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Old 08-20-2007, 10:13 PM   #21
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Default Re: Instant replay

Originally Posted by Agemegos
Inspector! You'll want a look at this.
Thórrson walks over and examines the camfeed. He tries to get a reading on the body language of Suspect 1 (male) and Suspect 2 (female). Who's in charge, are they military-trained, where do they look during the protest, etc. He's basically trying to see if they look like criminals, soldiers or spies; using whatever skill is appropriate for that.

Thórrson (to Ishikawa)
Good work, Agent. Carry on.

See if you can find a feed that shows the female suspect shoot the victim, clear enough so that you see what's going on, but doesn't show much of anything else. Then cut out everything except that one moment where she shoots him. Let me know when you have it.
Then he turns to Special Agent Lethe.

Thórrson (to Lethe)
Special Agent Lethe, can you get us a full spectrum analysis of the area while the protest was going on? I want to know if anyone in that crowd was broadcasting or receiving communications. I want the full picture, but if you find anything even close to two suspects, that would be superb.
Walking toward the closed-off crime scene, he waits until everyone else is out of earshot.

Thórrson (to Ashbless)
How soon can you get me a preliminary finding that says that the medical evidence indicates that he was short at point-blank range and from behind?

And where are we on ID'ing the vic?
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Old 08-20-2007, 11:00 PM   #22
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Default Re: Instant replay

Originally Posted by Icelander
Thórrson walks over and examines the camfeed. He tries to get a reading on the body language of Suspect 1 (male) and Suspect 2 (female). Who's in charge, are they military-trained, where do they look during the protest, etc. He's basically trying to see if they look like criminals, soldiers or spies; using whatever skill is appropriate for that.
It's an Empathy task. At -2 because a surveillance camera recording is not as good as looking people in the eye. 28 * (5 - 2) = 78. d% roll = 17. QR 3.
Thórrson's gut tells him that the woman was in charge. The man moves like an athlete, and deals with the tanglefoot like someone with a bit of obstacle-course training. The woman is dangerous. If they are soldiers, he's a talented recruit and she's special forces.

They joined the press at the second fence last, and as best you can tell they had their attention fixed on your John Doe.

Decay is inherent in all composite things.
Nod head. Get treat.

Last edited by Agemegos; 08-20-2007 at 11:04 PM.
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Old 08-20-2007, 11:02 PM   #23
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Default Re: Instant replay

While she's directing the Marines at the start of the search, she's got the "highlights" of the victim from the surv cams playing on her left eye's HUD. For now, she pays enough attention to see he's the ringleader, and pays closer attention to the shots of the assailants.

Originally Posted by Icelander
Thórrson (to Ashbless)
How soon can you get me a preliminary finding that says that the medical evidence indicates that he was short at point-blank range and from behind?
Ashbless rolls her eyes at this, but Thórrson can't see this gesture, as her eyes are behind her visor, currently set to perfect mirrors.


"Surely, Inspector, you know the video shows that with more certainty then I'm willing to commit to, until I've got the vic on the slab?" The touch of exasperation in her voice hints that they've had this conversation before, about twice per corpse. "That stunner shot could have been fatal; I won't commit to COD until I'm sure."
Originally Posted by Icelander
Thórrson (to Ashbless)
And where are we on ID'ing the vic?[/I][/INDENT]

"I've sent the biometrics off to the locals. Once they decide a murder is good enough to search their databases for an ID, we'll have the answer. Unless he's not a local, of course. I'll put a parallel request in for the Imperial DB search. "

She pauses for a second, to direct the marines picking up trash, er, evidence.
"We've got pretty good shots of the vic. Why don't you get Osiris to program a correlation search? Start with seeing if you can find the vic at other protests, and then see who was at those with, then track those people back, until we get some names? I'm sure this guy's been at other shows. You don't learn to run through tangleweed like that the first time out. I wouldn't be surprised to see Mr. and Ms. Smith, as well"
Ashbless also starts the ball moving on getting someone to transport the corpse to a morgue for the thorough autopsy.

