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Old 04-14-2013, 11:02 PM   #561
six's monkey
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Default Re: Munchin Booty - Ship Enhancers question

Moderator edit: This post was moved here since it's clearly discussing a house rule. House rules should not be discussed in threads where people are requesting actual answers to questions, not how people plan to play the card instead of using the officially intended way.

If I were running a non-tournament game (the only sort I expect to run), I would rule that a fireship with enhancers could broadside (for triple its current strength) and -then- be set alight to add eight to whatever the owner's combat total had been.
Broadside would be used, so it and fireship and attached enhancers would be headed for the discards.

Last edited by MunchkinMan; 04-14-2013 at 11:06 PM.
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Old 04-15-2013, 05:40 PM   #562
Join Date: Apr 2013
Default Re: Member House Rules

I was glad to see this thread. I've been playing the game for a while now (Fantasy version) with the first two expansions (#1 and #2) and the game seems to go nowhere fast. There are so many ways to loose levels that after an hour it's a miracle if anyone has moved up a level and stayed there. That seems imbalanced to me. I'm thinking about tuning the deck and removing a good deal of the level reducing elements to give the game some semblance of progression. Having been trying to introduce the game to new people at work on lunch breaks it's been hard to win people over with the constant level loss and lack of progression. If anyone has successfully done this or has suggestions on some deck tuning that has helped with this I'd much appreciate it.

One of our die hard gamers said he'd never seen the game so hard to play so he suspected that the expansion packs had skewed the game towards being more difficult to win/finish in a reasonable amt of time.

Thanks all!
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Old 04-15-2013, 07:22 PM   #563
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by Tembrock View Post
I was glad to see this thread. I've been playing the game for a while now (Fantasy version) with the first two expansions (#1 and #2) and the game seems to go nowhere fast. There are so many ways to loose levels that after an hour it's a miracle if anyone has moved up a level and stayed there. That seems imbalanced to me. I'm thinking about tuning the deck and removing a good deal of the level reducing elements to give the game some semblance of progression. Having been trying to introduce the game to new people at work on lunch breaks it's been hard to win people over with the constant level loss and lack of progression. If anyone has successfully done this or has suggestions on some deck tuning that has helped with this I'd much appreciate it.

One of our die hard gamers said he'd never seen the game so hard to play so he suspected that the expansion packs had skewed the game towards being more difficult to win/finish in a reasonable amt of time.

Thanks all!
I'm curious where you're finding all these level losing effects. You know you don't lose a level just because you lose a combat. In fact, if you successfully run away you don't suffer any consequences from the loss at all (with the exception of a few nasty monsters). And death doesn't cause level loss either.
Scott K. Ellis
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Old 04-15-2013, 07:23 PM   #564
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Default Re: Member House Rules

I can't say I've ever had that problem with Fantasy Munchkin. There are a few curses that will lose a player a level or two, but there's many more GUALs to counteract those.

Perhaps you are applying a rule incorrectly? You are rolling a die when you fail to beat a monster and only applying the Bad Stuff when you get less than 5, right?
My unofficial, but comprehensive Flowcharts: Munchkin: A4 Letter; Munchkin Quest: A4 Letter
Rules Checklist for all Munchkin sets: A4 Letter.
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Old 04-16-2013, 07:22 AM   #565
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Okay, trying to get this thread back on track about ideas for house rules, how about this:

If the Munchkin 10th Anniversary Poster is displayed where you are playing any version of Munchkin and it is the same month as your anniversary, you get a +1 Combat Strength. If it is the signed Munchkin 10th Anniversary Poster you get a +4 Combat Strength.
Please check out my Munchkin trade requests here and my Munchkin CCG trade requests here.

Indiana MIB available for demos and tournaments. Please check out my Facebook page to see what I am up to.
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Old 04-24-2013, 11:00 AM   #566
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default Re: Member House Rules

When I was first introduced to Munchkin, my neighbors had it, so we played. But they're younger than me, so they didn't do selling 1,000 gold pieces worth of items. And also, they didn't read the rules all the way through, so we only go up a level when we use a "Go Up a Level" card, or we fight a monster that says "2 Levels" at the bottom. Then, of course, they threw out the rule sheet...
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Old 04-29-2013, 12:21 AM   #567
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Default Home Made Munchkin CHEST!

Hey Everyone,

I was about to post this in "House Rules"

But the epicness of this box i thought deserved its Own topic,

My Friend is a Carpenter and Makes his own Boxes / Chests and what not and at my request made this chest, as over the last year and a half I have spent a ridiculous amount of money collecting everything munchkin and I now have a LOT of Core Sets / Expansions and Random Munchkin Merchandise.

So this box is going to be great at storing my items in my place, and He wants to know

IF he was to make an "Unofficial Munchkin House Rule"

What would be a good Game House Rule for this Box ?

I would really appreciate any Help you have with this because the final decision whatever rule we decide hes going to put on the underside of the lid.

I hope by posting this it does not break any Forum Rules.

