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Old 05-14-2021, 06:37 PM   #681
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Having worked in Zybo’s investigation (delivering a critical success), I attempted to write you off the list of suspects. The fact Day and I have pointed Chiki as the top subject, also convincing Zybo of her culpability should as well add to my effort.

I suggest Day and I persuade Zybo of updating the list of suspects and changing Day and Pothi to another section (given their valuable support).

Day should as well find Chiki and turn her into a liaison of La Quinta República also making her think she worked with an officer to meddle with the engines (respectively a duty and a delusion).

As far as I understand I will have access to Zybo’s computer once the interviews resume. This means I might have a chance to remove you (Hua) from the list of subjects. The idea is updating the original list with the one I produced (with a critical success) with Zybo’s permission. This might also "save" more people, but it shall partially cover your (Hua’s) tracks.

I think you (Hua) must support Day with the drugs. You could fetch/make dummy pills and give them to Day, so he takes one of these once the time comes.

Finally, we have to find a way to control the forces we are building. Perhaps in the following days we could give the officers and other targets a set of additional "delusions" to establish a channel to deliver our instructions and have the subverted people build trust among them.

For example, we could give officer "X" this delusion:
La Quinta República will leave instructions in my locker.

Then we give this delusion to the rest of the subverted:
I trust officer "X" as a representative of La Quinta República.

With this, we could provide officer "X" with a list of the subverted, and have him contact these people to carry the instructions we deliver. You (Hua) could be the messenger, since you can turn invisible.
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Old 05-15-2021, 11:13 AM   #682
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Daymar is makes it to the meeting slightly late, having "somehow" convinced his superior to give them a break.

Pacifica's pilfering of the files turned up the latest plan the officers have for fighting the dreadstormers. Just before the ship arrives at the supply depot**, they plan to place an entire section of hyperdrive personel under arrest: Daymar's section to be precise. They also plan to leave a message saying they've run into dread stormers, and wait for a smaller ship that will hitting the same depot one to four days after the nightfall does. They will swap out large sections of the crew with that ship, as well as leaving a lot of their crew at the depot, especially ones suspected of being dreadstormers. They will also replenish their supply of psi-suppressing flour, and attempt to administer the pills in public to everyone again.

They've got a list of suspected dreadstormers... Pacifica is not on it. Daymar is on it, though he's in order with the rest of his section. Hua is on it as well.

** I believe this will happen in three days. Let me know if that sounds wrong
Daymar arrives a bit late, but catches Pacifica's explanation. "Good work, Pacifica. Since my section is already suspected of having one or more dreadstormers, I'm wondering if I should take more drastic actions to slow us arriving at the depot. I could sabotage the grav plates ( or disable the engines ( I also need to finish with Chiki and the implicated officers."
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).
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Old 05-16-2021, 01:10 PM   #683
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
I think you (Hua) must support Day with the drugs. You could fetch/make dummy pills and give them to Day, so he takes one of these once the time comes.
I can fetch the dummy pills from my mess. I'm not sure if they're the right shape for what are used when publicly taking pills. Wouldn't the real risk be being found holding on to the pill you were supposed to swallow anyway?

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
Finally, we have to find a way to control the forces we are building
Surely if they're loyal we can just tell them, no need for further programming.

I think we need to move into a more aggressive posture. I think we should start targeting medical personnel to help ensure any casualties become permanent losses. It should help thin out security by redirecting where they place them.
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Old 05-16-2021, 04:52 PM   #684
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I can fetch the dummy pills from my mess. I'm not sure if they're the right shape for what are used when publicly taking pills. Wouldn't the real risk be being found holding on to the pill you were supposed to swallow anyway?

Surely if they're loyal we can just tell them, no need for further programming.

