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Old 01-06-2022, 06:30 AM   #22
Hero of Democracy
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious accepts the kind offer of breakfast and the use of the hotel to catch up on some missed sleep.
Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious thinks over the best routes and the security checkpoints they will have to pass to get to the patterned stones they need to return to their proper order and tries to formulate a plan as they drift off to take a much-needed nap.

There are three walls to pass. The first sees a lot of traffic pass it, and has myriad entrances, guests, sick or injured pilgrims seeking healing, tour groups, guards, priestly janitors running out to grab their lunch, and so forth. Security checks there are present but minimal, and failure merely means being turned away. This is were weapons are checked for.

The second wall sees tour groups, dignitaries, guards, and priests on duty passing, Security here will arrest, but they're heavily used enough that the checks aren't that earnest...mostly a screen for tourists.

The third wall has the most security. Only priests, guards, and the occasional sentator or governor pass, and security takes its job seriously, taking the time to be sure. Rumor has it that the people authorized to make it back there know most of the others authorized on sight.

The all three walls are 30 feet tall, and have guards on the top.

Vassarious is just drifting off to sleep when he receives another message from his contact: "Hey, I'm not trying to catch you, I'm just being offered money to know who laid the smack down on an immortal. I'll cut you in on a chunk if you want, and forward you more jobs."

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
"Yeah, I'm not too hot trojan prisoner plan either. I'll be heading off to find a priest to follow. No idea how long that will take. Hopefully I can follow to a bar or something but maybe back to their house."
And we pickup in the hallway of the priest, with access to his phone and wallet, and looking for his study... which isn't upstairs, though several guestrooms and a VR theater are.
Be helpful, not pedantic

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