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Old 05-16-2007, 12:03 AM   #41
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition


Real Name: Peter Parker
Occupation: College student with a chemistry major, freelance photographer, costumed crimefighter.
Identity: Secret.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record.
Other Aliases: None.
Place of Birth: New York City.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: Ben Parker (uncle, deceased); May Parker (aunt).
Group Affiliation: None.
Base of Operations: New York City.
History: Peter Parker was orphaned at a young age when his parents were killed in a terrorist bombing. He was then raised by his loving Aunt May and Uncle Ben in Queens, who raised him as they would have done had he been their own. A frail, studious youth with terrible nearsightedness, Peter was picked on and bullied nearly every day throughout middle school and high school, particularly by the school's resident bully, Flash Thompson. His only friend during this period was Harry Osborn, who stood up to Flash and helped Peter gain a modicum of self-respect (see Osborn, Harry).

Following his high school graduation, Peter was accepted into the Undergraduate Bioengineering Program at Empire State University. While on a tour of the labs during his orientation, he was bit by a genetically-engineered spider that had escaped from its cage. This spider was genetically unstable, and transferred some of its own DNA code into Peter's bloodstream, in a manner not unlike that of a retrovirus used in gene therapy. The spider's DNA combined with Peter's, changing him on the genetic level. (Because Peter's DNA was altered in this manner, he does not qualify as a "mutant"; mutant scanners will show him as an anomaly outside the human norm, but not as a true mutant.) A side effect of the spider's changes was the correction of his vision.

At first, Peter attempted to use his powers as an amateur wrestler in order to earn money to supplement his income at college. Tragedy struck one night, however, when a thief stole much of the earnings from the arena. Peter had the opportunity to stop the thief, but did nothing as he felt the thief was beneath his notice. Only an hour later, he learned that his Uncle Ben had been shot and killed by a carjacker. Trailing the police cars and landing on his uncle's stolen car, he found himself face to face with the same thief he'd let go. At that moment, Peter realized that if he'd acted sooner, his uncle would still be alive. He left the thief unconscious, hanging by his webbing from a lamp-post for the police to apprehend.

Since that time, he has made it a point that no one else was going to die because of his failure to act.
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel.
Hair: Brown.
Uniform: Black shirt with a red-with-black-spider-web design on the chest and outside of arms, large black spider logo on the chest, red full-face cowl with white eyes and a black spider-web design, red with black spider-web design gloves, red with black spider-web design boots, red with black spider-web design belt.
Strength Level: Spider-Man has superhuman strength enabling him to lift (press) 10 tons.
Known Superhuman Powers: Because his body was mutated by the genetically-enhanced spider that bit him transferring some of its own DNA into his body, Spider-Man possesses a number of spider-related powers.

Spider-Man's entire physiology was altered by the spider bite. His strength and agility are many times that of a normal person's. His fingers and toes have tiny, microscopic claws which enable him to cling to most surfaces, and his leg muscles have been altered to enable him to leap tremendous distances. This enhanced musculature also gives him a perfect sense of balance.

Perhaps the most extensive change to Spider-Man's physiology is his ability to create webbing, which is almost identical to the webs created common household spiders, except that Spider-Man's webbing is much stronger, proportional to that of a man-sized spider. He often uses this webbing travel quickly above the crowded streets of Manhattan by swinging on strands of the webbing which attach themselves to lamp-posts and taller buildings. He also uses the webbing to bind criminals he catches in the act. The webbing tends to dissolve into a powder within two hours.

Spider-Man's senses have been enhanced by the spider's DNA merging with his own. Because of this, his reflexes are greatly enhanced. His senses are attuned in such a way that he is able to perceive bullets, enabling him to dodge them if he is far enough away. He also has a type of danger sense, which he calls his "spider-sense", which enables him to detect imminent danger; although the sense does not tell him the nature of the danger, he can tell the severity and immediacy of the danger by how strong the sensation is.