Last edited by dscheidt; 08-20-2007 at 11:04 PM. Reason: Fix formatting. No content change.
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Old 08-20-2007, 11:59 PM   #24
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Default Re: Instant replay

Originally Posted by dscheidt

"We've got pretty good shots of the vic. Why don't you get Osiris to program a correlation search?
Indeed, why not.
Lethe starts doing a correlation search as outlined by Ashbless. He also tries to zoom in as John Doe speaks towards the camera. Then, he starts a program to extrapolate what was said from the lip movements.

Originally Posted by Icelander
Thórrson (to Lethe)
Special Agent Lethe, can you get us a full spectrum analysis of the area while the protest was going on? I want to know if anyone in that crowd was broadcasting or receiving communications. I want the full picture, but if you find anything even close to two suspects, that would be superb.
Very well, sir.
Proceeds to do so.

In addition, Lethe starts a database search for any local women with special forces training and a criminal record, or with charges being dismissed for some reason, or with close relatives having a criminal record. Lethe also searches the police archive for any female criminals (which are not mindwiped or dead) with some sort of military training. Finally, he accesses the marines personell files, and searches those along similiar lines.

Lethe also checks the DoJ's Most Wanted list, just to be sure.
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Old 08-21-2007, 12:10 AM   #25
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Default Re: 9,401, an SF thriller

Lethe (to Thórrson)
Results coming in.

Originally Posted by (as experienced by Lethe)
You jump back from the scene of the crime to the scene at the first fences, and winding back a few minutes you see that John Doe joined the protest only minutes before rushing the fence, and that he ran in from teh north, following the alignment of the spaceport perimeter fence. Skipping back from post to post you find the moment at which he came into view: not out of the spaceport subway station as one might expect, but running in a staggering fashion out of the trackless 'terraformation reserve' to the east. He stumbles toward the subway station, but stops when a figure who has been loitering on a bench near the entrance gets up and moves towards him, at which he breaks into a run, heading south along the perimeter fence towards the residence. The loitering figure breaks into a run after him, and a second loiterer joins him: they are the man and the woman who searched and killed him.

This is where you hit the jackpot. The killers' gait was too abnormal to identify them in the scenes at the fences, but here you can roll back to when they arrived, get a movie of them walking normally, hit the footage with gait analysis software, and check their gait characteristics against databases. They aren't in the Cockaigne criminal database, so you check them against spaceport arrivals. She is Kitsune Foxx, a native of Tokugawa, and he is Azazael bond Oak, a native of Hybreasil. They arrived on Cockaigne together two years ago. She is on a Home Office Special Branch 'watch' list as a suspected 'effective' of the Sons of Patrick Henry, an interstellar anti-tyranny action group that is generally very careful to avoid anything smacking of terrorism or otherwise contrary to Imperial law.

Going back to Foxx and bond Oak's arrival, and checking everyone in camera at the time, you find that shortly after they arrived another suspected effective of the SoPH (who had been loitering at the subway gate) left: Spartacus Lijmke, from Paradise I). And when he left someone went with him: Ino Assad (from Zajiwah), the woman in whose company he arrived on Cockaigne six weeks after Foxx and bond Oak.
Following the sequence forward: John Doe stumbles out of the forest and towards the Spaceport Subway entrance. Bond Oak spots him, but starts from cover too soon. John Doe spots the movement, recognises bond Oak, and runs. Bond Oak and Foxx give chase, but despite their superior freshness John Doe arrives at the knot of protestors having opened his lead a trifle.

1416 ZULU
John Doe appears from the north, running parallel with the spaceport perimeter. He is obviously exhausted, but he still picks his feet up pretty well in the tanglefoot weed. He runs into the knot of protestors, who shy away at first. He pants for a moment, his hands on his knees, then turns and looks off to the north. Turning sharply, he scans the line of the first fence, then runs unsteadily to the point nearest a camera-post. He waves his arm jerkily at the camera, shouting inaudibly [lipread software: “Justice Department! Justice Department”]. After about ten seconds the crowd take up his cry [lipread software: “Justice! Justice!”] and rush the fence, shaking their fists in the air. A crush builds up against the fence, and John Doe climbs the mesh to get above it, still shouting and waving at the camera.

