12-01-2007, 11:32 AM | #111 |
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Britian
Re: Memorable Quotes.
The PCs were abandon in a shed on a small desert Island with the door barricaded. One cahracter (Me) was a botanist who was incredibly good at his job. Another was a corporate big wig with a cell phone. I ahd been working for two days straight at my desk creating something while the others tried to find a way out.
PC 1 (Me): *Stands up from his desk florishing a little bonsai tree* (Slurring from lack of sleep) I have done it. Everyone Quick onto chairs. GEt about ground level. *Everyone except PC 2 (the corporate one) gets onto a chair, stool or table* PC 2: I'm on the phone trying to get us off the island *Goes back to phone* Yeah. He's gone crazy. PC 1: Maybe you should get on something... *PC 2 Ignores* PC 1: Oh sure, say I'm crazy. Just because I'm a mad scientist doesn't mean I'm crazy. *PC 2 Ignores* PC 1: Can someone dig a small hole in the floor. *Another PC who was playing a bear creature digs a little hole leading to the sea water* PC 1: Cheers. Now get ready. *Drops Plant in water* PC 1:...*Nothing happens*...I failed... *Plant floats for a second then explodes, PC 2 is crushed under the roots.* PC 1: IT LIVES!!! Unlike Harold. PC 2: I'm fine, It just hurts a lot. PC 1: Oh well. A partial success...I mean...Brother your alive! |
12-01-2007, 11:39 AM | #112 |
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Colorado Front Range
Re: Memorable Quotes.
This is from a Shadowrun game, run by one of the most talented and evil GMs in town.
We were doing a jailbreak mission, getting a decker a Johnson wanted out of a private holding facility out in the sticks. That facility also happened to be holding the notorious Mad Dog Mulhaney, notorious Appalachian cybered up orc cannibal responsible for the gruesome deaths of dozens. Our rigger got overzealous when opening up the cells - he didn't just open up the cell for our decker, but opened up all the cells in the facility, including the one holding Mad Dog Mulhaney. In the meantime, our Triad physical adept got in a firefight with some of the guards, got all shot up, and the guards were actually very professional - disarmed him after he went down, cuffed him up, put him on a gurney, and took him down to the infirmary. When Mad Dog was let out of his cell, he made a beeline to the infirmary, along with a few of his groupies, so he could get a hold of the scalpels and bone saws and other fun toys. Naturally, he made quick work of the infirmary staff, then ran into our bleeding and incapacitated adept. Our adept, desperate and unable to fight, weakly cried out "Mad Dog!!! You're my hero! I see you on the news, I'm one of your fans!!!" Mad Dog was flattered, so decided not to carve up and eat our adept quite yet. In the meantime, the rest of us found the decker, hijacked a VTOL transport that was going to take the decker to a more secure facility, and we got the hell out of there. Mad Dog and his gang took our adept, then hijacked an ambulance and escaped. After a while, Mad Dog did start getting hungry, and looked at the long pork lying and bleeding on the gurney. Then he decided to let him go, saying "You eat Chinese and you get hungry again an hour later." |
12-01-2007, 02:38 PM | #113 |
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: A Singularity At The Ends Of The Universe
Re: Memorable Quotes.
We were doing an Shadowrun GURPS game that wrapped up a few days ago. The entire party got pulled from a muddy, moldy room in an abandoned nuked (going back to nature) area of Chicago into a pocket universe of a dead world (this is what happens when you kill a god, destroy a worldline, and manage to escape in an intro. BS Campaign). The players were grabbed by an astral hand that plunged them into incorpreality and put them in the pocket universe.
