you come back next meal?"


To Royal: "Is it possible to come back later? I think they want time to talk it out."
Royal: "Possible yes, but it introduces a huge amount of risk. Its going to be difficult to adjust the plans, and our cuts into the back door will eventually be noticed. And we risk them from telling the concordance about our plans"

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Old 08-25-2023, 10:23 AM   #637
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
There is a bit of silence after this.

Big Digger: "This all assumes that they are in fact going to lie. These people have held up their end of the deal for a long time."
"While saying as little as possible about you to anyone else. I'll feed you and not let you die is a **** deal from anyone as rich as them."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Big Digger: "Could you come back next meal?"

Royal: "Possible yes, but it introduces a huge amount of risk. Its going to be difficult to adjust the plans, and our cuts into the back door will eventually be noticed. And we risk them from telling the concordance about our plans"
To Royal: "They want me to come back after their next meal. Do you want me to tell them they have to decide now? I don't know about you, but if I was on the other side of the glass, I don't think I'd accept a deal on such a short time span, or be willing to talk after that."

I relay the message Royal wants said. If we agree to come back later, I'll be sure to "Please don't tell the other speakers about this. We'll get in trouble if they find out, and then our offer is basically gone.". If we agree to press the issue now, I'll look for something to jam the door with.

[159] 23-08-25 17:24:05 CEST
3d6 <= 13
2 + 3 + 5 = 10 ... success

Last edited by TGLS; 08-25-2023 at 10:26 AM.
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Old 08-28-2023, 09:29 AM   #638
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"While saying as little as possible about you to anyone else. I'll feed you and not let you die is a **** deal from anyone as rich as them."
Hungry Singer: "And Travel! you keep forgetting about Travel!"

Big Digger: "We have been happy with the deal until now."

To Royal: "They want me to come back after their next meal. Do you want me to tell them they have to decide now? I don't know about you, but if I was on the other side of the glass, I don't think I'd accept a deal on such a short time span, or be willing to talk after that."
Royal: "Try a little longer. We really want them to come along the first time"


I relay the message Royal wants said.

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Old 08-28-2023, 10:50 AM   #639
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Hungry Singer: "And Travel! you keep forgetting about Travel!"

Big Digger: "We have been happy with the deal until now."
"Sorry, it's just hard to imagine that moving around is something you want in of itself."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Royal: "Try a little longer. We really want them to come along the first time"
"Fine. OK."

Back to the Starpus. "It might be too difficult to come back after feeding. Are any of you willing to come now?"
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Old 08-29-2023, 11:22 AM   #640
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Default Re: (IC) Lost in Dreams (Julian)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"Sorry, it's just hard to imagine that moving around is something you want in of itself."
Hungry Singer: "Its not going places that matters... its the Travel itself. The power wielded. The Hunger that comes afterwards. pushing yourself to the limit. Feeling the <fuzzy concept of extreme movement>. That's what I love. I think the others love it to."

"Fine. OK."

Back to the Starpus. "It might be too difficult to come back after feeding. Are any of you willing to come now?"
Pleasant Caller: "Humans always want to rush."
Big Digger: "We should at least tell the others and let you offer to them. I'll call them now."
Julian feels some sort of strange call.

Gentle Arms: "I say we go."
Big Digger: "Only as a group. We stick together."

<Soft Voice>: "What is it Big Digger?"
Big Digger: "A speaker who has never met any other speakers wants to take us to a new place. The Human says the other humans don't even know if we are intelligent, and offers a new deal where we get a ship we can move around."
<Soft Voice>: "That's very interesting. Let us begin to think about it."

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