1419 ZULU
The fenceposts start glowing red, indicating a level of pressure that could cause people to be crushed. The screamers come on, and people start behaving erratically. Two people, a slight athletic man (Azazael bond Oak) and a very athletic woman (Kitsune Foxx) in blue clothes, red caps, and [image enhancement in the shadow of their caps] visors run in from the north and join the back of the press.

1420 ZULU
The fence gives way. The crowd falls in a heap except for John Doe, who having been halfway up the fence is ahead of the crowd. He gets up first and starts running gamely south, towards the Residence. Oak and Foxx are delayed in following him by the heaped protestors.

1424 ZULU
John Doe appears at the second fence, and repeats his performance, though with noticeably less vigour. His voice is feeble, and he only manages “Justice… want… Justice… ment. Justice…” The front elements of the mob are about thirty seconds behind, Oak and Foxx are well back.

1427 ZULU
The fenceposts again start glowing red, and these ones, lining the counterscarp, and not engineered to give way. The marines open fire with stuncannon from the scarp, and the protestors go down like scythed wheat. [Crop, zoom, enhance, slow-mo: Oak is hit by at least two solitons, Foxx by at least one. They hesitate before taking dives.] After 27 seconds, the marines cease firing.

1428 ZULU
Oak and Foxx crawl through the writhing heap of screaming protestors towards Doe. They start searching him, quickly but thoroughly, opening his jacket and fly, slitting the linings and pockets of his clothes.

1429 ZULU
Protestors start getting up and crawling away. Oak takes Doe’s shoes, and slits them open. Foxx rolls Doe onto his side and starts patting down his back. Doe starts to struggle, flail, and shout. Foxx takes a dark object from her pocket, presses it to the back of Doe’s head. Doe convulses once and is still.

1430 ZULU
Foxx crawls to Oak for fifteen seconds’ whispered conversation. They crawl off thirty metres or so.

1432 ZULU
Oak and Foxx get up and start running for the first fence.

1436 ZULU
Oak and Foxx pass through the gap in the first fence.

1437 ZULU
Chetshwayo checks Doe’s breathing, starts CPR.

1440 ZULU
Medical technicians arrive, Doe pronounced dead. Sunrise.

Detain bulletins are updated now.
Like a mail order mogwai...but nerdier - Nymdok
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Old 08-21-2007, 01:08 AM   #26
Join Date: Feb 2007
Default Re: 9,401, an SF thriller

Via datalink to the whole investigation team:

I've got an ID on the vic. The corpse is David Legspinner Wong, born 30 August 601 in Hell (Tau Ceti II). He arrived on 17 November 628 and has a resident alien's visa. No residential address is on record, but Wong's sponsor is his employer, Le Nôtre Research, of Anacreon. (about 800 km away.)

The prelim path report is attached. Some key points:
  • Had a rough few days -- tied up, probably beaten, spent time in the woods. Hadn't eaten recently, also dehydrated.
  • In good shape, slight body mods. Not mil-spec.
  • had a locker key in his stomach.
  • clothes don't fit

My initial thought is that our buddies from the SoPH caught up with him, tried to find something out, he escaped. They found him, and zapped him.

Alternatively, he's a SoPH, and a second group caught up with him, and the SoPH think he ratted him out.

Alternative number three, there are three or more groups trying something.

The locker key appears to match a health club in Anacreon, where he worked. Inspector, I think that's enough for a warrant to search it, don't you? Can you get on that? The judges like you more than me....

Hesiod Health
Hesiod Health is a health club on Level 11, Block 528 North, Anacreon. It offers a gym, lap pool, Turkish bath, squash court, and café. Services are free, but intended for residents of 528 North. For reasons of modesty, equivalent facilities for women are found on Level 11, 528 South.
I'm still working on the other physical evidence, though I don't think it will come to much...

Originally Posted by Agemegos
Report of post-mortem examination on DAVID WONG
by Lt. Sulanne Ashbless, MD
10 June 630 PDT, Cockaigne

Preliminary observations

The subject is a man with a medical age of about 25, 171 cm tall, 56 kg, and of indeterminate racial type. Condition is very lean, and the legs are notably muscular. The body has been entirely depilated (unusual on Cockaigne) and smells of cinnamon cookies (a scent not issued to recipients).