They managed to end up in a tight corridor with a door behind them that (during a time in which they could react did nothing) wrapped itself in chains barring exit. Ahead was an inverted water tower and they were on the inside. There was a lot of ledges they could climb down on in the starting funnel, then tube, then bottom bubble. A climbing gifted Ghoul managed to work his way down the funnel, but slid into the tube whilst going down with a large Ork. About 2/3 of the way down he caught himself. The rest of the party had a grand time falling down and barely catching themselves except one (crit fail) who dropped all the way to the bottom and lived... Then this comes up with one of the more older and tactically inclined members of the group. PC: I WANNA JUMP! GM (me): What the ****?! IT'S A 100 FT DROP!!! (I'd said that multiple times) PC: I Wanna JUMP! (giggles) PC2: Whispers "Let 'em do it. He has to learn the hard way some how..." GM: Le Sigh...You jump. Now at this point PC2 (MUCH more tactically skilled) had managed to get the party to rig a rope system up. @ the lip there was a 30 ft chain (pryed from the door) and a 20 ft gap and then a 20 ft rope with 30 ft gap at the end. So the Suicidal Soldier made his jump...no one attempted to catch him. He caught the bottom rope and managed to nearly kill himself from the massive rope burn alone. GM: You catch the rope. Your hands are officially hamburger. If we ever pick this game up again he's gettin cyber hands...
Odds are after this is posted the thread will stop right here and stay that way for weeks until I lose track of it and it starts up again.... Thrender? |
12-01-2007, 02:58 PM | #114 |
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: A Singularity At The Ends Of The Universe
Re: Memorable Quotes.
This happened in a DnD 3.5 game.
After arriving at a frigid port town the party figures out there is something odd going on in the North Woods where a local mining town is located. After a quick battle with 5 wolves a new PC enters the game (he came from the local mining town the PC's sought, Elf Cleric NG LVL1, total god of persuasion) Letting the rest of the group go ahead he skins a wolf and drapes it over him (took Trickery college) and casts some minor illusion spells. Before doing this he asked the Rope Burn PC from above (a Paladin w/ IQ as a dump stat) to stay behind for a bit. Then convinced him the rest of the party would come get him later. No one managed to notice this. Casting a quick Obscuring Mist he approaches our Dim little Paladin. Wearing his wolf skin. Clr: PALADIN! I am THE GOD OF WOLVES! Paladin horribly fails to determine a Bluff check (Clr=+7 to bluff) Paladin: Don't Hurt me! Clr: I will NOT if you never harm a wolf again and worship me! (points to dead wolves) Pld: OK OK! Clr: I will give you a tooth as a sign of our pact. Be wary I will visit soon...(leaves thru fog leaving the confused Pld waiting for the rest of the party) Back in town our Mischievious Clr managed to get our male Catfolk ranger into a drinking game. The catfolk lost terribly. Clr: I'm gonna look for a dog. (rolls 3 on D20) GM(me): You find an incredibly ugly yellow lab with warts/tumors all over it's face and ticks and fleas jumping off it. It's missing most of it's fur. Clr: Hey ranger. I found this beautiful blonde here for ya! Rgr: (Fails horribly to resist bluff) Oh my god! Hey whats your name? Clr: Here's some gold. Take her to the inn! GM: Oh god here we go...(the innkeeper totally fails his Kindness roll resulting in a given room and a weird look). Party: You should have him roll a passion check and see what gender it is. GM: Rolls... nat 20. Rolls 12. It's a guy. I'm not even gonna explain this to you guys... Needless to say the next morning the hungover catfolk awoke in a room covered in dog dander and fuzz and the room looked liked a tornado ran through. He is now totally committed to finding the dog and slaying it. It gave him fleas galore...
Odds are after this is posted the thread will stop right here and stay that way for weeks until I lose track of it and it starts up again.... Thrender? |
12-15-2007, 06:29 AM | #115 |
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Binghamton NY
Re: Memorable Quotes.
In a GURPS fantasy game a few years back, I was playing a Goblin mage. We had found some magical teeth(I had to have the centaur fighter knock out my real teeth toput them in) they raised my magery by one, but gave me the delusion that I was imortal. Jump ahead a couple of sessions. We walk into a very large room with a dragon there-in the orc fighter and the centaur run because of the fear from the dragon, I crit suceed. And the following conversation ensues
DM(as dragon): Why are you here. Me: we're looking for Bob(not the real name but it escapes me ATM) DM: Leave, or else. Me: Or else what?? DM: You'll die Me: You can't kill me. After we did kill the dragon, by sheer luck, and some very great rolls Me: I TOLD YOU YOU COULDN'T KILL ME. I TOLD YOU!!!!