1,145 points
Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 12 [20].
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 12d/14d; BL 2,420; HP 15 [10]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 7.5 [0]; Basic Move 7 [0].
Advantages: Ambidexterity [5]; Binding (Webbing) 20 (Biological, -10%) [36]; Brachiator [5]; Clinging (Biological, -10%) [18]; Danger Sense (Super, -10%) [14]; Daredevil [15]; Enhanced Dodge 3 [45]; Enhanced Parry (Bare Hands) 3 [15]; Enhanced Time Sense (Super, -10%) [41]; Extra DX +6 (Super, -10%) [108]; Flexibility [5]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Lifting ST +100 (Super, -10%) [270]; Perfect Balance (Super, -10%) [14]; Striking ST +100 (Super, -10%) [450]; Super Jump 2 (Super, -10%) [18]; Very Rapid Healing [15].
Perks: Climbing Line [1]; Skintight Costume [1]; Swinging [1].
Disadvantages: Charitable (9) [-22]; Code of Honor (Hero's) [-5]; Dependant (Aunt May; No More than 25%; Loved One; 9 or less) [-20]; Guilt Complex [-5]; Low Self-Image [-10]; Pacifism (Cannot Kill) [-15]; Secret Identity (Imprisonment) [-20]; Selfless (12) [-5]; Unluckiness [-10]; Wealth (Struggling) [-10]; Weirdness Magnet [-15].
Quirks: Prattles Incessantly In Combat [-1].
Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX+2 [8] – 20*; Area Knowledge (New York City) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 15; Astronomy/TL8 (Observational) (A) IQ-1 [1] – 13; Biology/TL8 (Earthlike) (VH) IQ-3 [1] – 11; Brawling (E) DX+2 [4] – 20; Carousing (E) HT+2 [4] – 14; Chemistry/TL8 (H) IQ-1 [1] – 12; Computer Operation/TL8 (E) IQ [1] – 14; Criminology/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1] – 13; Current Affairs/TL8 (Headline News) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 15; Current Affairs/TL8 (Science & Technology) (E) IQ+1 [2] – 15; Detect Lies (H) Per [4] – 14; Escape (H) DX+1 [1] – 19†; First Aid/TL8 (E) IQ [1] – 14; Geography/TL8 (Political) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 12; Innate Attack (Projectile) (E) DX+2 [4] – 20; Mathmatics/TL8 (Applied) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 12; Mathmatics/TL8 (Pure) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 12; Photography/TL8 (A) IQ+1 [4] – 15; Physics/TL8 (VH) IQ-3 [1] – 11; Research/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1] – 13; Shadowing (A) IQ [2] – 14; Stealth (A) DX+1 [4] – 19; Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4] – 19.

* Includes +1 from Perfect Balance.
† Includes +3 from Flexibility.

Note: Edited with updates from GURPS Supers, and some fixing of the ST and DX.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting

Last edited by Phantasm; 01-09-2022 at 11:37 AM.
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Old 05-16-2007, 12:11 AM   #42
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Seems I missed him the first time around.


Real Name: Robert "Bobby" Drake.
Occupation: College student with an accountant curriculum, adventurer.
Identity: Secret.
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record.
Other Aliases: None.
Place of Birth: Fort Washington, Long Island, New York.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Relatives: William Robert (father), Madeline Beatrice (mother); Ronnie (brother).
Base of Operations: New York City.
Group Affiliation: X-Men.
History: Robert Drake is a mutant, one of the mutant alumni of the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters known as the X-Men. Alongside the other X-Men, he attends classes at Empire State University, pursuing a career as a CPA.

Bobby discovered his mutant powers when they manifested at puberty. He worked to keep them secret, but when the Xavier Institute went public as a mutant academy, his parents enrolled him there. While there, he honed his powers to the point where he could obscure his identity by forming a flexible ice sheath around him. Professor Xavier believes that Bobby has the potential to turn his entire body into ice, but that Bobby's own lack of imagination is holding him back.

