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Old 05-20-2024, 08:46 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2024
Default MQ: Potion of Monster Control - Few questions

Game: Munchkin Quest
Card: Potion of Monster Control

I have a few questions about the effect of this card.

1. Direction is:
a) up/right/down/left (in other words north/east/south/west)
b) colored arrows ?

2. If 1 monster goes through 2 rooms, does it have to do so in one direction (e.g. left) or can it move in a zigzag (e.g. first left, then up) ?

3. If I move all monsters of the same color, must they all move in the same direction, or can I choose a different direction for each (e.g. one goes up, the others down)?

Thank you in advance for the clarification.
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Old 05-22-2024, 04:31 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2010
Default Re: MQ: Potion of Monster Control - Few questions

Originally Posted by vitalexbel View Post
Game: Munchkin Quest
Card: Potion of Monster Control

I have a few questions about the effect of this card.

1. Direction is:
a) up/right/down/left (in other words north/east/south/west)
b) colored arrows ?

2. If 1 monster goes through 2 rooms, does it have to do so in one direction (e.g. left) or can it move in a zigzag (e.g. first left, then up) ?

3. If I move all monsters of the same color, must they all move in the same direction, or can I choose a different direction for each (e.g. one goes up, the others down)?

Thank you in advance for the clarification.
1) The color the card is talking about is the monster color, aka the color of the stand the monster is on. The direction, is any of the 4 door ways that the monster can legally go through (example you can't move the monster though a closed door if it's not able to do so). The card is not concerned about the colored arrows on each of the rooms.

2) You can pick a different direction for each room.

3) They do not have to move in the same direction. They can move separately as long as it is legal for that specific monster to make such a move.
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