A kewl car-wars style game |
12-15-2007, 10:43 AM | #116 |
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Britian
Re: Memorable Quotes.
A very dramatic moment from the same RP as the plant thing.
My characters greatest fear is that he will become his father who he hates and infact killed at the age of 8 out of pure hate, he hates him beacues he was a wife beater and killed his mother. He also has a prefference for taking pisoners alive and has never attacked anyone unless they attack him first. The other Character (Harold) is my characters brother. We're arguing at the time over he is a traitor of not. Me: Your a traitor and if we were young again then I would beat you for this. Har: What ? You'll beat me, your becoming dear ol' Da... *My character punches his character, WS: 30 with a circiumstantial bonus of +50. Rolls a 1 on a D100.* GM: John punches Harold in the face breaking several teeth, for the next half a hour he smashs harolds face against the edge of the metal table in the most brutal display of violence you have ever seen. Doing the equivalent of 30 damage when Harold has 12 HP. Non-lethal fortunately* Me:Never...ever...Compare me to him. EVER AGAIN... GM:* Points at Harold* Pwned... --- A NPC called Dylan was basically the ressurected form of one of the evils characters we have ever fought. We had just beaten him in a batte on Christmas Eve. He ambushes my character when the others have all gone to bed. He was a powerful psychic able to travel between universes. John: (Sitting in a armchair sipping whiskey and looking at a bolt gun in his hand) Hello Dylan. D: ... (Suprised, sits opposites him in a chair)you were expecting me? J: No. I was expecting someone, but they'll never turn up so I knew it was you. D: I've decided to give you a reward for defeating me. What do you want? *Long pause* J: (Sips whiskey) You can travel between dimensions, yes? D: Yes. I can also bring things back, your brother has already told me to bring something back for him...I can't bring people back from the dead if thats what you mean? I can't go forward, and I can't go back. J: No. I wasn't going to ask you for that. I should have thought of it but no. Are there any universes where I became the one I hate? Don't pretend you don't know who I'm talking about. D: Yes. There's still a chance that you could. There are still three more times this world will split before you are free of the fear. J: Do I really have the potential to be evil within me? What Kind of person am I there? D: Yes. Think evil, chauvenistic slave driver. You have the potential to be the evilist person in the history of the world. For example In one you have already succeded in your attempts to take over the world, your research into advanced cloning has resulted in women becoming obsolite,then there comes your wonderful Idea of the "perfect society". In that universe you start the worlds largest and most terrible genocide. You murder almost every women on earth, in thirty years time, after years of enslaving the survivors you will be assasinated by the last women on earth. J: ...Who was it? D: Alice (Another PC. A genetic experiment he made to try and create a daughter.) J: Good. I'm Glad she survived. D: She will betray you, you know. It is inevitable, in every universe no matter what you do, she will betray you. J: Good. That means that if I fail to stop myself then I will be stopped. And even if I don't then it means those of me who do will be. D: So what else do you want? J: *Thinks for a while* You can bring things here? D: Yes. You can have anything, the keys to fort Knox, I can kill someone, I could bring you the cloning machine your alternate self used. Anything. J: *smiles* Bring me bodies, lots of bodies, human, animal, monster, from every world there is...and plants too, rare and interesting plants from all over the multiverse. D: *Smiles* Now there are only two times it has left to spilt. Just bodies and plants, Okay. J: Good Bye Dylan. D: Until next year Aar(Name of my old character)...John. Last edited by BLloyd607502; 12-19-2007 at 12:53 PM. |
12-19-2007, 10:50 PM | #117 | |
Join Date: Mar 2005
Re: Memorable Quotes.
12-24-2007, 01:36 AM | #118 |
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Britian
Re: Memorable Quotes.
Another Classic moment for my brother.
