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Old 12-10-2020, 04:55 PM   #331
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

OOC: Erick, the plan goes like this: Having the “know it all” perk, being around while passwords are entered should allow Pacifica to predict the keys (and learn them); she just needs to be around at the right place and time.

OOC: On the other hand, I think that a combination of vibration sense and her photographic memory may help her to pinpoint keystrokes in the occasion she can’t directly participate in “password events”. Think of Pacifica using her photographic memory to recall the exact picture of the pin-pad or a keyboard, then crossing this with the feed from vibration sense/sense of perception to “see” how the strokes are entered, using the know it all perk to fine tune it.

OOC: What do you think?

OOC: Also, is the Zorbani navy making the gruel (to compensate for the lost food), or is this made by the Dread Stormers?

OOC: Pacifica isn’t trying to annoy Nejora, but I guess that was the most relevant subject at the time.

OOC: This is what Pacifica tells Nejora:

IC: I originally wanted to be a flight attendant, but when I started asking people about the job, I felt it wouldn’t work for me. One day you I stumbled upon someone from the navy… he overhead the conversation I was having about being a flight attendant and approached me. And then he told me: “If you want a job that lets you expand your horizon with thrilling experience, join the navy: I've seen things you wouldn't believe; attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, I watched C-beams glitter in the dark as I rode on the back decks of a blinker… All those moments... in the name of my country.”

That speech really inspired me, and here I am!

OOC: I don't know if Orion or C-beams actually exist in this setting, but I let's imagine Pacifica refers to its equivalents. This phrase in allusion to Blade Runner, by the way.

Acting roll for Pacifica’s speech:
3d6 <= 15
1 + 1 + 1 = 3 ... (critical) success (I am proud of my speech, LOL)

OOC: Pacifica also shows Nejora her singing skills:
IC: How do you like this? Says Pacifica (while singing something akin to Diva Plavalaguna’s opera).

Singing roll for Pacifica:

3d6 <= 14
6 + 6 + 2 = 14 ... success

OOC: How are you handling the +2 reaction bonus to Pacifica?

IC: (Thinking) Assuming I was allowed to take flour with me, I would like to have a reserve to bargain or make bets while gambling and to help my team mates If they have not eaten properly.

OOC: Tell me if that's possible.

IC: (Thinking) I would like to suggest a procedure to reduce food waste while cooking, a circular economy program for the ship, to ease things a bit after the “flour crisis”.

Administration roll to make the suggestions:

3d6 <= 14
3 + 4 + 6 = 13 ... success

OOC: I guess this part was lost as you were writing, Erick. "(...) As dreadstormer activity has become more and (...)"
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Last edited by Hide; 12-11-2020 at 01:29 PM. Reason: "Navy", instead of "Army"
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Old 12-10-2020, 10:44 PM   #332
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
You don't have any powers yet: the first 48 hours off of suppressants do nothing, and then the powers return over the next 48. If you had 9% of your powers, you'd be on improvised abilities, which requires skill rolls and FP expenditure, but would give you quite a few options. see powers page 173 for abilities at default.

The NCO says to go ahead and eat the biscuit right now, and he'll get another one for you to take with you. There is a shortage of biscuits, but given that you're accused of avoiding eating it, she's happy to give you extra.

Botha doesn't give up, but continues to make accusations about Hua's behavior, things like how she sneaks off, and that it makes no sense for the FIRST biscuit to be the one saved.

Make the IQ roll to see if you brought the narcotic. If you want to guide the situation towards or away from a search, roll SF(Military) (an another appropriate skill) and specify the direction.
Let's make that IQ roll:
[203] 20-12-11 05:27:17 CET
IQ Roll for Narcotic
3d6 <= 14 : 5 + 6 + 1 = 12 ... success
The run of bad luck needed to stop somewhere. I really doubt I'll be able to slip anything past Botha (and forcing the pill down her throat is probably too risky). So let's gingerly press for a search:
[204] 20-12-11 05:38:36 CET
3d6 <= 14 : 1 + 2 + 5 = 8 ... success
And now when the pill is discovered, I'll act like I've never seen it before, and suddenly realize that Botha must have planted it on me.
[205] 20-12-11 05:42:06 CET
3d6 <= 16 : 6 + 1 + 5 = 12 ... success
Success by 5. Hopefully the response puts Botha under suspicion.
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Old 12-11-2020, 10:32 AM   #333
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Let's make that IQ roll:

The run of bad luck needed to stop somewhere. I really doubt I'll be able to slip anything past Botha (and forcing the pill down her throat is probably too risky). So let's gingerly press for a search:

And now when the pill is discovered, I'll act like I've never seen it before, and suddenly realize that Botha must have planted it on me.

