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Old 04-19-2021, 02:32 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2020
Default Psi-Tech, Mind Shield, Low Signature

How do you play Psi-Tech and its interaction with Mind Signature or Low Signature enhancements?

For example, the Psitector Band (Psi-Tech22) sits on someone's head and identifies Psis without a resistance roll nor even an operator roll. Further, as written, it does not care about Mind Shield. Do you think it would ignore that? Do you add a resistance roll? Do you do something else?

Similarly, the Psi Scanner is the tech form of Psi Sense (Psionic Powers 22). It detects nearby psis with an electronics operation roll. Psi abilities can use the technique Hide Signature (Psionic Powers 41) to reduce the chance of Psi Sense being triggered. Hide Signature (or the Low Psychic Signature enhancement) mentions specifically "supernatural means" of detection. Do you count Psi Scanners (or other Psi-Tech) in that group?
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Old 04-19-2021, 08:53 PM   #2
Not another shrubbery
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: Psi-Tech, Mind Shield, Low Signature

For the Psi Scanner, I'd say that Low Signature or Hide Signature should definitely work the same as they would against someone with Psi Sense. The tremendous range of the device should make the spoofs even more attractive.

I don't have a problem with the Psitector making a worn, minimal information, slow version of Psidar irresistible. As the text says, you can spoof them still with an active use of particular abilities. If you wanted to let Mind Shields count for something against them, maybe you could allow a Resistance roll against the Mind Shield level (not vs Will+MS). That doesn't seem terribly unbalancing to me. That suggests that there could be more expensive versions of the Psitector that would work better against strong shields (using the Brute Force rules perhaps).
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psi, psi-tech

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