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Old 03-17-2023, 12:58 PM   #671
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by RyanW View Post
I just remembered what probably put the idea in my head, to reappear all this time later: Harem from Grrl Power. She can project duplicates, but she has grown attached to the five bodies she has now and thus doesn't usually switch them off. I haven't followed it in a long time, and I can't recall (or whether it was ever established) if she can duplicate one of her existing bodies or whether a new body would be "factory default" - and thus reprojecting (five is her limit) would mean losing all the effort she's put into making each one unique, with its own hairstyle, tattoos, etc.
I finally got around to checking out this webcomic, and just finished what there is; for Harem, she can unsummon (she calls it "un-teleport," since she also has teleportation powers) one or more of her bodies and keep it "in reserve" for a presumably-indefinite period (she did so when one broke a limb, and kept it there until the healer was ready), but stated she has no idea what might happen if one of her bodies snuffed it and would rather not find out, thank-you-very-much. As far as I can tell, she has simply always had five bodies (or at least has always had such ever since her powers manifested) and the ability to teleport, and may well not have any ability to replace lost dupes.
GURPS Overhaul
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Old 03-22-2023, 04:50 PM   #672
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Complications on the Road

Your mission is fairly simple, even if it will take a while: escort a wealthy individual across a geographic barrier, and then retrieve lost property at the end. Easy Peasy.

But the crew picked for this mission is both overqualified and carrying significant personal baggage that will cause trouble the whole way. For example:
  • One character is a werewolf, and you will be experiencing the full moon sometime on this trip
  • The most notorious thief in the kingdom is among your number, and their face is plastered all over wanted posters, even in neighboring kingdoms
  • The mage made a bad deal with a demon and the demon is trying to collect.
  • One character is secretly undead and his hiding it: of course they will slip up at some point
  • One character is on a quest to kill the man who killed their father... yeah, they're going to run into him by chance.
And so on. Secret Identities, Inconvenient Curses, Personal Missions, and Enemies chasing the players are the actual game. Bonus points for running this in a setting where magic is supposedly not a thing.

The initial idea was what would happen if you played a vampire in the "Caravan to Ein Arris" Module. But then of course if one player can do it, then why couldn't they all...
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Old 03-22-2023, 05:02 PM   #673
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Complications on the Road

The initial idea was what would happen if you played a vampire in the "Caravan to Ein Arris" Module. But then of course if one player can do it, then why couldn't they all...
It's practically a mission for a squad of Troubleshooters, courtesy of the Computer.
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Old 03-27-2023, 02:46 PM   #674
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by Apollonian View Post
It's practically a mission for a squad of Troubleshooters, courtesy of the Computer.

Huh. Interesting comparison. Hadn't thought of that.

I was thinking drama rather than humor... but I bet both will happen.
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Old 03-28-2023, 05:00 PM   #675
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Monster Hunters: Bio-corps

Deep in the heart of Africa, deadly conflicts rage, unnoticed by the rest of the world. At least, most of the rest of the world. Several unsavory companies have come to this place of turmoil in order to conduct research that wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else. Experiments on Psi, Human Genetic Engineering, and tailored plagues are just the more successful things they have tried. Meanwhile the struggles between the various parties and the crushing poverty covers the misdoing.

You've noticed this though. As Journalists, Soldiers, and escaped experiment victims, you'll put a stop to this abuse. Somehow.

This is designed as a Gurps: Monster Hunters campaign without any Undead, Magical, or Divine elements. Plagues, Cryptids, Rouge Psis (or just children messily discovering their powers), Rouge Experiments, and Action Villians are the order of the day.
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Old 04-11-2023, 01:06 PM   #676
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Monster Hunters: Bio-corps

Deep in the heart of Africa, deadly conflicts rage, unnoticed by the rest of the world. At least, most of the rest of the world. Several unsavory companies have come to this place of turmoil in order to conduct research that wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else. Experiments on Psi, Human Genetic Engineering, and tailored plagues are just the more successful things they have tried. Meanwhile the struggles between the various parties and the crushing poverty covers the misdoing.
The ideas just keep flowing: Giant Bugs as Cryptids, Mind control Parasites...
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Old 04-12-2023, 08:16 AM   #677
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

A techno-mage that can foretell the future by predictive text and auto-correct.
“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love ...” Marcus Aurelius

Author of Winged Folk.

The GURPS Discord. Drop by and say hi!
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Old 04-19-2023, 02:50 PM   #678
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

In a grim cyberpunk world (or some other setting where the gap between the haves and have-nots is extreme), the poor are so overlooked that they must effectively form their own society. Some would call the person in charge a family friendly organized crime boss. Others call them Magistrate. Policing is done by contract investigators and bounty hunters. The PCs would be operators within that unofficial bureaucracy. The goal is to keep life peaceful for the locals, deter the most unsavory elements, while simultaneously avoiding the ire of the upper crust who might not like it if the upstart republic under their feet started getting ideas.
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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Old 04-19-2023, 03:57 PM   #679
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by Anders View Post
A techno-mage that can foretell the future by predictive text and auto-correct.
The suggested text predicts the future; choosing one of the other options or editing in your own preference makes that the new future when you hit Return?

The first half gives us a diviner or seer. The second is the kind of mage that can make things happen, whether that's conjuring objects or mind control. The game/setting has to define how powerful that magic can be, of course. Choosing your question also becomes very important, as the predictive text depends on the early part of the sentence, and there's plenty of room for vague oracular predictions, with added danger if you dare to edit that text without really being sure what it's referring to.
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Old 05-10-2023, 04:40 PM   #680
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Simple Space Opera

Run a space opera game in gurps... using only the basic set, Fantasy, and DF3.

The most exotic aliens are Colepterans, Lizardfolk, Myrmidons, and Devilfish. sea elves, catfolk, ogres, wildfolk, minotaurs, winged elves, and ghouls/corpse eaters provide some more traditional but colorful choices. Weapons come from the basic set: lasers, blasters, and force swords. Ships consist mostly of modified star freighters (Basic p465).

Players should be ending planetary wars, rooting out pirates nooks, or making peace between aliens of different biomes who have long lived at war with each other. As an example mission:

As the factions of Colepteran union ready for war over their royal succession crisis, Tradgedy already stalks their borders: A rouge lizard-chief from the Sriss empire has destroyed the defensive forces on the Colepteran's Desert world of Klakotan, and is striking the surface with impunity, carrying off treasure and slaves. The players must stop this somehow.
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