The group had been placed on a small trade ship as upper class crew members e.g. First mate, Head of security ect. Then the captain dies of a tech virus which is spread by touch and causes the recipiant to turn to metal. Then it turns out the Captain was working for a rebel group to smuggle combat drugs, weapons and uranium to them. He was then going to kill the crew and escape with all the money. It then turns out that the UPSN (United Planets Space Navy) has discovered what the captain was doing adn is chasing us. PC 1 is playing the first mate, now captain and suffers from Desicion-Phobia, player 2 is the Ships pilot. PC 3 is me, a hired merc who is head of security, PC 4 is my brother playing a navy Petty officer, PC 5 is another Navy man who works for PC 4. The conversation when as folows. PC 1: ...I say we Dump it all. PC 3: I want more pay for this. I did not sign on for this... *PCs 4 & 5 Burst in armed with the experimental weapons that we were dlivering* PC 4: No body move! We're in charge of the ship now. PC 3: P*** off. We're busy. PC 5: What? We have guns. You cant talk to us like that! PC 3: Look at that screen over in the corner. See those ships. Their tracking us, can you pilot if you shoot us. No? Go away we're busy. *PC 4 looks annoyed and leaves. PC 5 follows* (Some time later) *PC 4 & 5 Burst in again with even heavier weapons and mech suits) PC 4: No body move. We're taking over the ship. PC 3: Come here (PC 4s name) *PC 4 walks over* You see that big shiny button in the middle of the control console? PC 4: Yes... PC 3: That is linked to a bunch of C4 attached to the unranium in the hold. Try to move the pilot and we will activate it, blowing you and us to hell... PC 4: Okay... PC 3: Now go away. We all ready have enough on our plates with the techno virus, the riot, the UPSN, the drugs, the weapons, the uranium, the RLS (The rebels) and what the the hell we're going to do about all of this as it is without you being idiots... *PC 4 & 5 leave again* (Some more time later) *PC 4 & 5 Burst in with the entire crew armed with experimental weapons* PC 3: GO AWAY WE'RE REALY BUSY! Now we know how many ships are tracking us. The answer is half a fleet, now F*** OFF! (The PCs spend some time arguing and in the end the Crew leaves. PC 4 & 5 go to mess hall) *PC 3 Walks in* PC 3: I've noticed that the only thing you do when you have a complaint is burst into the control room with guns. Here *Passes them a box* This is a com-plain-t box. You write your com-plain-t on a piece of paper and put it into the box. We get it, read it and try to help. Now stop bursting into the control room. PC 4: You're not allowed to burst in here and start ordering us around like that at gun point ! PC 3:...... *Unslings his plasma cannon* PC 5: *leans over to PC 4* Dude...run. |
12-25-2007, 03:19 PM | #119 | |
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: The Fine Line Between Black and White
Re: Memorable Quotes.
Soda Everywhere *hands you a towel* Clean it >:' Edit [2/24/13]: God...blast it soda everywhere again.
. ( )( ) -This is The Overlord Bunny o(O.o)o -Master of Bunnies O('')('') -And Destroyer of the Hasenpfeffer "This is the sort of relatively small error that destroys planetary probes." ~Bruno Last edited by Blood Legend; 02-24-2013 at 04:03 AM. |
12-25-2007, 05:53 PM | #120 |
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Earth, mostly
Re: Memorable Quotes.
Can't believe I forgot about this one, but the above reminded me:
Playing the original Top Secret, back in college. I'd been sent to investigate a high-value target at a hotel in Vegas. Unbeknownst to me, another agency, allied with my own, had sent their own man (Greg) to check the target out, as well. I'd picked the lock on the door, while he rappelled in the window. We snuck around the suite for a while, then came across each other abruptly. I had my .38 at the ready; he drew his .45, and we aimed at each other. Me: Put down your gun! Greg: You put yours down! Me: Why should I? Greg: Because mine makes a bigger hole! (pause) Me: (putting down gun) Good point.
If you break the laws of Man, you go to prison. If you break the laws of God, you go to Hell. If you break the laws of Physics, you go to Sweden and receive a Nobel Prize. |
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