The Box is not yet finished and has a fair amount of finishing work left. But again, any and all comments are appreciated.
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Old 04-29-2013, 09:54 AM   #568
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Default Re: Member House Rules

A post on another thread got me thinking. I have Fantasy munchkin with all expansions and all booster packs, and my group has noticed that this causes a few issues when playing:

-Sometimes, you don't get a race or class card for a LONG time (the deck is just too diluted with other stuff)
-The starting hands can determine if you will win or not

To remedy this, I've come up with a set of simple rules to make Munchkin into a semi-deck-building game. I'll post them here, and I'd like to hear what you guys think of them. Please let me know if you think any given rule is good or bad. My group will probably be trying these out over the next couple weeks.

Munchkin Deck-building variant rules

Each player starts off with a deck of 15 door cards and 10 treasure cards that consist of the following:

Personal Door Deck
1 Cleric
1 Dwarf
1 Elf
1 Halfling
1 Thief
1 Warrior
1 Wizard
1 -5 to monster card
1 +5 to monster card
1 level 1 monster
1 level 10 monster
1 level 15 monster
1 Super Munchkin card
1 Half-breed card
1 Curse! card (these will have to be chosen to be relatively similar in strength)

Personal Treasure Deck
1 Go Up A Level (with no special rules)
1 Wishing Ring
1 weapon card (1-handed, +3 max bonus)
1 armor card (+3 max bonus)
1 headgear (+3 max bonus)
1 potion of +3 to either side
1 item enhancer card
1 hireling
1 non-slot item with a combat bonus
1 Loaded Die

At the start of the game, each player shuffles their personal decks and deals themselves 4 cards from those decks instead of the main game deck.

At any time when you would normally draw a face-down card, you may instead draw from your personal deck. You may also draw from your own Door deck during the “kick down a door” phase. All the same rules apply as far as fighting monsters, curses, etc. You may NOT draw from your own Treasure deck when drawing face-up treasures (such as after a combat that included a helper).

Your decks cannot increase in size. In order to add a new card to your deck, you must follow these steps:

1) The card must have just been discarded. If someone has discarded on top of the card you want, you can’t get it, even if it becomes the top card of the discard pile again somehow. You can’t acquire an annihilated card. Fairy Dust, Munchkinomicon, or other “special” decks are immune (you can’t acquire the Munchkinomicon or the Sparkly Good Fairy, sorry!)

2a) If the card has a gold piece value, you must discard a number of cards from your hand or those you have in play equal to half the gold piece value, rounded down.

2b) If the card does NOT have a gold value, but does have a combat bonus value, you must discard a number of cards equal to its combat bonus (ignore special restrictions, such as +4 for females, and use the default value).

2c) If the card has neither a gold value or a combat bonus, you must only discard one card.

3) Any card that you acquire in this way is unable to be used for the rest of the current game. Put it aside.

4) The winner of the game gets to search through both discard piles and pick one card to add to his or her deck. They must still sacrifice a card of the same type.

5) At the end of the current game, you may include the new card in your deck by sacrificing a card of the same type from the deck. Write down your new deck composition and keep it for next time. Rules for the composition of your deck are found below. If a card was “stolen” from you (as in it was acquired by another player after being discarded), you must choose a card to replace it from the “basic” cards which make up the starting decks.

Deck Composition:
Your deck must consist of the following number and types of cards:

Door Deck
-7 Race or Class cards, or enhancers of those cards (like Dark or Elite). This means you can have up to 7 of any one race or class, or any combination of both
-Five monster, monster enhancer, or monster enhancer enhancer cards
-Three “wild” cards. These cards can be any type of Door card that is not listed above

Treasure Deck
-One Go Up A Level card
-9 “wild” cards (anything but a Go Up A Level)

Suggested Deck Styles:
Just to give you an idea of what kinds of personal decks you can build, here are some thoughts I had:

Centaurs love shoes:
You would try to acquire as many Centaur race cards and footgear as possible. This would allow you to have two (or more) footgear bonuses at any given time.

Ranger steed-junkie:
Acquire a bunch of Ranger class cards and several high-level monsters to be your steed of choice at any given moment.

Lizard Guy Alchemist:
Acquire a bunch of Lizard Guy race cards and a ton of potions, which will count double when you use them to help the monsters.

Halfling Salesman:
Get a bunch of Halfling race cards and several items worth 1000 gold. Each turn, sell one of those items to go up two levels.

Stout Dwarf:
Acquire several Dwarf race cards and many Big items, all of which you can use at once.

Shadowy Thief:
Get several Thief cards and all three Dark cards. Every time you backstab a player and they lose to the monsters, you gain a level.

Undead-bane cleric:
Acquire Cleric race cards and monsters of the undead type or the Undead monster enhancers, and you’ll get bonuses to defeating these monsters.
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Old 04-29-2013, 12:19 PM   #569
Andrew Hackard
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Default Re: Home Made Munchkin CHEST!

Originally Posted by whitecloud197 View Post
But the epicness of this box i thought deserved its Own topic,
The box is impressive.

The point of the House Rules thread is so players can be confident that anything NOT in this thread is, at least in intention, the rules as written. It defeats that goal to have house rules posted elsewhere, no matter how clearly labeled, so I moved your post.
Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Line Editor
If you have a question that isn't getting answered, we have a thread for that.

Let people like what they like. Don't be a gamer hater.

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Old 04-29-2013, 02:51 PM   #570
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Roger Andrew. Thanks
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combining different, doors, dummy hand, epic, extras, funny, gambling, gameplay, house rules, multi-deck, munchkin, munchkin zombies, new way to play, rules, rules variant, team, teams, two player, zombie dice

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