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Old 03-03-2023, 01:54 AM   #31
Luke Bunyip
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by The Colonel View Post
In many cases, they will be looking to perform some significant deed in honour of their ancestors - whether a rich new mine, or the death of some species enemy or other deed of conspicuous heroism.
Going to give them a fortress that's beset by an infestation of the Undead to help save.
It's all very well to be told to act my age, but I've never been this old before...
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Old 03-03-2023, 08:55 AM   #32
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by Luke Bunyip View Post
Thanks for the input from all above.

Been thinking about what the spirit of an ancestor would want.
Possibly little things like freshening the water in the cisterns, and making fresh air circulate throughout an underground settlement.
Long term goals could include imbuing the settlement's residents with a sense of duty to each other, or inspiring them to excellence in masonry, crafting, or metal work.

Considering this in the context of what spells etc would be readily available to the dwarven cleric PC.
What motivates all living (unliving but still sapient?) things? The perpetuation of their genetic/memetic legacy. The honored dead want their descendants to thrive and they do that by demanding/suggesting things that are good for the family/community/culture.
Life has a funny way of making sure you decide to leave the party just a few minutes too late to avoid trouble.
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Old 03-03-2023, 05:10 PM   #33
Join Date: Mar 2008
Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

I'm now thinking of a dwarven city that is having problems because the ancestors/priests are diverting too much of the productivity to making the tombs even nicer. Maybe a bit similar to Bujold's Cryoburn.
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Old 03-04-2023, 06:25 AM   #34
Luke Bunyip
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by dcarson View Post
I'm now thinking of a dwarven city that is having problems because the ancestors/priests are diverting too much of the productivity to making the tombs even nicer. Maybe a bit similar to Bujold's Cryoburn.
Nobles. A pain in life and death.

Sounds like a great bit of setting colour. Might borrow.
It's all very well to be told to act my age, but I've never been this old before...
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Old 03-07-2023, 09:55 PM   #35
Join Date: Jun 2022
Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
Those adventurers who spend everything on their own pleasures would be the ones dwarven society may look down upon.
In my Shattered Earths post-apoc/fantasy mashup, "proper" Dwarves (Av Huld) are almost never seen above ground, or if they are, it's always after sundown. They have a deeply superstitious religion about how being touched by sunlight makes them "impure", and the holiest of holies have never even come to the upper levels of the dwarven cities. They are pretty strict and straight laced, hard working, and hold the word as being sacred (be it written or spoken). They are not confused for "party animals" by any stretch, even if they pretty much only drink booze.

The dwarves everyone does encounter, and frequently, are the young adults. Those 20-somethings that aren't quite old enough to take a Clan Name, who have yet to earn their way into a clan, but still hold to most of the dwarven religious restrictions. They make up the minority of any above ground tradesman or uncovered caravaneers. But because they aren't adults, they aren't considered True Dwarves, so sunlight isn't 'harmful' to them spiritually.

There are also the 'wildlings', the young who are old enough to buy their way, but are too poor or chose not to. They undergo "Hoppavild" (or walk about/rumspringa/being cast-out), religiously they are considered to be "younger than children", thus anything they do during this time does not count as sin, however legalistically they are adult. They are referred to as Dvarg (from whence the term Dwarf comes in this world). They make up the bulk of the above ground tradesmen, mercs, caravaneers, and adventurers.

And of course they tend towards being the partying types...

Originally Posted by Luke Bunyip View Post
Nobles. A pain in life and death.
Nobles always get the fanciest levers in their rooms...
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dungeon fantasy, dungeon fantasy 9, dwarven

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