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Old 04-23-2013, 02:12 PM   #1951
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Michael will try to accompany Jorin to see the baron (trying to remember my cover... a clerk I think). What he really wants to do is check the baron and the people around him for Blazen influence, find out what priorities are for the baron (is he more worried about the enemy alliance or about his neighbor), and perhaps do a little digging about the talking cat.

basically, he wants to pick the Baron's brain.
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Old 04-23-2013, 02:22 PM   #1952
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Jacob goes down to the Gilded Walk and looks for Kewper Avery's building, asking locals for help if it isn't apparent after a few minutes.
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Old 04-25-2013, 01:38 PM   #1953
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Originally Posted by momothefiddler View Post
There's no reason we can't split up and both make our respective appointments. Jorin prepares to go to his.
Baron Zemski is found in the opposite direction to the Gilded Walk, so everyone parts ways. He occupies a mostly wooden structure like a small fort with slate tiling around the ground floor walls and something like glass in most of the windows. Jorin and those accompanying him are welcomed in and shown to an antechamber which features several tapestries and very nicely carved furniture.

After a few minutes wait you get ushered into the main hall. Zemski is holding court here, a few people around who are clearly members of the court while others are apparently petitioners. He looks thoughtfully at you as you enter, then nods understanding when one of the courtiers whispers something to him. You are all indicated to head over to one side and wait what you are assured will only be a short while.

The next petitioner is brought up before the baron. A woman, accompanied by two young children has come to beg for help: their home is on the edge of a cliff (a fairly common situation in this world) and the cliff has begun to subside because of the stone being mined from the area. Zemski is, when you follow the lines of authority, their landlord, and they would like him to do something about it, like reinforcing the area or providing a new home. Not normally a problem, except that the reason the wife is here is because her husband is recuperating from some serious and probably permanently crippling injuries at present.

Zemski listens to this with a fairly neutral expression, and pauses before glancing around the hall. His gaze settles on a pair of petitioners, who look a bit panicked and admit that it does sound as if mercy would be called for in this situation. Zemski nods gravely, then looks around the hall again before very deliberately settling his gaze onto Jorin and co. Your opinion is sought.

Originally Posted by rorikdude12 View Post
Jacob goes down to the Gilded Walk and looks for Kewper Avery's building, asking locals for help if it isn't apparent after a few minutes.
The Gilded Walk is a street that may have been named somewhat optimistically; the gilding is still there, but it is a veneer of class covering a somewhat decrepit core. It's visible in the way people walk, the way that they carry themselves, the way that they look at you without seeming to look. There's a feeling of mob culture here, the upper crust of the dredges. There are legitimate businesses going on here, but there's a feeling to the place...

Kewper Avery's building is well marked and one of the cleaner looking ones along the street. Guards stand outside the building, adding somewhat to the depressing nature of the area by their apparent necessity, but also making the building look a lot more welcoming.

Jacob is greeted as an expected visitor. Anyone with him is greeted a bit more reluctantly, but shown in regardless.

The room that you are led to is fairly well lit, and relatively clean; dirt and dust don't seem to be a common problem in this place, with dirt being so scarce, but the place has a polished feel that the rest of the street seems to lack. There is a single table set up in it, with a man sitting behind it who introduces himself as Kewper Avery. He doesn't stand up, and the best description of him would probably be "fussy"; quite short, very neat, keeping to business very determinedly. He gestures for you to sit in the seating provided in front of his table.

"One of my employees was very impressed by the way that you fought yesterday," Avery says without preamble. Said employee, the man who spoke to Jacob after the fight, enters and stands behind you with his back to the wall. "I require if you to answer a few questions before we discussed business. Firstly, where are you from? What previous combat experience do you have aside from training and arena fights? How many weapons are you familiar with?" As he speaks you notice that he's fiddling with... Something. It's mostly hidden behind a wooden panel on the desk's surface. It isn't clear what it is, but it doesn't exactly look local.
"John Adams was a farmer. Abraham Lincoln was a small-town lawyer. Plato, Socrates were teachers. Jesus was a carpenter. To equate judgment and wisdom with occupation is at best... insulting."
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Old 04-25-2013, 02:32 PM   #1954
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Originally Posted by Totem View Post
Firstly, where are you from? What previous combat experience do you have aside from training and arena fights? How many weapons are you familiar with?" As he speaks you notice that he's fiddling with... Something. It's mostly hidden behind a wooden panel on the desk's surface. It isn't clear what it is, but it doesn't exactly look local.
"I'm from a place many islands to the north. I've done some mercenary work, as well as working for the government up there. I'm most familiar with the broadsword, but decent with the shortsword, and the "katana", a weapon from far northeast. I am also proficient with a class of weapons used up north that you do not have here", Jacob says as he pulls out his Omni-Blaster, displays it, and puts it back, "but that is another story. I can also fight with naught but my hands to a certain degree."
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:20 PM   #1955
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Jorin pauses to think for a moment or two, then points out that it's probably in the Baron's best interests to keep his property in good shape, regardless of benefit to the tenant. What's more, the collapse of the house/cliff could cause various damage, loss of the house and all materials making it, and even loss of stone and ores if it's close enough to the edge. In the end, it's definitely worth supporting the house.