Bobby is not on good terms with his brother Ronnie, who, while a year younger than Bobby, has not to date exhibited any mutant powers. Bobby jokes that Ronnie is jealous of the publicity Iceman and the X-Men get, but deep inside he feels that Ronnie is actually resentful of not being one himself.
Height: 5' 8".
Weight: 145 lbs.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Brown.
Strength Level: Iceman possesses the normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.
Known Superhuman Powers: Iceman's powers consist of two separate yet interrelated powers. He has the ability to affect the ambient temperatures, dropping the temperature as low as 100° Kelvin (although he usually doesn't go below -40° Fahrenheit), and the ability to manipulate moisture; even the ambient moisture in the desert is sufficient, although this makes his powers more difficult to control.

Iceman is able to manipulate these effects to create and shape frost, snow, and ice. Parlor tricks include producing a cooler full of ice for the many parties on campus, chilling warm drinks instantly, and creating fancy ice sculptures at will. More practical effects include the creation of ice slides, enabling him to skate at speeds approaching 100 miles per hour, forming and projecting a number of ice weapons (treat any weapon formed as its equivalent from pp. B271-4 made from "cheap" materials), encasing his body in a sheath of ice, and encasing people in blocks or manacles made of ice. His ice formations tend to be fairly simple in design, more utilitarian than aesthetically pleasing.

To date, he has not learned to use his moisture power separate from his cold power, although he is able to produce waves of cold without adding frost to it.
Disabilities: Iceman has a paralyzing fear of fire.

555 points
ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].
Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24; HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]; Ice Slide Move 48 [0].
Advantages: Binding (Ice Block) 10 (Engulfing, +60%; Hazard: Freezing, +20%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%; Alternative Attack, x1/5) [7]; Cold/Ice Talent 4 [20]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Control Ice/Snow (Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [120]; Create Ice/Snow 10 (Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [80]; Crushing Attack (Snowball Barrage) 2d-1 (Cone, 2yd, +70%; Increased Range, 1/2D Range Only, x2, +5%; Jet, +0%; Rapid Fire, RoF 20, +150%; Selectivity, +10%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%; Alternative Attack, x1/5) [6]; Damage Resistance (Ice Sheath) 4 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%; Flexible, -20%; Link, -10%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [6]; Enhanced Move (Ice Slide) 2 (Road-Bound, -50%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [12]; Fatigue Attack (Frost Beam) 5d (Accurate, +3, +15%; Aura, +80%; Cone, 1yd, +60%; Damage Modifier: Freezing Hazard, +20%; Jet, +0%; Selectivity, +10%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [133]; Flight (Ice Slide) (Low Ceiling: 30 ft, -10%; Requires Surface, -20%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [20]; Impaling Attack (Ice Dagger) 5d (Armor Divisor (0.5), -30%; Homing +3, +52%; Increased Range, x5, +20%; Rapid Fire, RoF 5, +70%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%; Alternative Attack, x1/5) [16]; Lightning Calculator [2]; Single-Minded [5]; Slippery 5 (Link, +10%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [9]; Temperature Control 10 (Cold, -50%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [15].
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Hero's) [-5]; Indecisive (15) [-5]; Odious Personal Habit (Cracks Inappropriate Jokes) [-5]; Overconfidence (12) [-5]; Pacifism (Cannot Kill) [-15]; Phobia (Pyrophobia: Fire) (6) [-10]; Secret Identity (Serious Embarrassment) [-5]; Wealth (Struggling) [-10].
Quirks: Natural Flirt [-1]; Speed Freak [-1].
Skills: Accounting (H) IQ [4] – 10; Artist (Sculpting) (H) IQ [4] – 10; Axe/Mace (A) DX+1 [4] – 13; Boating/TL8 (Motorboat) (A) DX [2] – 12; Brawling (E) DX+2 [4] – 14; Current Affairs/TL8 (Headline News) (E) IQ [1] – 10; Driving/TL8 (Halftrack) (A) DX [2] – 12; Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) (A) DX [2] – 12; Economics (H) IQ-1 [2] – 9; Finance (H) IQ-1 [2] – 9; Games/TL8 (Video Games) (E) IQ+2 [4] – 12; Innate Attack (Beam) (E) DX+2 [4] – 14; Innate Attack (Projectile) (E) DX+2 [4] – 14; Law (Tax Laws) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 8; Mathematics/TL8 (Pure) (H) IQ [4] – 10; Mathematics/TL8 (Statistics) (H) IQ [4] – 10; Skating (H) HT+2 [12] – 14; Skiing (H) HT+2 [12] – 14; Speed-Reading (A) IQ [2] – 10; Typing (E) DX [1] – 12; Weather Sense (A) IQ [2] – 10; Wrestling Sport (A) DX+1 [4] – 13.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting

