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Old 10-08-2024, 09:31 PM   #1
Prince Charon
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Default Fast-Draw specialties and training

(I looked for a Skill-of-the-week thread for Fast-Draw, but either it doesn't exist, or I managed to keep missing it.)

In a setting with psi-drugs or magical elixirs, it seems to me that there would be situations where you might want to train yourself to rapidly draw and take one, or rapidly draw one to apply to someone else (who may or may not be willing, depending on what they think you're giving them). The latter probably falls under an attack skill rolled after the draw (e.g. Fast-Draw (Injector) or (Hypospray) followed by a Knife roll to apply the drug), but the former isn't resisted, and you usually know exactly what you're about to do. Thus, it shouldn't require a second roll, and should go faster.

Given that Fast-Draw (Ammo) replaces the Speed-Load skill from 3e, I could see training in something like Fast-Draw (Potion vial) including practice getting the bottle to your mouth and swallowing without choking (probably practicing using water or milk, or whatever else is available, not-too-expensive, and close enough to the weight and viscosity of a dose of potion). Fast-Draw (Pill) probably works similarly (with candy, seeds, or another small edible thing used for practice), while Fast-Draw (Patch) or (Ointment) is likely faster and easier to train. The other options for elixirs, Pastille and Powder, have somewhat more complicated methods of application, though a pastille at least could be thrown into an existing fire; Powders are more likely to be given to an unwilling target by stealth, like poisons.

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Old 10-08-2024, 09:50 PM   #2
Donny Brook
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Default Re: Fast-Draw specialties and training

I don't see why not. I think I've seen an EMS character with Fast-Draw (Syringe).
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Old 10-08-2024, 11:22 PM   #3
Eric Funk
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Default Re: Fast-Draw specialties and training

Originally Posted by Prince Charon View Post
Given that Fast-Draw (Ammo) replaces the Speed-Load skill from 3e, I could see training in something like Fast-Draw (Potion vial) including practice getting the bottle to your mouth and swallowing without choking (probably practicing using water or milk, or whatever else is available, not-too-expensive, and close enough to the weight and viscosity of a dose of potion). Fast-Draw (Pill) probably works similarly (with candy, seeds, or another small edible thing used for practice), while Fast-Draw (Patch) or (Ointment) is likely faster and easier to train. The other options for elixirs, Pastille and Powder, have somewhat more complicated methods of application, though a pastille at least could be thrown into an existing fire; Powders are more likely to be given to an unwilling target by stealth, like poisons.

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1 p. 28 has Fast-Draw (Potion) to ready one from a PotionBelt or delver's webbing (same as Load-bearing vest GURPS Action 1 Heroes p. 28).

Without Fast-draw that page has

1d6 seconds to get from a pocket or bag
1 second - open potion
1 second - drink potion
1 second - potion takes effect.

Your other examples can possibly omit "open" unless a safely on a needle needs to be removed...

In combat when the subject is actively Dodging I would rule a DX-based first aid roll would be required to apply a medical injection safely... (I'm sure there are better places to inject medicine, but I'm not a medic).
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Old 10-09-2024, 03:34 AM   #4
Night Watchman
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Default Re: Fast-Draw specialties and training

There wasn't a Skill of the Week for Fast-Draw because it's mostly a combat skill, and those get plenty of discussion.

The Action medic has an optional skill of Fast-Draw (Medical Equipment), which is very close to this.
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Old 10-09-2024, 07:15 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Fast-Draw specialties and training

As noted, Potion is a canonical option for Fast-Draw. A syringe you could probably use Fast-Draw (Knife), considering it would probably be similarly situated for rapidly drawing it, plus it uses Knife skill to attack anyway. Something small like a pill you could probably use Sleight of Hand for (provided you have it somewhere easily-accessible), but a dedicated Fast-Draw would also work. For a cinematic campaign, I'd probably allow a general Fast-Draw (Drug) that covers syringes, pills, powders, etc.
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Old 10-09-2024, 09:03 AM   #6
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Default Re: Fast-Draw specialties and training

When I was a kid I think one of my classmates had a real-life version of Fast Draw(Pez).
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Old 10-10-2024, 03:56 PM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2005
Default Re: Fast-Draw specialties and training

Originally Posted by Donny Brook View Post
I don't see why not. I think I've seen an EMS character with Fast-Draw (Syringe).
IRL, I've seen vets with this skill, although they usually get a +4 bonus for a previous grapple of the target.

In the Star Trek franchise, medical department characters definitely have Fast-Draw (Hypospray/Pneumohypo) as well as suitable levels of Brawling or Knife technique to use the hypospray in combat. In the current Strange New Worlds series, the younger version of Christine Chapel is frighteningly effective when using the hypospray as a fast-drawn, holdout weapon with Targeted Attack (Knife (Arteries & Veins/Neck)). McCoy was equally skilled in TOS.

Personally, I'd allow FD variants for any gadget or weapon that normally takes 1+ seconds to ready, but only to Ready it. Actually using the item requires another skill.
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elixir, fast-draw, potion, psi-tech

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