External marks

The face is covered by a circular bruise with arcs of a distinct circumferential ring, and there are similar bruise on the right lower abdomen and hip and on the left upper chest and shoulder. These are consistent with the subject being shot with a stun cannon at a range between about 40m and 75m. The torso hits would have caused only superficial injury. The hit to the face would have caused blindness and concussion, but is not consistent with the cause of death.

The feet are swollen, bruised, and soaked in sweat. There are bruises on the knees, left hip, and forearms consistent with multiple falls between the time of death and about 100 hours before. There are bruises and grazes on the hands, consistent with breaking similar falls. The fingernails are broken, and have humus under them.

There are bruises and traces of adhesive around the wrists, and scratches consistent with the subject having been bound with adhesive tape and having sawn through it on some sort of rough edge, The scratches are about 100 hours old.

There is a circular bruise on the scalp behind the left ear. It is 55mm across and has no surrounding ring. This is consistent with a shot from a stun pistol fired within about 100mm of the head, and perhaps in contact. Such a shot would likely be lethal.

X-ray tomography

No fractures.

There is a small object of ferromagnetic material in the stomach, with a coating of polyamide plastic. This has been extracted, and is a locker key stamped “HESIOD HEALTH C08”.

Whole-body MRI

Apart from the key the alimentary tract is empty, consistent with the subject not having eaten for at least 24 hours.

The brain has been jellied and its every blood vessel ruptured by the shockwave of a stun-soliton. The stun-cannon hit to the face could not have produced this injury, which was the cause of death.

The only modification is sports grade reinforcement. Serial numbers on the large components indicate manufacture and installation on Ritho (Tau Ceti II) five years ago.


The blood shows high levels of cortisol and its metabolites, consistent with about 100 hours of great stress. Blood glucose and insulin are very low, glucagon and ketone bodies are high, consistent with heavy exertion during a long fast. Uric acid, growth hormone, adrenalin, endorphins: all consistent with extreme fatigue. The subject was dehydrated.

Eugerione residues are consistent with a chronological age of about thirty.


The shoes and clothes show traces of humus, ash, charcoal, bark and pollen from a Casuarina species used in terraforming on Cockaigne, also grit from a ferrite-cemented sandstone found on the central ranges. Also traces of security foliage from the glacis of the Imperial Enclave.

The hands and fingernails yield similar traces, plus clay, blood & bone (a fertiliser), lime, crocus pollen, and crushed rhododendrons.

The skin culture is Martha’s Cookies, the oral culture is Levine’s Junior Whiteshield, both brands used on Tau Ceti II and not Cockaigne.


The trousers and jacket are typical blue recipient wear, with labels from the Anacreon Livery Centre. They are slightly too large, and smell of basil-musk.
The undershirt, boxer-briefs, and socks are yellow and have Ahern labels (a Tau Ceti brand). Their scent matches the Martha’s Cookies skin culture. The shoes are maroon running shoes, made on Cockaigne for contributors. Their soles have been slit open with a short, very sharp blade. They smell of cinnamon cookies.


The retinas are damaged beyond recognition, and neither the fingerprints, nor the craniometrics, nor the Bertillion scales match anything in the Cockaigne Criminal Database.

The fingerprints &c. do however match Imperial spaceport arrivals records. The corpse is David Legspinner Wong, born 30 August 601 in Hell (Tau Ceti II). He arrived on 17 November 628 and has a resident alien’s visa. No residential address is on record, but Wong’s sponsor is his employer, Le Nôtre Research, of Anacreon.
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Old 08-21-2007, 01:10 AM   #27
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Default Re: Instant replay

Originally Posted by Icelander
Thórrson (to Ishikawa)
Good work, Agent. Carry on.

See if you can find a feed that shows the female suspect shoot the victim, clear enough so that you see what's going on, but doesn't show much of anything else. Then cut out everything except that one moment where she shoots him. Let me know when you have it.

Very well. Shouldn't take but a moment.
Get on it, get it done, dump the result to our (electronic) work area.


