Originally Posted by ericthered
Slam: "I mean this place. Its not exactly homey."
Well, it's better than a hole in the ground, or the orphanage..."
I feel guilty saying this place is better than the hole in Bumundo, but can't quite place why...
Originally Posted by ericthered
Working for a better class of criminal!
Perhaps so... At least there is the choice this time around, instead of, "Pay me or face the consequences."
Originally Posted by ericthered
The Aquarium is full of water, and it doesn't seem to be leaking. The lighting is off... the direction of it is wrong, he thinks, even though the intensity is right. They've got a different tank full of fish down a different tunnel. Royal says they've got another location where they're keeping more fish and the screamers.
I point out the lighting problem. "
The lights, they shouldn't be coming from up top like that. They're just the right brightness, but it was like they were coming from another direction..."
Then I ask to see where they're keeping the other fish.