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Old 02-04-2016, 02:57 PM   #311
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Chandra)

The town isn't enourmous, so there isn't an unlimited set of buskers, but there are quite a few. Moreso than Chandra has seen elsewhere, for certain. The music is varried, but it tends towards instruments rather than voices and the modern feel of rock and roll is nowhere to be seen. Classical music is actually a popular genre among the masses here.

Mr. Carter writes down the information and says that he'll be happy to pass along the message.

Chandra feels a buzzing of sorts -- one she hasn't felt since she was around Haley. Its different though. A sort relief of tension to somewhere far off.

Chandra is about two streets away from the location when a man calls after her. "Miss! Excuse! Yes, you! the dark woman!"

The fellow is well dressed, good looking, tall, and in excellent shape. He comes closer. "Excuse me miss, this is a little awkward, but I believe I have need of your services."
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Old 02-04-2016, 05:11 PM   #312
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Chandra)

"Indeed?" The smile is polite. Attractive and charming he may be, but for a well-brought up lady, a certain reserve is required at the start (especially in this age). "I can't imagine what you might be referring to, sir. Have we been introduced?"
“It's not railroading if you offer the PCs tickets and they stampede to the box office, waving their money. Metaphorically speaking”
--Elizabeth McCoy, In Nomine Line Editor

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Old 02-05-2016, 09:37 AM   #313
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Chandra)

"I'm sorry, we haven't. My name is Robert Drake. And you are? This is a little abrupt, but I've been looking for someone of your heritage. Do you read Sanscript? I just obtained some writings in it and I need them translated quickly. I can make it worth your time."
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Old 02-09-2016, 11:24 PM   #314
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Chandra)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I'm sorry, we haven't. My name is Robert Drake. And you are? This is a little abrupt, but I've been looking for someone of your heritage. Do you read Sanscript? I just obtained some writings in it and I need them translated quickly. I can make it worth your time."
"Chandra Morgan," she responds to the introduction. "I dearly wish I could help you, Mr. Drake, but I am afraid I was taken from India as a very young child. I am conversant in Hindi, but never had reason to study the more ancient tongue. I am sorry."

Then an idea occurs to her. Any Sanskrit speaker in this country and time is likely to be an old country sort ... "I might be able to assist you in your search, however," she adds. "It may well be that you need someone to translate for a translator, should their English be inadequate to the task. Should that need arise, I would be pleased to be such a go-between." She smiles. "If indeed the offer is commensurate to the task."
“It's not railroading if you offer the PCs tickets and they stampede to the box office, waving their money. Metaphorically speaking”
--Elizabeth McCoy, In Nomine Line Editor

Author: "What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger"
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Old 02-10-2016, 11:26 AM   #315
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Chandra)

"I am sorry you cannot help with the translation, but yes, you may be of great help in the search. I'm in something of a hurry though. How long would it take for you to find such a person? I can pay very well indeed if you find me someone today."
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Old 02-10-2016, 07:59 PM   #316
Rocket Man
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Chandra)

OOC: Given her "distinctive features" for this time and place ...

1) Has she noticed anyone else of Indian features in the area?

2) In the time that she's been here, has anyone commented that "her kind" belong somewhere else? (Besides India, that is.) Is there a particular place, neighborhood, etc, where immigrants tend to congregate?

3) Has she interacted with anyone who's actually been to India -- sailor, soldier, professor, idle traveler? (Since her features are noticeable, they might lead to a conversation with this sort of person.)
“It's not railroading if you offer the PCs tickets and they stampede to the box office, waving their money. Metaphorically speaking”
--Elizabeth McCoy, In Nomine Line Editor

Author: "What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger"
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Old 02-11-2016, 04:05 PM   #317
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Chandra)

She's run into a few people ... but all of the seem to have been passing through. People are surprised to find her away from the big ports -- people associate people from India with the see and with port cities. She does know of communities where one could find Indian communities, but they are all miles away in different communities.

She's run into a few British gentlemen who have asked her were in India she is from and seem better acquainted with it than most. All of them were visiting her employer. She can can remember some facts about them, ask him about them, or bend the rules just a tiny bit and found out their contact details without him knowing-- she has unfettered access to many of his papers, including his address book.
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Old 02-11-2016, 05:02 PM   #318
Rocket Man
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Chandra)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I am sorry you cannot help with the translation, but yes, you may be of great help in the search. I'm in something of a hurry though. How long would it take for you to find such a person? I can pay very well indeed if you find me someone today."
"For the right price, I believe I can find you someone, though I shan't promise until I have had a chance to inquire of their availability," she says. "What are you offering and where shall I deliver the information, should I prove successful?"
“It's not railroading if you offer the PCs tickets and they stampede to the box office, waving their money. Metaphorically speaking”
--Elizabeth McCoy, In Nomine Line Editor

Author: "What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger"
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Old 02-12-2016, 09:20 AM   #319
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Chandra)

"I'm in a great hurry, would it be a problem if I accompanied you? I can pay... 10 pounds*! That should be more than fair"

*The factory job paid less than 1 pound per day. She makes more than that now, but 10 pounds is still multiple days work.
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Old 02-12-2016, 10:55 AM   #320
Rocket Man
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Default Re: [IC] Lost in Dreams (Chandra)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I'm in a great hurry, would it be a problem if I accompanied you? I can pay... 10 pounds*! That should be more than fair"

*The factory job paid less than 1 pound per day. She makes more than that now, but 10 pounds is still multiple days work.
She'll try Savoir-Faire to discourage him gently from accompanying her. (Away from my dice, have to roll later.)

"Your eagerness is becoming, sir, but please consider my position," she says. "A young lady allowing a dashing young man to accompany her on five minutes' acquaintance? It simply can't be done, however pleasing the prospect might be."
“It's not railroading if you offer the PCs tickets and they stampede to the box office, waving their money. Metaphorically speaking”
--Elizabeth McCoy, In Nomine Line Editor

Author: "What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger"
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