Done. Inspector, shall I get onto interviewing those provosts and marines? We'll want their accounts, if only for completeness, and the sooner it's done, the sooner they can get back to their duties, assuming all is as it seems.
Rupert Boleyn

"A pessimist is an optimist with a sense of history."

Last edited by Rupert; 08-21-2007 at 01:13 AM.
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Old 08-21-2007, 02:27 AM   #28
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Default Debriefing the marines

Ishikawa goes to the marines barracks to take statements from Sblt. Lynda Ath (platoon commander, Bravo platoon), Sgt. Nyoman Holmes (platoon sergeant, Bravo platoon) L-cpl Valkiri Chetshayo (medic, Bravo platoon), L-cpl Musashi Nguyen (who gave the order to open fire with the stun-cannon), Pvte. Ichiko Fulbright (Nguyen's offsider), and Pvte. Chepren Potswami (Ath's orderly, who found the body). Lt. free Grail more-or-less insists on being present and on referring to the interviews as 'debriefings', but he is silent throughout.

The statements are all quite straightforward, and consistent with the facts known, but Nguyen's and Fulbright's statements are rather formulaic, and suspiciously similar for the statements of witnesses who are supposed not to have been in contact since the incident.
Empathy. 28 * 5 = 140. D% roll = 58. QR 3 (unqualified success).
Fortunately, Ishikawa remembers in time that Nguyen and Fulbright have been standing watches, making decisions, issuing orders, and opening fire for decades, and that they are trained to make incident reports and situation reports in a set form. This isn't a particularly remarkable event in their lives. After ordering that they be released, she reassures them that as far as DoJ can tell the dead man was not killed by the stun-cannon. Nguyen thanks her, but doesn't seem relieved of any particular worry.
Empathy. 28 * 5 = 140. D% roll = 73. QR 3 (marginal success).
Ishikawa finds the marines inscrutable. Perhaps they simply knew they had acted properly, and had absolute faith in the Imperial system to see them right. Thoughtfully, Ishikawa makes certain to take copies of the marines' recon computer logs.

Interviews with the Home Office paramedics are also uneventful. The paramedics are as innocent as babes.
Empathy. 28 * 5 = 140. D% roll = 01. QR 1 (critical success).

Decay is inherent in all composite things.
Nod head. Get treat.

Last edited by Agemegos; 08-21-2007 at 04:56 AM.
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Old 08-21-2007, 02:39 AM   #29
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Default Re: Instant replay

Originally Posted by Rupert

Done. Inspector, shall I get onto interviewing those provosts and marines? We'll want their accounts, if only for completeness, and the sooner it's done, the sooner they can get back to their duties, assuming all is as it seems.
Aye, Special Agent, get it done. If there's anything you think merits a closer look, let me know. I trust your judgment.
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Old 08-21-2007, 02:49 AM   #30
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Default Re: 9,401, an SF thriller

Thórrson contacts the local judge and explains the situation. He requests a warrant to search the locker and if he gets one, he plans to go himself with an escort of a couple of Marines for security and whomsoever of his investigators not involved in something else. He also asks for arrest warrants for Foxx, bond Oak, Assad and Lijmke, citing conspiracy, aiding and abetting and suspected terrorist connections for the last two.

He turns to Lethe.

Thórrson (to Lethe)
Get us everything on the Sons of Patrick Henry. Membership, ideology, known and suspected operations, etc. Details of the suspects as well.
In a lower voice, to Ashbless.

Thórrson (to Ashbless)
Sulanne, I know that the video convinced me and you. We're investigators and we know the extreme unlikelihood that it was tampered with and we know that we'd probably spot telltales if it was. But I'm not sure it will convince a hostile crowd that is apparently not predisposed to like Imperials.

Get me a solid CoD as soon as you possibly can. One that I can go to a judge with, one that will leave no doubt to be exploited by talking heads on newsfeed. Otherwise I'm not sure what will happen, but I'm relatively certain it's going to be worse than one dead agitator.

Thórrson grins at her with weary humour.

Thórrson (to his team)
Let me know as soon as the media gets wind of this case. We need to prevent guesswork and interference as far as possible.
Za uspiekh nashevo beznadiozhnovo diela!

Last edited by Icelander; 08-21-2007 at 10:48 AM.
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