Last edited by Phantasm; 01-09-2022 at 11:37 AM. Reason: Updated the character.
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Old 05-16-2007, 12:16 AM   #43
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by naloth
Strange pretty much cannot be done using GURPS Magic... I wouldn't bother unless you want to assign him thousands of fatigue, impossibly high skill levels (Magery 10ish?), and use Modular Abilities to represent that he knows every spell.
For Strange as he's been presented in the past, this is true. Part of the problem is that the writers never clearly sat down and said "this is what he can do, and this is what he cannot do."

However, does the method I used for his character sheet work as a workable approximation? This is still somewhat early in his career, so I'm guessing he hasn't learned all of his spells yet.

One other method I toyed with was syntactic magic; I'll have to look up my notes on Strange-as-Syntactic-Mage. I went with Ritual Magic as it seemed to fit the flavor of the Marvel Universe better.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting
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Old 05-16-2007, 12:31 AM   #44
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

tbrock1031, you make me smile! Keep up the great writeups!
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Old 05-16-2007, 01:41 AM   #45
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition


Added Heat vision.
Reduced Space Flight Speed from crossing galaxy in five seconds without using Altered Time Rate to about a week, using it. (I opted to use a Superman Benchmark here: Superman/Flash Race II established it took them roughly a week to travel a galaxy cross and back race of around 200,000 ly.)
Dropped ATR from 12 to 10 because 10 is an easier number to deal with, and helped but the CP total to a nice round figure. ST increased because A) I figure even in 'red sun' mode, Hyperion's ST should be higher than Beast's and B) I'm enamored with how hard to kill the character is on HP damage mechanics. 36 hp is barely touchable. 46 is a LOT harder. ;)

Revised Again.

Added the Cosmic enhancement to Flight and related advantages. This allows instant acceleration instead of the incredible amount of time required to reach top speed.

Increased his languages. Gave him skill with the heat vision.


Name: Hyperion
Race: Human

Attributes [715]
ST 45 [350]
DX 18 [160]
IQ 13 [60]
HT 18 [80]

HP 46 [2]
Will 15 [10]
Per 20 [35]
FP 24 [18]

Basic Lift 1125
Damage 5d/7d+1

Basic Speed 9
Basic Move 9

Air Move 18/603979776
Ground Move 9
Space Move 18/432
Water Move 1/4096

Social Background
TL: 8 [0]
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: Arabic (Native) [4]; Chinese (Cantonese Dialect) (Native) [4]; Chinese (Mandarin Dialect) (Native) [4]; English (Native) [0]; Farsi (Native) [4]; French (Native) [4]; German (Native) [4]; Kree (Native) [4]; Portugese (Native) [4]; Russian (Native) [4]; Skrull (Native) [4]; Spanish (Native) [4].

