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Old 04-02-2015, 01:19 PM   #11
Totem's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: The Western Harbour
Default Re: [OOC] Worlds of Fire

Quick note: in the original version of this plan there would have been two attempts to get to see the Dark One (aka Patrick Wolf's actual self). The first of these ended in failure because of the Dark One's presence. The second was a success after the Fundamentals gave someone (nominally one of the players) a Presence in Time, making them partly immortal and able to resist the overwhelming presence.
In the event that the players choose to go back to the Dungeon World first they get briefed on the following details:

Since they escaped from that universe it has been surrounded by a nearly impenetrable barrier; all attempts to enter that world meet with failures ranging from the merely painful up to two fatalities. The only time that this barrier has weakened at all has been when the players have been jumping between worlds nearby. The Bane of Asgard has been refitted to make a slow approach through the Void; if the barrier is lowered it will continue, otherwise it will be able to withdraw safely.

On the approach the players can watch as they approach the Dungeon World. The barrier does indeed drop to allow them inside and the Bane passes through.

There is an abrupt discontinuity.

The next thing that the players are aware of is the Bane, now badly damaged and running fast away from the Dungeon World. Some of them are injured, at least one of them is in a totally different part of the ship...

Once they've recovered they make their way back to the Western Harbour and discover that they were off the grid for at least six hours and that no record exists, either in their memories or in the ship's records, of what happened during the time that was missing. They can extrapolate some things; the damage indicates a prolonged fight since the shields were penetrated multiple times and many areas of the ship have been damaged and repaired. Fuel consumption and dust marks on the landing craft indicate that three landing vehicles were deployed carrying marines. Ammunition expenditure indicates that whilst the ship took a pounding, there was a sufficient ground based fight for all of the players to be running low on ammo, if not to have run out altogether.

Onwards: Following their encounter with the Fundamentals...
The approach to the Dungeon World is as before. The principle difference is that when the Bane enters the Dungeon World there is no discontinuity; instead any players with Presence in Time very abruptly take a quite significant weight upon them. Everything in the ship shudders and then settles down as the Bane enters the atmosphere of the planet.

It quickly becomes obvious that this isn't where they were the first time that they turned up; the landscape is the same, but now the world is populated and, significantly, there is actually a sky rather than just blankness. What is visible in the sky isn't inspiring of hope; shapes, some faint and others very definite, fill the sky, moving seemingly at random. A double helix made of light twists across above the Bane, whilst regular shapes flow over and around each other. The disturbing aspect of this is that whilst these shapes are clearly regular ones, none of them have angles within them that add up to 360° as they should.

The players are able to land on an island that seems to have been marked out for them; it is marked with the Sign and surrounded by several circles of Signs making it a target.

As they land the cloud from before moves in, surrounding the island but not encroaching on it. In one place it settles down to the ground and a Human walks out of it.

This is one of the incarnations of Patrick Wolf; this is the only way that the Dark One can speak to the players.

The Dark One wants to escape; this world bridges the Corridor, forming a link between the Past and the Present. When the Past ended to create the Present they tried to escape their own destruction in the process. Some of them were lost, some of them escaped. And some of them settled down in a universe that was very hot; the Blazen are the descendants of the Angels who settled and adapted to their circumstances.

The Dark One offers a deal: if provided with access to the Blazen, it could draw them back into the Past. The power of the Blazen though is such that it would not be able to do this directly; it would require a conduit to operate through in order to achieve this.

Ultimately, if the players cannot work anything out, the Dark One suggests using a mutual enemy; Chu'dam is still held in storage and if released onto a world on the Front Line would create an aggressive minority which the Blazen would use as a path in themselves. The Dark One could then use this link to get through and pull the Blazen out.
"John Adams was a farmer. Abraham Lincoln was a small-town lawyer. Plato, Socrates were teachers. Jesus was a carpenter. To equate judgment and wisdom with occupation is at best... insulting."
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pbp, world-jumping, worlds of fire

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