Astrid 14/14HP, 3/10FP buffs
Jorin 13/13, 9/10, 0/1 ER, 24/24, 3/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6 Rings, 6 days since last use of WT
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Old 04-27-2013, 04:31 AM   #1956
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Originally Posted by momothefiddler View Post
Jorin pauses to think for a moment or two, then points out that it's probably in the Baron's best interests to keep his property in good shape, regardless of benefit to the tenant. What's more, the collapse of the house/cliff could cause various damage, loss of the house and all materials making it, and even loss of stone and ores if it's close enough to the edge. In the end, it's definitely worth supporting the house.
Zemski agrees with these points with a sage nod, and then hesitates, looking expectantly at you.

Originally Posted by rorikdude12 View Post
"I'm from a place many islands to the north. I've done some mercenary work, as well as working for the government up there. I'm most familiar with the broadsword, but decent with the shortsword, and the "katana", a weapon from far northeast. I am also proficient with a class of weapons used up north that you do not have here", Jacob says as he pulls out his Omni-Blaster, displays it, and puts it back, "but that is another story. I can also fight with naught but my hands to a certain degree."
Avery seems to be paying more attention to the thing on the desk than to Jacob directly during the reply. His expression is studiously neutral for the entire time, until the Omni-blaster comes out. At that point he looks decidedly surprised and exchanges a sharp look with the person standing behind you. [Body Language (Default Detect Lies-4) 7: 4+5+1 = 10 (failed by 3)] There is something more to the look, but Jacob can't interpret it at a glance.

Avery recovers quickly from his moment of distraction. "I was intending to go through some details about a guard detail that I am assembling for a client... I believe now that you might be better suited to the job itself than to merely guarding it..." He exchanges a look with the man behind you again, before nodding. "If you will wait a few minutes, I will see if the client is available."

Assuming that you agree, Avery leaves the room by a fairly well concealed door. His companion remains standing where he is, silently watching you. He makes brief but polite conversation if prompted, but nothing more.
"John Adams was a farmer. Abraham Lincoln was a small-town lawyer. Plato, Socrates were teachers. Jesus was a carpenter. To equate judgment and wisdom with occupation is at best... insulting."
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Old 04-27-2013, 08:01 AM   #1957
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Jacob waits for a time.
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Old 04-27-2013, 11:08 AM   #1958
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Jorin looks back, not sure what's expected of him.

I answered the question already, right?

Astrid 14/14HP, 3/10FP buffs
Jorin 13/13, 9/10, 0/1 ER, 24/24, 3/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6 Rings, 6 days since last use of WT
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Old 04-27-2013, 01:03 PM   #1959
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Michael peers into the Baron's mind. First to check expectations on top and then he'll dig deeper if necessary.
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Old 04-28-2013, 02:09 AM   #1960
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Michael peers into the Baron's mind. First to check expectations on top and then he'll dig deeper if necessary.
[Mind Reading 17, -2 range = 15: 2+4+6 = 12 (success by 3)]
[Psychology 12: 4+4+2 = 10 (success by 2)]

Michael isn't directly able to get much from the Baron. That he is expecting something more is obvious, but as to why he is... It actually takes a few seconds to spot that the primary issue here isn't the house at all; the Baron appears to be more concerned with the absent husband and his injuries.

Originally Posted by rorikdude12 View Post
Jacob waits for a time.
After a couple of minutes Avery reappears, accompanied by a tall figure in surprisingly good looking clothing. He's very well kept for the surroundings; unlike most of the population (excepting Avery and his friend) this person actually looks like he's had a bath within the last week, and he appears almost refined by the standards of this world. [Jacob: PER 11: 1+1+2 = 4 (critical success)] As the man enters he is pulling on a jacket, but doesn't quite do it fast enough and Jacob is able to spot the vambrace armour that he is wearing (which has a decidedly synthetic appearance to it), and the thing hanging on his belt; it's wrapped in leather bands to disguise it somewhat, but it's clearly a metal cylinder of some kind, arranged like the hilt of a sword, but without the rest of the sword.

"Avery informs me that you might be able to help me on a job that I'm preparing," the man says without preamble. "He mentioned specifically a weapon that you had brought with you; I would appreciate seeing this weapon." He holds out his hand expectantly.

[OOC: since I haven't heard one way or the other I'm guessing that John has remained on the island. The following is based on that assumption.]

With the others gone on their various errands, John is left on the island with housekeeping jobs to deal with. Mostly this just means ensuring that all of the plates and cutlery are tidied up properly and that the rooms are swept out.

In the middle of sweeping out the workshop area John hears something on the roof over his head. It isn't a loud sound, but as if something had landed softly on the roof. A moment later there's a scuffling sound, like something was moving across the roof and slipped on one of the panels. If the sounds follow their current direction they're going to reach the main door out onto the circumfernce balcony very shortly.
"John Adams was a farmer. Abraham Lincoln was a small-town lawyer. Plato, Socrates were teachers. Jesus was a carpenter. To equate judgment and wisdom with occupation is at best... insulting."
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