Advantages [5920]
"Strength" Attack (26) (Melee Attack: Reach C; Rapid Fire (RoF 2); Accessibility (Must make Rapid Strike Maneuver to use 2nd RoF) (+3); Reduced Time (+1); Alternative Attack) [26]
3D Spatial Sense [10]
Altered Time Rate (10) [1000]
Appearance (Attractive) [4]
Burning Attack (18) [90]
Crushing Weapon Attack (26) (Accessibility (Range Set by Weapon used) (+1); Accessibility (Must Use Crushing Melee or Ranged Thrown Weapon) (+3); Rapid Fire (RoF 2); Accessibility (Must make Rapid Strike Maneuver to use second RoF attack) (+3); Reduced Time (+1); Alternative Attack) [24]
Cutting Weapon Attack (26) (Accessibility (Must use Cutting Melee or Muscle Powered ranged Weapon) (+2); Accessibility (Must make a Rapid Strike Maneuver to use 2nd RoF attack) (+3); Reduced Time (+1); Rapid Fire (RoF 2); Alternative Attack; Accessibility (Range set by weapon used) (+1)) [37]
Damage Resistance (120) [600]
Doesn't Breathe [20]
Doesn't Eat or Drink [10]
Enhanced Move (Air) (25) (Alternative Ability; Cosmic: Bypassess Acceleration Rules) [150]
Enhanced Move (Space) (53) (Cosmic: Bypasses Acceleration Rules) [1590]
Enhanced Move (Water) (12) (Cosmic: Bypasses Acceleration rules; Alternative Ability) [72]
Flight (Space Flight; Cosmic: Bypasses acceleeration rules) [80]
Hyperspectral Vision (Extended (class of radiation) (+2)) [40]
Impaling Weapon Attack (26) (Accessibility (Must Use melee or musclepowered ranged impaling weapon) (+2); Accessibility (Range set by weapon used) (+1); Accessibility (Must make a Rapid Strike to access 2nd RoF attack) (+3); Rapid Fire (RoF 2); Reduced Time (+1); Alternative Attack) [42]
Injury Tolerance (Invulnerable (based off of Diffuse); Cosmic: (Works vs Area Attacks); Cosmic: Four Tiers (Tier 3)) [165]
Language Talent [10]
Lifting ST (30) (Super-Effort; Alternative Ability) [90]
Microscopic Vision (12) [60]
Pressure Support (3) [15]
Radiation Tolerance (PF 1,000) [45]
Regeneration (Extreme: 10 HP/Sec) [150]
Resistant (Poison) (Common) (Immunity) [15]
T-Ray Vision [25]
Telecommunication ((Super Ventriloquism) based off Telesend) (Accessibility (Audible) (+2)) [24]
Telescopic Vision (70) [350]
Tunneling (Devastaton Blow (Tunneling) (+60); Hands-Free; Feature: Does not have to move length of tunnel; Area Effect (32); Selective Area) [1122]
Ultrahearing [5]
Vacuum Support [5]

Disadvantages [-100]
Enemy (Burbank) (Less powerful than the PC) (12 or less) [-10]
Enemy (Supervillain Group) (medium-sized group, some formidable or super-human) (9 or less) [-30]
Secret Identity (Utter Rejection) [-10]
Sense of Duty (Every Living Being) [-20]
Vulnerability (Rare) (x3) [-15]
Weirdness Magnet [-15]

Skills [115]
Anthropology (Human) IQ/H - IQ-2 11 [1]
Body Language (Human) Per/A - Per-1 19 [1]
Boxing DX/A - DX-1 17 [1]
Computer Operation/TL8 IQ/E - IQ+0 13 [1]
Criminology/TL8 IQ/A - IQ-1 12 [1]
Current Affairs/TL8 (High Culture) IQ/E - IQ+0 13 [1]
Current Affairs/TL8 (Popular Culture) IQ/E - IQ+2 15 [4]
Detect Lies Per/H - Per-1 19 [2]
Disguise/TL8 (Human) IQ/A - IQ+2 15 [8]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Media) IQ/A - IQ-1 12 [1]
Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ-1 12 [1]
First Aid/TL8 (Human) IQ/E - IQ+0 13 [1]
Geography/TL8 (Earth) IQ/H - IQ+7 20 [32]
Hazardous Materials/TL8 (Biological) IQ/A - IQ-1 12 [1]
Hazardous Materials/TL8 (Chemical) IQ/A - IQ-1 12 [1]
Hazardous Materials/TL8 (Radioactive) IQ/A - IQ-1 12 [1]
Innate Attack (Beam) DX/E - DX+0 18 [1]
Interrogation IQ/A - IQ+1 14 [4]
Intimidation Will/A - Will-1 14 [1]
Law (local) IQ/H - IQ-2 11 [1]
Lip Reading Per/A - Per-1 19 [1]
Observation Per/A - Per+2 22 [8]
Parry Missile Weapons DX/H - DX-2 16 [1]
Public Speaking (Oratory) IQ/E - IQ+0 13 [1]
Research/TL8 IQ/A - IQ+1 14 [4]
Savoir-Faire (Police) IQ/E - IQ+0 13 [1]
Shadowing IQ/A - IQ+4 17 [1]
Sociology IQ/H - IQ-2 11 [1]
Speed-Reading IQ/A - IQ+2 15 [8]
Stealth DX/A - DX-1 17 [1]
Streetwise IQ/A - IQ-1 12 [1]
Swimming HT/E - HT+0 18 [1]
Tactics IQ/H - IQ+1 14 [8]
Throwing DX/A - DX+2 20 [8]
Two Handed oversized Weapon DX/A - DX+0 18 [2]
Typing DX/E - DX+0 18 [1]
Wrestling DX/A - DX-1 17 [1]
Writing IQ/A - IQ-1 12 [1]

