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Old 02-03-2016, 02:29 AM   #21
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Forest Grove, Beaverton, Oregon
Default Re: Resistant to Posions (+8): Poisons for casual consumption and/or showing off

Most plant poisons are extremely alkaline and therefore bitter as all get out. Then again, some people allegedly like black coffee and beer, so tastes good is insanely subjective.
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Old 02-03-2016, 04:23 AM   #22
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Default Re: Resistant to Posions (+8): Poisons for casual consumption and/or showing off

I'm not a biolist but here's a few thoughts that come to mind.

Spider Venom

I watched an episode of myth busters that was busting the myth of daddy long legs being the most deadly spider. There was a guy who extracted and tested spider venom for potency in the episode. You might consider various spiders, snake venom, etc.

Household Chemicals

They got a nice label on the back "Harmful if swallowed!" Aren't poisons and toxins just non-corrosive chemicals anyway? Why not drink some Windex and show off? I certainly would go O_O if I saw someone down a bottle of dish soap!


Terro kills ants, what does it do to people? Why not swig a bottle and find out! Rat poison is a neat one. Maybe open your mouth and spray a can of Raid down your throat! Yum!


Remember those little baggies that keep things dry? They are in pill bottles and such! What happens if you munch on them like candy! MMMMM!

Glue Sniffers

Markers, Paint Thinners, Acetone, Adhesives, sniff away! Look how it doesn't affect me!

Bad Guy Dust - Don't Breath This!

Will it blend? He's constantly blending hazardous materials telling people not to breathe it. Why not try?


Pharmaceuticals and recreational are pretty much toxins. They just have side effects we enjoy! Does resistance to poison mean you resist these effects? I got no idea off the top of my head, but it might be cool to do a round of morphine with your friends and be the only one not going numb.
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Old 02-03-2016, 05:44 AM   #23
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Default Re: Resistant to Posions (+8): Poisons for casual consumption and/or showing off

Originally Posted by GodBeastX View Post
Spider Venom

I watched an episode of myth busters that was busting the myth of daddy long legs being the most deadly spider.
This confused me for a second, as I was thinking of a crane fly. I guess that explains the myth, as I never believed that a daddy-long-legs had a poison, but if there are spiders with that name that explains the confusion (though I guess it is really a confusion of a confusion if it doesn't apply to the spider either).

I do have to wonder what advantage those long legs provide, as they just seem to get caught in things and torn off... irritating flapping buggers.
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Old 02-03-2016, 07:16 AM   #24
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Default Re: Resistant to Posions (+8): Poisons for casual consumption and/or showing off

Originally Posted by borithan View Post
This confused me for a second, as I was thinking of a crane fly. I guess that explains the myth, as I never believed that a daddy-long-legs had a poison, but if there are spiders with that name that explains the confusion (though I guess it is really a confusion of a confusion if it doesn't apply to the spider either).

I do have to wonder what advantage those long legs provide, as they just seem to get caught in things and torn off... irritating flapping buggers.

I just woke up so my grammar was poor. In the US the Daddy Long-legs is a typical house spider and noted for having this tiny abdomen with huge legs. There's a myth that they are super deadly but have fangs too small to penetrate skin. This was complete BS but Myth Busters makes it fun to try out these theories.

Best part of the episode what having a swarm of them in a container and the tester putting their hand in to get bit. It happened and sure enough, no side effects. They, of course, spoke to a specialist in the field of arachnid venom first.
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Old 02-03-2016, 08:17 AM   #25
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Default Re: Resistant to Posions (+8): Poisons for casual consumption and/or showing off

Originally Posted by vicky_molokh View Post
The other factor is, of course, that examples that have reason to be consumed are the best. "Detoxifying it was too much of a hassle" and "But it tastes good!" are the reasons I came up with so far, but perhaps there are others.
Wild animals in fact eat a lot of things that are mildly poisonous. Typical behavior involves alternating what they eat in such a way that they don't get a seriously harmful dose of any one poison. There are studies of this in foraging theory. Human cooking is among other things a moderately effective set of detoxification techniques, and ordinarily humans don't poison themselves; in famines, people may turn to eating things that have toxic effects, and older cultures often have repertoires of foods that are only eaten at such times.
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Old 02-03-2016, 11:07 AM   #26
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Default Re: Resistant to Posions (+8): Poisons for casual consumption and/or showing off

Originally Posted by whswhs View Post
...older cultures often have repertoires of foods that are only eaten at such times.
Not necessarily safely, though. There are non-toxic "sweet" varieties of cassava. Cultures that farm those sometimes turn to wild cassava in famine/warfare, but don't have the knowledge on how to process the toxic "bitter" cassava. This injures and kills a lot of people :(
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Old 02-03-2016, 11:37 AM   #27
The Colonel
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Default Re: Resistant to Posions (+8): Poisons for casual consumption and/or showing off

... it occurs to me that the guy who has this is never going to be able to get drunk or high.

I'm also reminded of the comic strip from Dragon where a dwarf is fed a poison berry pie by a slightly deaf baker who had mistaken his order for a boysenberry pie for an attempt to show off his natural dwarven poison resistance.
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Old 02-03-2016, 05:37 PM   #28
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Default Re: Resistant to Posions (+8): Poisons for casual consumption and/or showing off

Originally Posted by GodBeastX View Post

I just woke up so my grammar was poor. In the US the Daddy Long-legs is a typical house spider and noted for having this tiny abdomen with huge legs. There's a myth that they are super deadly but have fangs too small to penetrate skin. This was complete BS but Myth Busters makes it fun to try out these theories.
Daddy Longlegs can refer to Crane Flies, a True Cellar Spider, or most commonly around here to Harvestmen that look like spiders but aren't. Harvestmen are omnivorous arachnids that chew their food.
The myth pertains to the cellar spider which hunts much larger spiders.
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Old 02-03-2016, 05:39 PM   #29
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Default Re: Resistant to Posions (+8): Poisons for casual consumption and/or showing off

Originally Posted by The Colonel View Post
... it occurs to me that the guy who has this is never going to be able to get drunk or high.

I'm also reminded of the comic strip from Dragon where a dwarf is fed a poison berry pie by a slightly deaf baker who had mistaken his order for a boysenberry pie for an attempt to show off his natural dwarven poison resistance.
I remember a thread about whether one could enjoy mild toxins with immunity to poisons. I don't think there was ever a consensus.
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Old 02-03-2016, 05:42 PM   #30
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Default Re: Resistant to Posions (+8): Poisons for casual consumption and/or showing off

Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
Not necessarily safely, though. There are non-toxic "sweet" varieties of cassava. Cultures that farm those sometimes turn to wild cassava in famine/warfare, but don't have the knowledge on how to process the toxic "bitter" cassava. This injures and kills a lot of people :(
Here in Oregeon, I remember a few years where there were unrelated idiots eating wild mushrooms only for their livers to fail within a few weeks.
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