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Old 01-21-2014, 03:02 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2014
Default Items Usage- Not "clothes" or weapons

Hello everyone:

I'm new on this game (yesterday I bought the Apocalypse version under a friend's advice) and after spending this evening reading the forum I still have some issues.

1 - How many cards like "Police Dog" or "Face paint" can you actively wear/carry? (I mean by this the set of cards that have not any indications like footwear, armor, etc. but also are not described as one-use item or have a hand requirement)

2 - When the bonus of the card is applied?

3 - Do them have any kind of duration/uses?

4 - Are them considered combat bonus for the 7th seal opening? And could you give me some link to a detailed explanation about how is this bonus calculated?

Thank you very much and sorry for my english, it is not my native language
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Old 01-21-2014, 03:41 PM   #2
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Topeka
Default Re: Items Usage- Not "clothes" or weapons

Originally Posted by Fremen View Post
Hello everyone:

I'm new on this game (yesterday I bought the Apocalypse version under a friend's advice) and after spending this evening reading the forum I still have some issues.

1 - How many cards like "Police Dog" or "Face paint" can you actively wear/carry? (I mean by this the set of cards that have not any indications like footwear, armor, etc. but also are not described as one-use item or have a hand requirement)

2 - When the bonus of the card is applied?

3 - Do them have any kind of duration/uses?

4 - Are them considered combat bonus for the 7th seal opening? And could you give me some link to a detailed explanation about how is this bonus calculated?

Thank you very much and sorry for my english, it is not my native language

1. In munchkin you have a few slots: headgear, footgear, armor & 2 hands. You can have as many items for each slot but only 1 will give you a bonus. So you can have 3 headgear cards, but only get the bonus from one. Other items like "Facepaint", "Police Dog" don't take a slot, you can have as many of those in play as you want and get the bonus for all of them. As long as you only have 1 big item.

2. The bonus is applied as soon as you play the card.

3. Usually if there is a duration it will say something like usable one time only. Some cards tell you when they are usable or when to discard, like the "Disaster Proof Tent" which you can use as much as you want, but must discard if you try to run away (I believe that's the rule.)

4. Yes they give a bonus for the 7th seal opening. The bonus is just all the bonuses from cards in play when the 7th seal is played. So not your level but the bonus from every card in play on the table in front of you.

Hope that helps.
I'm your friendly neighborhood MIB, if your neighborhood happens to be Topeka, KS and the nearby vicinity. Check out my Facebook page for Munchkin events and more.
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Old 01-21-2014, 03:49 PM   #3
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Default Re: Items Usage- Not "clothes" or weapons

Edit: Rev1L beat me to posting these, but the Face Paint distinction is important, so I'll leave my answers here too...

Originally Posted by Fremen View Post
Hello everyone:

I'm new on this game (yesterday I bought the Apocalypse version under a friend's advice) and after spending this evening reading the forum I still have some issues.

1 - How many cards like "Police Dog" or "Face paint" can you actively wear/carry? (I mean by this the set of cards that have not any indications like footwear, armor, etc. but also are not described as one-use item or have a hand requirement)
You may only carry one Big Item, but you carry as many Small (i.e., those not marked Big) Items as you want. Of the Items you are carrying, you can only be using one Headgear, one Armor, one Footgear and two Hands worth of other Items (with ones you aren't using turned sideways). For those Items without restrictions (like Police Dog), you can be using as many as you want.

Face Paint is not an Item, as it has no Gold Piece value (not even 'No Value'), but as it gives a permanent bonus, you can keep it in play and it does not count towards any of your restrictions. The part of the rules that covers this type of card is the "Other Treasures" section on page 5.

2 - When the bonus of the card is applied?
Persistent Items (those that don't say "Usable Once Only") always provide their combat bonus as long as they are in use. Face Paint will always give you its bonus once it is in play.

3 - Do them have any kind of duration/uses?
There is no limit for the cards mentioned.

4 - Are them considered combat bonus for the 7th seal opening? And could you give me some link to a detailed explanation about how is this bonus calculated?
Yes, they do. Your combat bonus is the sum of all the persistent bonuses provided by those cards you have in play and are using, including the sum of any cards that say they add to your bonus in this case (e.g., Solar-Powered Radio With Flashlight and Duck Call).
My unofficial, but comprehensive Flowcharts: Munchkin: A4 Letter; Munchkin Quest: A4 Letter
Rules Checklist for all Munchkin sets: A4 Letter.
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Old 01-21-2014, 04:34 PM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2014
Default Re: Items Usage- Not "clothes" or weapons

Thank you very much for your answers!
I already knew rules about, as we called, "clothes" but those persistent items (Finally a good way to call them, thanks) were driving us crazy because one friend got extremely OP combining items like those (secret plans, police dog, bracelet, etc.) and we can't find anything about how to properly use them.

I really don't read well the face paint card, so sorry for that mistake but your answer comes real handy because I would ask about it later :)

Two more questions if you are so kindly:

5 - If I have the police dog in play, is mandatory to trigger its ability bonus the first time I have to flee, so I lose it if I failed?

6 - Is possible to unequip this objects? For example if I am a militia and the next player has the officer's cap since I will be oblidged to help him could I put them not in use by turning them sideways before his combat phase?
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Old 01-21-2014, 05:56 PM   #5
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Default Re: Items Usage- Not "clothes" or weapons

Originally Posted by Fremen View Post
5 - If I have the police dog in play, is mandatory to trigger its ability bonus the first time I have to flee, so I lose it if I failed?
If you have the Police Dog in use, you must apply the bonus and lose the Dog if you fail. As you can't change whether or not you are using the Police Dog during a combat, you'll probably have it in use, though.

6 - Is possible to unequip this objects? For example if I am a militia and the next player has the officer's cap since I will be oblidged to help him could I put them not in use by turning them sideways before his combat phase?
You can equip or unequip any Item by turning it sideways. You can do this at any time on any turn unless you are in combat. This is something that can only be done for Items, not Classes, so no, you cannot turn Militia sideways.

You can discard Classes at any time on any turn (including during combat), so you may want to discard the Militia card before the other player asks for your help (if they already asked, it's too late to do this). You of course have no way of getting that card back (unless you have another in your hand or a way to get it out of the discards), though.
My unofficial, but comprehensive Flowcharts: Munchkin: A4 Letter; Munchkin Quest: A4 Letter
Rules Checklist for all Munchkin sets: A4 Letter.
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