Stats [715] Ads [5920] Disads [-100] Quirks [0] Skills [115] = Total [6650]

Hand Weapons

Ranged Weapons

Armor & Possessions

Mark Milton is Hyperion, quite possibly the most powerful being on Earth. He was not born, but quickened, made from cellular samples of Super Soldier Steve Rogers infused with a mix of Kree, Inhuman, Atlantean and unspecified alien genetic materials obtained by unknown means.

The Criminal conspiracy that created him fell into disorder over what to do with the new super soldier process. One faction tried to abduct the child. Violence ensued and the project facility was destroyed. Baby Mark survived and was found by the US Military investigators who explored the ruins after the battle ended.

Mark was given a treatment that physically aged him to an adult in a short time span. He was fed a life experience through computerized psionic machines. He lived a lie in a small midwestern town no one will ever find on any map. His overall perceptions of the world were somewhat skewed as a result.

The target age was 20. Complications developed and he was physically around 30 when they could wean him.

Eventually however everything stablized, the child awoke and he was brought into the government's Project Pegasus as part of it's new security team.

The real world began to intrude on the false upbringing he'd gotten. Fortunately for the world, Milton is psychologically sound and has managed to adapt far better to a real life than most other superheroes with this sort of origin.

A clock running two hours slow has the correct time zero times a day.

Last edited by Captain-Captain; 05-29-2007 at 03:17 PM.
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Old 05-16-2007, 08:28 AM   #46
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by Captain-Captain
I must say, Captain, good work. I wasn't planning on bringing any of the Squadron members over into the Reboot, especially not this "early", but this one looks like he might work.

Love the VR Smallville upbringing. It's a nice touch. :)
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting
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Old 05-16-2007, 09:44 AM   #47
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Updated Beast, the Hulk, and Iceman.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting
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Old 05-16-2007, 10:29 AM   #48
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by tbrock1031
750 points
ST 36 [260]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 15 [50].
I have a general concern that such high HP quantities scale poorly with the other supers. I would use a combination of Striking ST and SuperST (+300%) to keep HP down to more manageable level.

My general scale for HT is 10-11 normal, 12-13 difficult to subdue, 14+ plan on reducing them to -HPx5 because they probably won't pass out before dying.

Advantages: Ambidexterity [5]; Catfall (Mutant Biology, -0%) [10];
Combat Reflexes [15]; Double-Jointed [15]; Enhanced Dodge 3 [45]; Enhanced Move 1 (Ground Move 20/40 mph; Temporary Disadvantage: Quadruped, -35%; Mutant Biology, -0%) [13]; Extra Arms 2 (Foot Manipulators, -30%; Mutant Biology, -0%) [14]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Language Talent [10]; Perfect Balance [15]; Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+8) [15]; Super Jump 1 (Mutant Biology, -0%) [10]; Very Fit [15]; Very Rapid Healing [15].
Beast has Claws (at least blunt). I would also give him Brachiator and Clinging. Super Jump should be higher unless you're basing jump on something other than Speed. Some degree of super-senses are also justified (at least while he's blue and furry).

