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Old 01-03-2024, 11:59 PM   #1991
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

GM: "Gimme a roll."
Skye (OOC): "Ack! 18. Why is there a cat driving my Uber? What does the app say? Toonces!?"


GM: "That question is so dumb it snapped Lisa out of her stupor."


Kandra: "Where would we go?"
Simon: "Vegas?"
Kandra: "Wasn't that on old Earth? Wasn't it destroyed?"
Simon: "Oh, sorry, that says 'Vega 5.'"


Skye: "This looks really bad. What do we do?"
Simon, James and Heaven: "Explosions make everything better."
Duncan (from a different game): "That's my line!"
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Old 01-04-2024, 12:14 PM   #1992
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"your low-rank military grunt doesn't have the Advanced Socioeconomics skill? smh my head"

"Maybe the guy doing the threatening has guns"
"Or maybe they threaten to take away their electronics if they don't do their work"

"Its in the contraband dufflebag"
"cushioning the two riffles"
"Don't get my KISS T-shirt dirty!"
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Check out the PbP forum! If you don't see a game you'd like, ask me about making one!
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Old 01-10-2024, 10:56 AM   #1993
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

In infinite ruins, a world-hopping game where everyworld fits in with After the End.

The players are interacting with subsistence farmers in the steamy hot but livable lands around Hudson bay.

"the only constants are death and taxes. "
"and apocolypses"

"Let me guess. They have a leader and he is just the most wonderful person ever."
"She. But yes, she is just the most wonderful person ever."

"People have had air conditioning for a long time"
"Normally if your air conditioning fails it doesn't kill you"

"Yes, he actually uses the term 'radio-thing'"
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Check out the PbP forum! If you don't see a game you'd like, ask me about making one!
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Old 01-10-2024, 03:14 PM   #1994
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

GM: "The one time in the evening one of my NPCs gets a critical, and it's the one you're controlling!"

Narkron: "Yes, that's because it's fighting on the side of righteousness now."
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Old 01-22-2024, 06:14 PM   #1995
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Sean: "Apparently, the answer to 'if all your friends jumped off a cliff' is 'yes.'"


Halcyon: "She's trying to make words from concentrate."


Bella: "Can we call you 'dadoo?'"
Halcyon (after a bewlidered silence): "No-oo."
Sarah: "Good call."


Halcyon: "That's the town equivelent of a pawn shop."
Bella: "What are we gunna pawn?"
Sarah: (no pause) "Sean."
Sean: "Wait, what?!"


Bella: "We look like we're a group of kids on a field trip and our teacher is concerned that we'll be molested--which is not too far off the truth."


GM: "There is a toaster."
Bella: "Is it a brave little toaster?"
GM: "It's an inanimate little toaster."


Bella: "Is there a Game Boy?"
GM: "Gimme a roll?"
Bella: "Ten."
GM: "No game boy, but there is something called 'Nerve Gear.' You're not sure, it looks dangerous."
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Old 01-25-2024, 03:58 PM   #1996
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

GM: "The skeletons that are attacking you ... miss, miss, miss and miss. The one you just recruited as a minion ... criticals."
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Old 01-28-2024, 10:16 PM   #1997
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Halcyon: "For Bella, Safety is a bronze medalist. For you [Sarah], it doesn't even get a participation award."


Bella (OOC): "I'm just upset that Bella wouldn't think to tie them up in compromising poistions."
Sarah (no hesitation): "Too late."




Sarah: "You live by the slug--you die by the slug."


Sarah: "I would like to point out that the Shadowlord is 10 hexes away, in a straight line from me and this guy in my face."


Sarah and GM to Bella: "you have successfully taunted the boss."


Ying: "Our flight is slow, right?"
GM: "Yes, but you cannot trip when flying."
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Old 02-01-2024, 06:49 AM   #1998
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Situation: goblins are dropping peppers into a fire...
PC1: They're committing war crimes on us.
PC2: It's never war crimes the first time...
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Old 02-07-2024, 08:22 AM   #1999
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

When trying to convince a alternate history japanese submarine captain they have a secrete hacking weapon (a quantum computer):
"Aren't Mathematics and public speaking mutually exclusive?"
"After looking at our sheets, it seems that they are!"

"He's going stir-crazy and he needs excercize."
"That's the best excuse for forced labor I've ever heard"

About one of the four surviving state governors in a Post-Apoc Scenario

GM:"I suppose you're actually a resident of maine. He's actually your governor"
PC: "I'm not sure I voted for him"

PC: "Dang, I missed the perfect opportunity for a pickup line"

During the attempt to buy newfoundland on a world where it is less habitable than it is now:
PC: "So They took everything that WAS nailed down?"
GM: "Especially the nails, those are valuable"

Player whose PC is being talked out of something stupid: "Good news, I failed"

Player about a PC that's not his: "He's here with his wife, he's not going to ask for directions"
Be helpful, not pedantic

Worlds Beyond Earth -- my blog

Check out the PbP forum! If you don't see a game you'd like, ask me about making one!
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Old 02-11-2024, 09:40 PM   #2000
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Hostess: "How would you describe your swimming skill?"
Simon: "Somewhere between 'Navy Seal' and 'actual seal.'"


Villain: "I am The King of Ash!"
Heaven: "I don't have time for this. Shazam. James, take care of this [guy]."


Jasmine: "Wait, you two know Superman?"
James [nodding]: "He's my fiancé's cousin. Yeah."
Jasmine: "Who else do you know?"
James: "Lord. Uh, Wonder Woman, Starfire, Raven, Batman, GL--obviously Supergirl, being as we're engaged--uh . . .."
Heaven: "You also know Spidey, MJ and Sue Storm, right?"
James: [nods again] "Yeah, it's been a while. Cap and Vision, and some others."
Jasmine: "Is there anyone you don't know?"
James and Heaven (after looking at each other): "Deadpool."


Pirate: "Looks like someone doesn't know who we are."
Simon: "I know who you are. You're today's special friend."
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actual play, funny

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