Success by 5. Hopefully the response puts Botha under suspicion.
The NCO searches Hua, and finds the pills. Botha looks triumphant. Hua accuses Botha of planting the pills on her. Botha sneers: why would I do such a thing you dirty little druggie? Search her stuff first!

The NCO conducts a search of Hua's locker and bed, and a few of the neighboring beds. More people are brought in, and Hua's blood is tested. At Hua's insistence, Botha's locker is searched. She looks absolutely shocked when the pills are discovered.

"Those aren't mine. She must have planted them. Take my blood, run it through the test, you'll see... " Botha goes pale. "She drugged me! she slipped the pills into my food or something a few nights ago. I tell you, she's a dreadstormer! look at my record! its perfect! I'd never take opiates!"

Botha seems to recover her composure: "Do with me as you will. But investigate Hua. She's hiding food, and can pick locks and slip pills. She must be."

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Using her excellent memory, Del Cid starts building up a collection of passwords of those who work close by... some lower rung clerks like herself, but also some of the morale accountants.

OOC: Pacifica isn’t trying to annoy Nejora, but I guess that was the most relevant subject at the time.
Pacifica is coming off as a chatter box, and Nejora is sort of a grumpy loner who doesn't like talking about home.

OOC: Pacifica also shows Nejora her singing skills:
IC: How do you like this? Says Pacifica (while singing something akin to Diva Plavalaguna’s opera).
Nejora rolls her eyes at the singing, but eventually asks if she must sing could she sing in different style: its more rythmic and staccato, and requires making improvised noises. Its a fairly common Jakorbi style, and Pacifica is familiar with it.

IC: (Thinking) I would like to suggest a procedure to reduce food waste while cooking, a circular economy program for the ship, to ease things a bit after the “flour crisis”.

Administration roll to make the suggestions:
Is this about looking good, or about making sure the gluttonous character doesn't have to eat the paste?

Pacifica comes up with a few ways that flour could be conserved in cooking, and looks up a few recommended ways for making the pellets more appetizing by mixing them with other food that will make the food stores last longer.

Her suggestions are well received by her superiors and in the office, but they disappear up the command chain and she's not sure what happened to them.

dreadstormer activity has become more and (...)
As dreadstormer activity has become more and more apparent, pacifica has been assigned more and more audits of various systems, as the officers become increasingly paranoid about where the dreadstormers are.
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Old 12-12-2020, 01:29 AM   #334
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

OOC: After Nejora’s suggestion, Pacifica performs something similar to “The Magic Flute, Queen of the Night Aria”; she does this while off duty. I guess it would be nice if that was played in the showers, if not against the rules, I imagine Pacifica facing Nejora and giving her a brush (instead of a knife, as in the play). The towels will be great as improvised dressed.

Trying a new song for Nejora:
3d6 <= 14
6 + 1 + 6 = 13 ... success

Acting for the song:
3d6 <= 15
4 + 4 + 2 = 10 ... success

OOC: Pacifica made the improvement suggestions as part of doing her job right; the goal is acquiring trust among the people in the ship, make it clear (or at least seem) she walks the extra mile. I would say Pacifica is happy about having anything to eat, taking into account what she had to eat in the “old days”.

OOC: Information Pacifica might know (but I don’t): How is my branch administered (e.g. how many workers, what are the authority tiers)? Who’s right above me? How many people share the same rank as my superior? On the other hand, how much time until I can meet with my teammates and what do I know about their current situation?

IC: (Thinking) I guess it would be nice earning the trust of higher ups in this chain of command. I could eventually invite them to check some details at a warehouse… and then have them brainwashed by my friends. I could earn a promotion like this or acquire some benefits within the branch (albeit temporarily) and I could then repeat the process…. What would happen if these guys were induced to fake the reports for the people making the decisions? … IF the ship runs out of supplies way sooner than expected, we could lead an uprising or force a retreat…

OOC: Where is Pacifica right now? I assume she’s working. How are things there after the “shooting”? How’s the mood? And what do they say about Dread Stormers? I have the impression that having Dread Stormers on board is not a very common thing… or is it?
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Old 12-12-2020, 04:45 AM   #335
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
There is more laser fire, and a scream. Two spacers are chosen from the mess to grab a stretcher and carry the runner to the medical wing. The room stands silent, at attention. An officer has almost certainly been called.