I think we need to move into a more aggressive posture. I think we should start targeting medical personnel to help ensure any casualties become permanent losses. It should help thin out security by redirecting where they place them.
"Rather than targeting the medical personnel, I could try to subvert them. But I guess they'll have to join the list, I've still got to get those two first officers, and may have to sabotage something to slow down our arrival at the depot." Day trails off, thinking about all he still has to do.
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).
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Old 05-17-2021, 11:36 AM   #685
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
Okay, good to know, he might need to use the quick option with exposure - since he's already been exposed, to some degree, the relative increase in risk is minor.
Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
"I also need to finish with Chiki and the implicated officers."
"Maybe you could make sure Chiki is nearby when you cause the rapid breakdown... That could really implicate her even if she isn't brainwashed."

Originally Posted by GnomesofZurich View Post
"Rather than targeting the medical personnel, I could try to subvert them. But I guess they'll have to join the list, I've still got to get those two first officers, and may have to sabotage something to slow down our arrival at the depot." Day trails off, thinking about all he still has to do.
Well, that's why I'm thinking I might just go after them on my own. Security can't be everywhere at once, so if there off hunting for a maniac with a knife, they might be forced to have less security on the engineering floor.
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Old 05-18-2021, 01:32 AM   #686
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Observing her teammates have much in their heads. She tells them to stay calm and shares her schedule with them, including the time-frame she will be aiding Zybo.

I believe this will help you find me if you ever need me. Oh, and regarding the medical bay, that’s a good plan indeed. I would try to find a way to summon security personnel to that section, it probably is a safe location to subvert them. You could try to have a doctor carry a series of “random” check-ups and subsequently arrange a casual meeting with the people you lured.

Pacifica seems in agreement with her teammates. Before leaving, she also tells Hua and Day about the things in their profiles, so they can reduce their chances of exposure in the future.

And remember, keep your eyes open.

She speaks in a marked Zorbani accent, and bids farewell doing a "Zorbani Navy Greeting".
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Old 05-18-2021, 08:52 PM   #687
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

The next day, Pacifica will check with her lunch buddies if they have noticed anything new (out of her knowledge) about yesterday. She will also avoid questions about her work with Zybo (providing safe answers with savoir-faire military). She will also bring back the rumor about the re-supply operation, “polemizing the subject” talking about the possibility that Dread-Stormers could actually arrive to the ship if such a thing was to happen. She wants to build tension so her group is more attentive to details but also receptive to news such as the detention Zybo has planned (although she won’t mention anything about it).

Keep your eyes open.

Savoir-Faire (Military):
3d6 <= 14
5 + 1 + 6 = 12 ... success.

Pacifica (fast-talk -2):
3d6 <= 11
4 + 2 + 1 = 7 ... success.
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Old 05-18-2021, 09:21 PM   #688
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
The next day...
Patience please...
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Old 05-19-2021, 03:23 PM   #689
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Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
Observing her teammates have much in their heads. She tells them to stay calm and shares her schedule with them, including the time-frame she will be aiding Zybo.

I believe this will help you find me if you ever need me. Oh, and regarding the medical bay, that’s a good plan indeed. I would try to find a way to summon security personnel to that section, it probably is a safe location to subvert them. You could try to have a doctor carry a series of “random” check-ups and subsequently arrange a casual meeting with the people you lured.

Pacifica seems in agreement with her teammates. Before leaving, she also tells Hua and Day about the things in their profiles, so they can reduce their chances of exposure in the future.

And remember, keep your eyes open.

She speaks in a marked Zorbani accent, and bids farewell doing a "Zorbani Navy Greeting".
Day sums up his take away from the meeting, "Okay, I will attend the meeting with Zybo, and then I'm going to disable the engines, whatever I need to do. If Pacifica's plan to get Pothi and I re-assigned works, great, if not I might need to hide, maybe by going EVA."
Secret: Not a Gnome. (Actually a Dwarf with Dwarfism).
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Old 05-21-2021, 10:28 PM   #690
Join Date: Jan 2014
Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

I guess I'll summarize my takeaway:
"I'll start killing medical personnel to force security to be redirected to protecting them instead of other operations."
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