Resistant to Metabolic Hazards doesn't really make sense, and I have a personal distaste for Very Rapid Healing. Given that he has 30+ HP, he'll heal at triple the normal rate already. You could augment that with Slow Regeneration as well.

Perks: Has the largest vocabulary of any living person [1].
Disadvantages: Chummy [-5]; Code of Honor (Hero's) [-5]; Fanaticism (Mutant Equality) [15]; Honesty (9) [-15]; Impulsiveness (12) [-10]; Pacifism: Cannot Harm Innocents [-10]; Sense of Duty (Mutants) [-10]; Truthfulness (9) [-7]; Workaholic [-5].
He does a lot of his studious work alone so I wouldn't give him Chummy. Not sure he's really a fanatic either. Mutants probably deserve a sigma (-1 or -2) in the Marvel universe.

Quirks: Broad-Minded [-1; Expression ("Oh my stars and garters.") [-1]; Imaginative [-1]; Is not afraid to use his vocabulary [-1].
Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX+4 [16] – 19*; Bioengineering/TL8 (Genetic Engineering) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 13; Boxing (A) DX [2] – 15; Brawling (E) DX [1] – 15; Climbing (A) DX+5 [1] – 20*†; Computer Programming/TL8 (H) IQ-2 [1] – 13; Connoisseur (Literature) (A) IQ-1 [1] – 14; Connoisseur (Visual Arts) (A) IQ-1 [1] – 14; Current Affairs/TL8 (Science & Technology) (E) IQ [1] – 15; Electrician/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1] – 14; Electronics Operation/TL8 (Scientific) (A) IQ-1 [1] – 14; Electronics Repair/TL8 (Scientific) (A) IQ-1 [1] – 14; Engineer/TL8 (Microtechnology) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 13; Geography/TL8 (Political) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 13; Judo (H) DX [4] – 15; Jumping (E) DX+2 [4] – 17; Karate(H) DX [4] – 15; Lifting (H) HT+3 [8] – 17; Literature (H) IQ-2 [1] – 13; Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 13; Mathematics/TL8 (Pure) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 13; Mechanic/TL8 (Microtechnology) (A) IQ-1 [1] – 14; Photography/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1] – 14; Poetry (A) IQ-1 [1] – 14; Research/TL8 (A) IQ-1 [1] – 14; Science! (WC) IQ [24] – 15; Speed-Reading (A) IQ-1 [1] – 14; Sports (American Football) (A) DX+1 [4] – 16; Sumo Wrestling (A) DX [2] – 15; Throwing (A) DX+1 [4] – 16; Typing (E) DX [1] – 15; Wrestling (A) DX [2] – 15.
Techniques: Scaling (Climbing) (H) def+3 [4] – 20.
Since you have Science!-15 you can delete all the science engineering skills such as: Bioengineering, Electrician, Electronics (all), Engineer, Mathematics (all), Mechanic, and possibly Research. That should shorten the skill list considerably.

* +1 from Perfect Balance.
† +5 from Double-Jointed[/QUOTE]
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Old 05-16-2007, 10:46 AM   #49
Join Date: Sep 2004
Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Originally Posted by tbrock1031
Advantages: Binding (Ice Block) 10 (Engulfing, +60%; Hazard: Freezing, +20%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%; Alternative Attack, x1/5) [7];
Seems kinda low. A ST10 person could break out of it 50% of the time when first used although I do realize he can layer it.

Create Ice/Snow 10 (Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [80];
He doesn't need create. Use IA (Crushing) with Wall +60% and a large area. It works much better to create ice walls and other structures.

Damage Resistance (Ice Sheath) 4 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%; Flexible, -20%; Link, -10%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [6];
I would remove Flexible and boost this DR up. He's not super tough, but this is hardly worth using. It's also Switchable +10%, possibly with a nuisance effect to help balance that (icy).