The five security come back, and have a short furtive conversation with the NCO. The NCO anounces: "That man was not the one they were looking for. They will continue the inspection. They believe they have seen a dreadstormer."
Daymar sits tight to see what happens next.
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Old 12-14-2020, 12:38 PM   #336
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Nejora enjoys the new style, but is somewhat annoyed when pacifica goes back to her opera style singing. She continues to make requests to change the song genre most the time that pacifica starts singing.

Pacfica's work structure:
  • She sits in the navigation section (most of whom are hyperspace navigators, sensor technictions and so forth, not clerks). The nav-com section has about 130 people like that.
  • She reports to NCO. There are about 20 of these low-level NCOs in her section
  • That NCO reports to the head of a navigation shift. There are six such people in the nav-com section: three for navigation, three for communications.
  • The navigation shift head (who is a high level NCO) reports to an officer. each section has three officers, one of whom is in charge of the whole section. There are 13 sections in the ship, so there are 39 officers in this structure. See the fourth post in the OOC thread.
  • section officers report to the captain and his two mates.

she mostly gets odd indirect requests from various officers that she doesn't meet.

If we can work out how Pacifica has been meeting with her team-mates (the main obstacle is getting away from her assigned buddy for a moment) then she's been meeting with them the entire time. Right now the drama in the morning after a meeting is playing out, and she won't be able to know about their troubles until they meet up again on Tuesday. Unless the exposition perk tells her after the action is over and the rumors start working their way through the command structure.

We play a little fast and loose with time here. Daymar and Hua are both having adventures at breakfast Saturday "morning", but they're on different shifts, so we're actually playing out two events 8 hours apart... that are very unlikely to impact each other. Right now we're establishing Del Cid's routine, her relationship with her buddy (Nejora), and how she's able to make the clandestine meetings. Which ...<roll roll> have been occurring when she is supposed to be asleep. So I suppose Pacifica is in her bunk room on deck 18 with about 19 other women when everyone is supposed to be asleep, and she needs to get 13 decks pretty much strait up to meet with her comrades on deck 5. Its more than a week before the dramatic breakfast events. If she feels she can't make this time and needs to make a different one, we can also see if she can set up that. We can also address other things she's been doing up until now.

A warship having dreadstormers on board is like an infantry company being zeroed in by artillery. It happens, its a little rare, usually devastating, they prepare for it a lot, and its terrifying. The mood varies from day to day, but there is a general air of suspicion.


Daymar sits tight, and six more security folks show up, as well as an officer. Daymar suspects more people are outside, based on the footsteps. With everything locked down, the two security resume their face by face scan of the people in the mess, working their way towards Daymar.
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Old 12-14-2020, 04:30 PM   #337
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Daymar sits tight, and six more security folks show up, as well as an officer. Daymar suspects more people are outside, based on the footsteps. With everything locked down, the two security resume their face by face scan of the people in the mess, working their way towards Daymar.
Daymar is going to try to find someone else in the mess not yet scrutinized by security who might be able to pass for him. Reaching out, he suggests the crewman start fidgeting and acting nervous. He also tries to project innocence.

[208] 20-12-14 23:28:23 CET

Suggest on crewman in the mess

3d6 <= 16
4 + 5 + 2 = 11 ... success

[209] 20-12-14 23:30:26 CET

Acting to project innocence

3d6 <= 14
2 + 4 + 2 = 8 ... success

OOC: With the distraction and Day's Honest Face, he's hoping they'll pass him by.
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Old 12-14-2020, 04:31 PM   #338
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The NCO conducts a search of Hua's locker and bed, and a few of the neighboring beds. More people are brought in, and Hua's blood is tested.
I guess they didn't find the suppressant pill or the lockpicks... I also guess they haven't figured out the suppressant sabotage? What can I use to discredit Botha further? Maybe subtly cause her to lose her composure again? (Fast-talk?)
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Old 12-15-2020, 02:43 PM   #339
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I guess they didn't find the suppressant pill or the lockpicks... I also guess they haven't figured out the suppressant sabotage? What can I use to discredit Botha further? Maybe subtly cause her to lose her composure again? (Fast-talk?)
Go ahead and make rolls to hide those items... though I thought the lock picking tools were hidden elsewhere?

You can go ahead and try to make her loose her composure again... that will be any influence roll, but at -2.
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Old 12-15-2020, 02:44 PM   #340
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
Daymar is going to try to find someone else in the mess not yet scrutinized by security who might be able to pass for him. Reaching out, he suggests the crewman start fidgeting and acting nervous. He also tries to project innocence.

OOC: With the distraction and Day's Honest Face, he's hoping they'll pass him by.
You are aware the men searching have seen your face on a very poorly failed disguise roll?
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