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Old 12-24-2024, 12:39 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2024
Default Feline Intervention, Halflings, and Hirelings

Two main questions:
If a player fails their initial Run Away roll, then plays Feline Intervention, can they sacrifice a hireling instead of rolling to run away for a second time?
If a player fails their initial Run Away roll, then uses the Halfling’s power to try again, can they sacrifice a Hireling instead of rolling to run away again?

The situation… Player A rolled to Run Away, not realizing their hireling must be sacrificed BEFORE the dice roll to allow for escape. Upon failing to run away and then trying to sacrifice a hireling, the other players reminded Player A this is not allowed, and obviously ignorance does not excuse actions already taken. Player A happened to be a halfling and used a discard to retry their attempt to run away. Instead of attempting a hireling sacrifice (already a dodgy idea - the content of question 2 above), they rolled again, and again failed. In a last ditch effort, Player A used the Feline Intervention card, effectively removing the second dice roll. Player A then argued they could sacrifice their hireling instead of rolling for a third time.

One player argued that the card says “Roll Again”, not “you have the opportunity to run away again”, so that Player A is forced by the card to roll the dice. Another argued that the hireling rules imply you must decide before your INITIAL Run Away attempt whether or not to sacrifice a hireling, so no sacrifices could be made for potential later attempts. Player A argued that the rules simply state you can sacrifice the hireling “instead of rolling to run away”, which was what they’d be doing with their Feline-gifted third roll.

The argument seems to boil down to… does Feline Intervention’s “roll again” mean one MUST roll, instead of performing any action that may occur in place of rolling?
And, can a hireling be sacrificed before ANY attempt to run away, or SOLELY the first attempt?
Edit: I have now found this post which seems to answer the second question. So, the Munchkin 4 rules mean “instead of initially rolling to run away”, and not “instead of rolling to run away”?

Last edited by zzron08; 12-24-2024 at 12:54 PM. Reason: Found a relevant post
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Old 12-24-2024, 08:00 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2010
Default Re: Feline Intervention, Halflings, and Hirelings

Originally Posted by zzron08 View Post
Edit: I have now found this post which seems to answer the second question. So, the Munchkin 4 rules mean “instead of initially rolling to run away”, and not “instead of rolling to run away”?
And since Feline Intervention is worded basically the same way, the answer to both of your questions would be the same.
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Old 12-26-2024, 09:05 AM   #3
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Default Re: Feline Intervention, Halflings, and Hirelings

Originally Posted by zzron08 View Post
the card says “Roll Again”, not “you have the opportunity to run away again”, so that Player A is forced by the card to roll the dice.
This is consistent with Andrew's ruling

Originally Posted by Andrew Hackard View Post
Accordingly, you can't use the second attempt to play an automatic Run Away card, because you needed to do that before rolling in the first place.
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