Enhanced Move (Ice Slide) 2 (Road-Bound, -50%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [12];
He's certainly not "road-bound" as he makes his own paths where ever he wants to go! I wouldn't allow this limitation as it doesn't limit him at all.

Fatigue Attack (Frost Beam) 5d (Accurate, +3, +15%; Aura, +80%; Cone, 1yd, +60%; Damage Modifier: Freezing Hazard, +20%; Jet, +0%; Selectivity, +10%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%) [133];

Impaling Attack (Ice Dagger) 5d (Armor Divisor (0.5), -30%; Homing +3, +52%; Increased Range, x5, +20%; Rapid Fire, RoF 5, +70%; Elemental: Cold/Ice, -10%; Mutant, -10%; Alternative Attack, x1/5) [16];
I would stick with one main attack... Bobby really isn't this effective of a blaster - he's more of a wall maker. He started out throwing snow balls for little/no effect.

Lightning Calculator [2];
I don't recall this being referenced. Sure he's decent accountant, but why?

Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Hero's) [-5]; Indecisive (15) [-5]; Odious Personal Habit (Cracks Inappropriate Jokes) [-5]; Overconfidence (12) [-5]; Pacifism (Cannot Kill) [-15]; Phobia (Pyrophobia: Fire) (6) [-10]; Secret Identity (Serious Embarrassment) [-5]; Wealth (Struggling) [-10].
Secret ID could be also be Social Stigma (Mutant). Problems with wealth aren't apparent - he comes from a reasonably affluent family and attends a private school where everything he needs is provided.

Skills: Accounting (H) IQ [4] – 10; Artist (Sculpting) (H) IQ [4] – 10; Axe/Mace (A) DX+1 [4] – 13; Boating/TL8 (Motorboat) (A) DX [2] – 12; Brawling (E) DX+2 [4] – 14; Current Affairs/TL8 (Headline News) (E) IQ [1] – 10; Driving/TL8 (Halftrack) (A) DX [2] – 12; Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) (A) DX [2] – 12; Economics (H) IQ-1 [2] – 9; Finance (H) IQ-1 [2] – 9; Games/TL8 (Video Games) (E) IQ+2 [4] – 12; Innate Attack (Beam) (E) DX+2 [4] – 14; Innate Attack (Projectile) (E) DX+2 [4] – 14; Law (Tax Laws) (H) IQ-2 [1] – 8; Mathematics/TL8 (Pure) (H) IQ [4] – 10; Mathematics/TL8 (Statistics) (H) IQ [4] – 10; Skating (H) HT+2 [12] – 14; Skiing (H) HT+2 [12] – 14; Speed-Reading (A) IQ [2] – 10; Typing (E) DX [1] – 12; Weather Sense (A) IQ [2] – 10; Wrestling Sport (A) DX+1 [4] – 13.
Based on what you've spent in skills you can justify higher attributes. (Bump DX or IQ a point or so.)
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Old 05-16-2007, 10:55 AM   #50
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Default Re: [Supers] GURPS Unofficial Handbook to the Marvel Universe, Reboot Edition

Naloth, please keep in mind that these are not meant to be direct 100% translations. This is a "Reboot" project. Things will change from the accepted Marvel canon. Think of it as a reimaging of the setting as opposed to listing what is accepted canon.

I believe I mentioned all this in the first post of the thread.

Edit: Besides, in this universe reboot these X-Men are in college, attending Empire State University alongside Peter Parker and pals -- something that never happened in the mainstream Marvel Universe. (I have to ask: do you read the History segments, or do you skip straight to the stat block?) Iceman's ability to add long columns of numbers in his head is why he's taking accounting classes: put the ability to good use. He's got Struggling wealth because he's not relying on mom and dad to pay the bills; same as most every other college student I've met. Beast would not have claws until he mutates himself, and there's a big IF on that event. And earlier, you called Bucky "he", when the entry clearly stated she's a high school girl from Queens.
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

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The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
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Last edited by Phantasm; 05-16-2007 at 11:10 AM.
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