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Old 08-16-2011, 12:54 PM   #1
vicky_molokh's Avatar
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Location: Kyïv, Ukraine
Default [Psi-Tech] [LTC2] Diverging towards Psi-Tech at the dawn of civilization

Greetings, all!

Psi-Tech was one of the books I always wanted to have, and now it is here. Upon reading the Psi Generators section, the first thing I wanted to do was take a look at a civilization I roughly sketched a long time ago.

The basic ideas:
A psi-craftsman typically has a Perk which allows him/her/it to create the appropriate items without external tools, or with improvised tools, without penalty. Such perks must be specialized by power (e.g. ESP, TP etc.). Those who don't have to fork over to get some toolkits.

The civilization develops psi-tech at roughly TL0. Anything that was marked TL^ is TL0^. Anything with a number after TL will be implemented at a TL when a plausible workaround becomes available.

Skills: these devices aren't electronics, so they need a different name for both use and repair, but that doesn't matter for the crunch.

Power: all psi-generators are either self-powered, or can accept power in the form of FP expenditure, mechanical work etc. instead of electricity.

Actual psionics: everyone has latent psi, but training it has drawbacks in terms of CP - it's either time not spent learning other skills, or are compensations for disadvantages. I.e. the psi potential does not raise the average CP value of people.

So, how would one envision further development of such a civilization?

IMO the biggest effect will be the ability to maintain 'clan-owned' psi generators doing some important tasks - medicine, hard work (TK), transportation (teleport) etc.

The big problem at TL0 is the raw cost of devices - even a 1-CP device of SM+2 will cost $1000!

Any opinions/comments?
Thanks in advance!
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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Old 08-18-2011, 08:20 PM   #2
David L Pulver
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Default Re: [Psi-Tech] [LTC2] Diverging towards Psi-Tech at the dawn of civilization

Originally Posted by vicky_molokh View Post
Greetings, all!

The basic ideas:

IMO the biggest effect will be the ability to maintain 'clan-owned' psi generators doing some important tasks - medicine, hard work (TK), transportation (teleport) etc.

The big problem at TL0 is the raw cost of devices - even a 1-CP device of SM+2 will cost $1000!

Any opinions/comments?
Thanks in advance!
If you want the generators to the basis of civilization, and fairly common,
one option may be to assume that a combination of tools AND the relevant Perk would allow production at significantly reduced cost. A further option suitable for a TL0-2 setting might be to assume that there are places of power or resources where psychic energy is concentrated; items constructed there are also reduced in cost.

Shape of civilization ... I suppose it depends on whether the knowledge is restricted or concentrated, and how common the perk is. MZB's DARKOVER series had matrix mechanics allowing widespread construction of what amounted to psychotronic devices at low TLs, but in conjunction with rather more powerful psionics distributed through a clan structure with much emphasis on bloodline. A question at low TLs is whether the Perk needed to craft psi devices is hereditary, totally random, trainable; that may govern who controls the psi-engineers and whether they or others are in power.
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Old 08-22-2011, 04:19 PM   #3
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Default Re: [Psi-Tech] [LTC2] Diverging towards Psi-Tech at the dawn of civilization

I assume knowledge is either not restricted at all, or extremely difficult to restrict (e.g. it is instinctive - can be learned without a teacher and without books at standard self-study rates).

Assumption: A craftsman can buy High TL several times to get increased productivity for psi-tech purposes only.

Some homework on my part:

Ability names and costs taken from Psionic Powers. All devices are assumed to be manned 24/7, since almost anybody can have Psionics Operation skill (whatever you call it), even though only craftsmen Psionics Repair (ditto).

Likely the first heavily explored area will be healing.

Aura Reading, $4k+ plus Cure Disease, $6k+:
A TL0 community of about 100 people might benefit from investing slightly below half of their accumulated wealth (Starting Wealth in GURPS terms) to possess a dedicated healing cave for identification and curing of diseases. While by no means infallible, this investment will prolong life expectancy drastically.

Cure Injury, $12k+:
A community twice as large (200) might add an investment into upgrading their healing cave to also handle injuries. This will make hunts much less lethal (except cases of sudden death away from the home camp).


Prognostication, $18k+: A device likely to be found only in a rather large community (half-thousand perhaps), if that. However, the investment might pay off by helping predict serious disasters and prepare accordingly, as well as by other tribespeople bringing gifts in exchange for a chance to use the device.

Probability Alteration:

Weather Control, $22k:
An unlikely but rather paying investment. Likely for communities sized 1k and up, and more likely TL1, not 0. In fact, the main payback is felt at TL1+ by boosting agriculture significantly. A semi-mobile version would be even more useful to a young city-state with huge tracts of land.


Autoteleport, $80k+:
A 'gate' would likely only be found in prosperous city-states, allowing messengers and the like to travel to the far-off corners of the kingdom (100 miles+). Travelling back, on the other hand . . .

Exoteleport, typically $101k+:
As above, but allows an operator to teleport external loads up to 200 lbs (and more with more levels) both ways (as long as the operator knows the exact location of the 'non-functional' gate on which the teleportee stands. Kingdoms trading in high-density valuables benefit greatly from such an investment; it is likely to be owned by the ruler or a powerful organization.


Additions? Comments?
Thanks in advance!
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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divergent technology, low-tech companion 2, psi-tech

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